Shavua Tov, The Open Forum 12.01.22

Especially in the context of Israel, world news, current events and politics, what’s on your mind? Anything goes except hate, trolling and religious disputes.

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1,061 thoughts on “Shavua Tov, The Open Forum 12.01.22

    1. bill smith

      Suggestion #1, “use your tongue”….. Other than Gene Simons, who has a tongue sufficiently long enough?

      1. Weary Traveler

        Funny enough, that actually resembles an exercise that is supposed to be really good at eliminating double-chin.

  1. Weary Traveler

    @Proud Conservative Mom I wanted to address each point that was it was made that stuck out with me on the last thread with regards to your response to the Rabbi Lapin video on the last page.

People look for permanence.

    Indeed there are those who don’t very purposefully.

    The Internet is indeed an example of a false sense of permanence!

    This is something Mattias Desmet talks about with regards to “mass formation psychosis” and “the psychology of Totalitarianism.” The evil sociopathic globalist left needs individuals to be atomized in order for the mass formation psychosis to take affect. This explains their relentless attack over many generations on traditional marriage and the family.

    Imbalanced trade deals that lead to offshoring of jobs, which mainly displaced men, among other policies put in to the workplace also played a part in this. This is a great book on the subject called “The road to Somewhere”, which was written by a BBC journalist no less, named David Goodhart, who is, if you can believe it, a Labor Party member, and voted for the UK to remain, but actually pointed out without using cries of “racism” and “xenophobia,” to explain the rise in national populism from Brexit to Trump.

    He actually says it is a way of life, and being rooted to a place with family and community, which he refers to as “somewheres”, and referring to the globe trotters as “everywheres”. He points out that only 20% of the workforce consists of “everywheres”, yet the system is geared towards them, and they call the shots for the remaining 80%.
    This has also displaced many men, and more and more men are either being pushed out of the labor market, or just voluntarily leaving due to lack of upward mobility and purpose being offered.

    Naturally, this is a huge contributing factor to declining marriages, with so many men feeling unworthy, given their limited abilities to provide, even for themselves.

    Back to Dr. Mattias Desmet, he has also pointed out the internet’s contribution to this atomizing. I would also add the pushing of SSRIs on the public over the last 30 years. DW and I were discussing the damage done by the internet on her blog a few days ago. In thinking about that conversation, she is right in pointing out how many storefronts have been killed by it, and how people socialize less as a result also.

    However, I see a flip side to it, as with the information that is being provided to us. It is only now that the masses are awakening to the lies and what has been done to them, and that is, ironically, in large part due to the internet, and the information available.

    So their own tools are actually being used against them now.

    One stands to reason that when a boyfriend or girlfriend who have been together long term break up, it’s very painful to members of their individual families. That’s because bonding has been accomplished and there has been an attachment. When the couple breaks up, family members are indeed shattered.

    It makes life so much simpler and more beautiful and meaningful.
Again, I can attest to this.

    I’ll never forget when Sarita first explained the “speed dating” process to me in Judaism. As a gentile, and especially one with a very secular upbringing, you can probably imagine what a foreign concept such a thing is to someone like myself, and I do have very favorable views towards traditional marriage, and do not acknowledge the mock marriages of homosexuals, polygamists, and polyamory.

    I am very well aware that marriage is a huge step, and your life changes forever. Even positive steps can be scary. Even if it is something like getting a better job. But just like in that situation, sometimes you just gotta go for it.

    Of course, let’s see how brave I really am should the opportunity arise. LOL

    But there is one thing I remember my brother saying years ago to me, which is that the only guarantee there is in life is that if you don’t go for it, you wont get it.

    Again the impermanence Rabbi Lapin described with the two fictional characters, and what it does to those around them, is a good example of how so many people have been atomized, and why, as Carolyn would say, act like they are “on the spectrum.”

    Of course it does worse to children, and if anyone does talk about any of it, as confused and as bitter as they are about everything, what they say is very telling to the situation. Sadly, the reality is even worse than the apology Rabbi Lapin gave, as “hook up culture” has demoralized way too many people.

    I had a lot more to add earlier, I’m sure, but… Having a full day and all, I am sure some things slipped my mind.

    Oh well…. At least no one was subjected to too much of a wall of text. LOL

    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      “The evil sociopathic globalist left needs individuals to be atomized in order for the mass formation psychosis to take affect. This explains their relentless attack over many generations on traditional marriage and the family.”


      “Imbalanced trade deals that lead to offshoring of jobs, which mainly displaced men, among other policies put in to the workplace also played a part in this.”

      It’s hard to believe that a BBC Journalist wrote it. He’s right on the money!

      Pardon me, what are SSRIs?

      I know that store fronts were indeed damaged because of the internet.
      Social relationships were damaged due to Covid lockdowns.

      Despite severe chronic pain and complex health issues, I remain a very social person.

      Unfortunately, there were very meaningful occasions that I missed due to illness or severe chronic pain.
      HOWEVER I never permitted that from trying to live my life.

      I never became a hermit.
      I always put myself together.
      I never let fear of the pain becoming unbearable at an occasion prevent me from attending.
      I’ve had many occasions where I had terrible pain attacks and couldn’t leave my chair at certain points.
      To most of these affairs, I have to travel at least an hour and a half.
      I NEVER regretted putting in the effort.
      Living life in fear is not living.
      My mother taught me that.

      I do everything in my power to live the best life that I can.
      Mondays, I have my choir to look forward to.
      It also leads into me practicing the audios for my harmony.
      Tuesday, I have my Parsha class.
      Wednesday, I try to visit my parents when possible.

      Around those activities, I take life moment by moment.
      I work with people on the phone, online, and/or via audios.
      Manifold, it’s a combination of all three.
      Oh course, I work with people in person as well.

      In between that, there is trying to take care of my family as much as possible.
      My husband does the bulk of the shopping.
      It’s difficult for me to push a full shopping cart, manifold.

      I also walk every day as much as possible for 35-40 minutes and swim early in the morning on Tuesdays.

      I’m also kept very busy with various doctor’s appointments.
      I will never call that a social event! LOL!

      It’s very interesting.
      It’s not speed dating what you are thinking about in the secular world.
      It’s a blind date, always.
      The couple goes out on dates to see if marriage is suitable for them.
      The parents of the couple research the perspective partner beforehand.
      A date can be three to four hours.
      (Two, if the couple have nothing to say to each other. I had two of those. Not fun.)

      “But there is one thing I remember my brother saying years ago to me, which is that the only guarantee there is in life is that if you don’t go for it, you wont get it.”

      It takes alot of guts and courage to make a commitment.
      If you never allow yourself to take a risk, you’ll never get the reward.
      Indeed in life there are never any guarantees.

      “Of course it does worse to children, and if anyone does talk about any of it, as confused and as bitter as they are about everything, what they say is very telling to the situation.”


      1. Weary Traveler

        SSRI = Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor = psychotropic drugs which have been handed out like candy on Halloween over the last 30 years.

        I can’t believe I actually found common ground with Scientologists, but on that topic, I fully agree with them. I think they were being used to make it so people could cope with lives they were not meant to live as humans = to suppress the conscience. Such drugs were involved in just about every mass shooting. Especially school shootings like Columbine.

        I remember Michael Savage would rightfully rail against those drugs every day, and the real damage they do when given to people that shouldn’t be taking them, which is most who are prescribed them.

        The over medicating of our population, especially our children, is why I tend to distrust the medical profession, even long before the COVID hoax began.

        Yes, I was very impressed by that BBC journalist, and surprised that someone on the political left could be so objective when talking about those on the right. Especially now as the word “liberal” has been taken from its original definition, and is now French for Statism.

        I remember first coming across David Goodhart’s work when I watched a half hour interview with him on YouTube that was put out some time after Trump won. The interview took me back to a couple of instances back in college. One in particular was my Rotoscoping class, when after finals, the instructor gave some “state of the industry” talk, and pointed out that we would most likely have to chase gigs halfway around the world, as stable jobs in studios were very scarce.

        This is actually a big reason as to how I fell in to doing Quality Control for Artificial Intelligence data.

        This instructor tried to say that this was something that would be easier for international students. For one, she was admitting to the scam where American schools were being used to train foreign workers. Second, the international students in the class, actually joined in with me, and gave this instructor their 2¢ as well, telling her how full of it she was, and that she is in no position to speak for them, and what they are okay with, or want.

        Most did not like the idea of globe trotting = living out of furnished apartments or hotels = living out of a suitcase, having no family of their own, pets, or possessions = anything that resembles permanence. They also understand something better than most Americans, which is how nationalistic most of these other countries are. Especially the eastern countries where may of the positions have been offshored to.

        They will ALWAYS give preference to their own people over ANY foreigner. The fact that the US, as well as many other western countries, hasn’t, is why the instability exists in the first place.

        Too much say in the matter has been given to the minority that, if not just flat out evil, are apathetic.

        The way the powers that aught no be figure it, the more atomized we are, the more we live in our own heads, and the more volatile we are, which makes us easier to control. But of course, they call it “progress.”

        I for one hardly consider declining birth rates, and increasing depression, overall misery and dissatisfaction, and suicide rates “progress.”

        It was actually permanence that actually allowed civilization to be created, and lead to our many advancements, and did wonders for human evolution. An evolution that would never have been possible if not for the discovery of agriculture, and humanity remained in the same day to day survival mode of its hunter gatherer ancestors.

        I recall listening to the John Batchelor Radio Show on my way home from work many years ago, and they were talking to these scientists that were featured in an NY Times article, if you can believe it, that discovered a link between monogamy and evolution = species of primates that had monogamous relationships in male and female actually showed a much higher rate of evolution than species of primates that did not = where papa was a rolling stone.

        It would make sense, on a scientific level, that the more intelligent the species, the more nurturing it would require. Humans would be n different.

        1. Proud Conservative Mom

          “The over medicating of our population, especially our children, is why I tend to distrust the medical profession, even long before the COVID hoax began.”


          The language is constantly evolving.
          It incenses me how so much of it has been hijacked.

          “This instructor tried to say that this was something that would be easier for international students. For one, she was admitting to the scam where American schools were being used to train foreign workers. Second, the international students in the class, actually joined in with me, and gave this instructor their 2¢ as well, telling her how full of it she was, and that she is in no position to speak for them, and what they are okay with, or want.”

          I’m speechless…

          “They will ALWAYS give preference to their own people over ANY foreigner. The fact that the US, as well as many other western countries, hasn’t, is why the instability exists in the first place.

          Too much say in the matter has been given to the minority that, if not just flat out evil, are apathetic.”

          I concur absolutely!

          “It was actually permanence that actually allowed civilization to be created, and lead to our many advancements, and did wonders for human evolution.”

          Absolutely, and on many levels!

          FYI, I just saw another incredible Rabbi Tovia Singer video that just came out.
          I opine that you and Carolyn would tremendously appreciate it.

          I’ll email it to you in five minutes, Be’Ezras Hashem.
          It’s another winner!

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            Just sent it.

            I adore Rabbi Tovia Singer.
            No matter how much I have learned, he always has so much more to teach me.

            If you can, please let me know your thoughts.

            I’m subscribed to his channels.
            Ergo, I get everything hot off the presses.

    1. "Divergent" sgthwjack ✯

      POLITICIAN, n. An eel in the fundamental mud upon which the superstructure of organized society is reared. When he wriggles he mistakes the agitation of his tail for the trembling of the edifice. As compared with the statesman, he suffers the disadvantage of being alive.” Ambrose Bierce

      The District of Corruption is infested with his sort.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            It snowed a little bit in my area.
            In Monsey, NY (where my choir meets, which is a forty five minute drive without traffic and an hour on the way home as that is the beginning of rush hour), it had a bit more snow.
            It looked like a winter wonderland.
            It was stunning!

            I hope it will be warmer and sunny for you tomorrow!

          1. Sapper 9

            We got a raising Canes a while back, I have intended to try it, but I have not got around to it.

            I haven’t darkened the threshold of Chik-fil-a since the CEO made his shoe shine statment.

            Our first Whataburger opened today. 😊

          2. Weary Traveler

            I was introduced to them when I lived in Las Vegas. They had one in my neighborhood that was very close to my apartment. Price-wise, reasonable, and the food was pretty decent.

          3. Sapper 9

            There were people lined up 12 hours before the Whataburger opened; talk about needing to get a life. Lol

          4. Weary Traveler


            I remember when the first Chick-Fil-A came to the Bay Area. That was the Walnut Creek location.

            Of course, the gay lobby had to get their foot soldiers out there to protest, since the then CEO, Dan Cathy, publicly supported traditional marriage. Of course, this created a counter-protest.

            Two dozen queer protestors vs. thousands of people wanting chicken, and the alphabet people were ignored. Since then, more Chick-Fil-A’s have opened up around the Bay Area; Pleasanton, Sunnyvale, Rohnert Park, Novato, San Jose, and Daly City. And all are still usually pretty busy on a daily basis.

          5. Weary Traveler

            For me, it’s the classic sandwich, and a side of nuggets with those crisscut fries of theirs.

          6. Weary Traveler

            That was actually the first item of their I ever had.

            This was back in the late 80s, and there were only two Chick-Fil-A’s in northern California at the time; the Solano Mall in Fairfield, and the Northridge Mall in Salinas.

            This would be at the Salinas location. They had someone with a sample platter with the nuggets. Needless to say, no one complained about the taste, and most would immediately go in to order some food.

            My parents and me being among those.

  2. Proud Conservative Mom

    My Top 10 Quotes
    By: Rabbi Shraga Simmons

    “The righteous person falls seven times and gets up.”
    King Solomon, Proverbs 24:16.

    Failure is tough. It hurts. But it’s not the worst thing in the world. King Solomon defines the righteous person not as someone who never makes a mistake, but rather as one who keeps trying again and again. Failure has the incomparable ability to toughen you up for the next, bigger challenge.

    My teacher, Rabbi Noah Weinberg zt”l, launched many educational start-ups before finally hitting on the right formula with Aish HaTorah. Curiously, he always seemed proud of those failures. He understood that falling seven times – and overcoming those failures – is precisely the way to become great. I call it the Failure-Success Paradox.

    Failure is not something to be feared. It’s part and parcel of the road to greatness. As Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      “The real excitement would be to see Niagara Falls flowing the other way.”
      Oscar Wilde (paraphrased)

      In the time of Moses, the Jewish people were sustained by “manna,” a bread-like substance that fell each day from the sky (Exodus 16:15). Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler asks: Which is the greater miracle – bread coming from the earth, or bread from Heaven? Instinctively, we would say “bread from Heaven” is an amazing miracle. But objectively speaking, “bread from Heaven” is really just a simple showering down. “Bread from the earth,” however, demands a confluence of factors including proper soil, nutrients, sunlight, rain, temperature, etc.

      We say “bread from Heaven” is more of a miracle because it’s so uncommon. But if we’d never before been exposed to the idea of a tiny seed being thrown into the ground, decaying, and then growing into grain, we’d immediately say: “That’s a miracle!”

      The difference between what we call “nature” and what we call a “miracle” is a matter of frequency.

      This Oscar Wilde quote reminds me of my job years ago as a tour guide in Niagara Falls. It was a daily challenge for me to match the degree of enthusiasm displayed by the tourists seeing the magnificent Falls for the first time. Till today this quote reminds me not to take the wonders of creation for granted. Do I appreciate the miracle of trees breathing carbon dioxide, so that we can breathe oxygen? The attractive smell and color of an orange, with it’s protective coating? The simplicity of thirst-quenching, life-sustaining water? The miracle of a baby’s birth?

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        “If you don’t know what you’re willing to die for, then you don’t know what you’re living for.”
        Rabbi Noah Weinberg, founder of Aish HaTorah

        This quote gets to the core of everything. If I don’t have meaning in my life, then all the physical enjoyments and beautiful vacations are just playing games.

        Every human being has a deep intrinsic need for meaning. That’s why you’ll find so many “causes” in the world – save the whales, poverty relief, cancer research. Yet all causes are not created equal, and we need to be cautious not to get sidetracked into an activity that, while meaningful, falls short of the ultimate.

        The Kony 2012 campaign illustrates this. At first it struck a huge chord, with nearly 100 million people viewing the film in a matter of days. A month later, however, when people were asked to translate that awareness into public action, the campaign flopped. However meaningful and important this cause is, it seems that when faced with the prospect of devoting their time and energy, people evaluated whether this was – as they say in the Marines – “the hill I want to die on.”

        That very question – “What am I willing to die for?” – unlocks the secret of what is truly most important. (My personal answer: God, family and the Jewish people.) And if something is worth dying for, then it is certainly worth living for. Until we’ve answered that question, we haven’t really begun to live.

        1. Proud Conservative Mom

          “If you can’t explain it, you don’t fully understand it.”
          Vilna Gaon, commentary to Proverbs 22:18

          I teach a class three times a week and, truth be told, my main motivation is to master the material. In order to teach, I have to know it backward and forward, to be able to present it from different angles, and to field any questions that may arise. Teaching is a great way to prevent what I call “fake-out” – that lazy, seductive voice inside us that says: “Mediocre is good enough.”

          Teaching comes with many bonuses. Of course, there’s the deep satisfaction of seeing a student move along the path from confusion to clarity. For a teacher, that moment of “understanding” is a priceless thrill.

          There’s another bonus as well: I invariably come away from my class knowing the material better than I did going in. That’s because the students’ questions sharpen my understanding, forcing me to examine new facets and construct sound paradigms. As the great Rebbe Yehuda said: “Much have I learned from my teachers, more from my colleagues, but most of all from my students.” (Talmud – Taanit 7a)

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            “In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.”
            David Ben-Gurion, first prime minister of Israel, Interview on CBS, October 5, 1956

            How is it possible that Israel has survived against such impossible odds? In 1948, with no planes and only three tanks, a rag-tag Israeli militia of Holocaust survivors and kibbutz farmers miraculously staved off annihilation at the hands of seven attacking armies. The Jewish people went on to achieve the unimaginable by ingathering the exiles, reviving an ancient language, making the desert bloom, and building one of the most stable hi-tech economies in the world. This was all done in the face of economic embargo, diplomatic isolation, relentless war and terror attacks.

            Today, as Iran races toward nuclear weapons, Israel is in the midst of another existential threat. If Iran gets the bomb, life in Israel could be untenable; stopping Iran won’t be much easier. On one hand, daily life goes on as usual – shopping, school, paying the bills. At the same time, the pressure is enormous. Just as in June 1967 when millions of Arab troops amassed on Israel’s borders, today too the rabbinate is readying tens of thousands of graves.

            By all traditional socio-historic measures, the likelihood of Israel’s survival – surrounded by Arab nations with 640 times the land mass and 350 million more people – is slim. But in this land, which “the eyes of God are always upon it” (Deut. 11:12), the regular rules don’t apply. In Israel, even the realists believe in miracles.

          2. Proud Conservative Mom

            “Killing time is suicide on the installment plan.”
            Rabbi Noah Weinberg

            Have you ever been on a job interview where they ask: “What do you really hate?” That’s a tough question to answer successfully. Here’s my answer: “I hate waste.” Wasted resources, wasted effort, and worst of all, wasted time.

            Time is incredibly precious in that it can never be replenished. Once it’s lost, it’s gone. (Reaching age 50 has made this reality all the more profound.)

            I refer to this quotation on the occasions I find myself drifting into what I call “web-waste.” You know, clicking here and there in an endless chain of exploration. That’s when it’s time to stop and check: Am I engaged in purposeful activity? (Reviewing your browser history is a great way to measure just how much time gets wasted.)

            I once heard Rabbi Chaim P. Scheinberg explain: With most jewelry, the valuable item is set in the middle, surrounded by material of secondary value (e.g. a diamond ring). The exception is a wristwatch, where an expensive gold setting is used to house a few springs and dials. That’s because in truth, time is the most precious commodity of all.

          3. Proud Conservative Mom

            “The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?”

            Mark Twain, Harpers Magazine, 1899

            The Jewish people are truly incredible. Jewish Nobel prize-winners 100-fold in proportion to our numbers. Jewish leaders worldwide in business, the arts, politics and science. And when in human history has a tiny country accomplished as much in 64 years as Israel has?

            We sometimes lose sight of this, amidst our infighting and all the criticism being hurled at Israel and at Jews in general. What is driving all that negativity? There are many answers (see’s excellent online seminar, “Why the Jews?”), but when the unfair criticism takes aim, our challenge is to keep our chins high and know where justice lies.

            This reminds me of the story of two Jews walking down the street, when a skinhead drives by and shouts: “Dirty Jews!” One of the Jews shrugs his shoulders, considers taking a shower, and quietly bemoans the fact that the skinhead is intolerant and hateful. The other Jew, meanwhile, turns bright red with anger and runs down the street shaking his fist at the car.

            What’s the difference between them? One is focused on the incredible, eternal benefits of being part of the greatest story in human history. He earns great satisfaction from his practice of Judaism – the beauty of Shabbat, community, and connection to God. So he can handle some negativity because it’s clearly outweighed by the positive value. But for the Jew who lacks Jewish pride, the response to anti-Semitism is just frustration and anger.

          4. Proud Conservative Mom

            “All that is thought should not be said. All that is said should not be written. All that is written should not be published. All that is published should not be read.”
            Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk

            Life seems to be an endless flow of information. Foursquare tells me exactly where my “friends” ate lunch today; Facebook shows me photos of who they ate it with; and Yelp tells me whether or not they liked it. It can sometimes feel like a mad cycle of garbage in, garbage out. Whatever happened to privacy, modesty, discretion?

            That’s where a bit of “free will” comes in. Just because the tools are there to share, share, share, doesn’t mean we have to partake. We have to know where to stop. Otherwise, it’s a big black hole. And as I always say, the world needs less information… and more inspiration.

          5. Proud Conservative Mom

            “The difference between a dream and a goal is a deadline.”
            Napoleon Hill (attributed)

            This one really speaks to me. I tend to have big dreams, but getting myself to sit down and actually conquer them is the real challenge. Insert the element of a deadline and – presto! – I am suddenly motivated, focused and super-charged.

            Sure, things tend to get pushed off till the last minute, and I wind up staying up till all hours of the night (when I hear the birds chirping, I know I’ve crossed the line). But the upside is that things actually get done. The book gets published, the video gets made, and this article gets written. All at the last minute… thanks to a deadline.

          6. Proud Conservative Mom

            “The merits of the believer, even if he reaches the utmost degree in improving his soul in devotion to God, and even if he would approach the level of an angel in good character… would still not compare to the merits of the one who teaches people the good path [of Torah] and brings them to the service of God.”
            Rabbeinu Bachya, Duties of the Heart (11th century)

            For me, this is a grand slam home run. Rabbeinu Bachya is spelling out in no uncertain terms that – beyond even reaching the level of character perfection – the single greatest human endeavor is to help bring people closer to God.

            Western society is in crisis. Economic hardship, dysfunctional relationships, spiritual malaise. We’ve lost our moorings. Part of the problem is that God has gotten negative PR lately, with religious extremists advancing untenable – even violent – positions. But it’s time to reclaim God as our loving, caring Father in Heaven who watches over us and demands us to always act in accordance with what will bring God the best PR.

            Fostering this spiritual connection is at the root of the human experience. Carl Jung, the famous psychologist, said that of the thousands of patients he’s treated in psychoanalysis, he never met one person over the age of 35 whose psychological problem was not directly traceable to a lack of belief in God.

            Everyone is encouraged to help in this PR battle. The spiritual health of individuals and society is at stake.

    1. bill smith

      Wonder if there is a limit to up-voting? I tried and tried to upvote this comment, but it isn’t sticking.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            I’m sure it did.

            For myself personally, I didn’t find the cost versus benefit analysis worth it.
            Ergo after three trial runs, I decided to ditch it.
            I have no regrets.

            No judgments whatsoever.

          1. Weary Traveler

            I miss her. She was so much fun. When she is around, Bill has to create a new page nearly every day.

          2. Weary Traveler

            Her hubby certainly has himself a gem.

            I can almost imagine how much fun she is to be around in real life. I can’t imagine a minute of it being boring.

          1. bill smith

            Could be worse…. orange is the colour associated with Canada’s communist NDP party…. I used to like orange, but it’s ruined. Now I have to see it here in excess.

      1. Tony

        We are lucky with the weather so far. No snow so far. Temperature plus or minus 3 degrees but feels
        very very cold. Roads a little slippery but it is winter weather. Slow in London and very bad in Scotland.
        Our fuel billls will go through the roof.
        We will be going to London 22-27th to stay with daughter and her kittens 🙂 hopefully.

        1. Proud Conservative Mom

          I’m so very sorry that it’s so very cold.
          BH, for the lack of snow.
          May it continue.

          I heard that the cost of fuel has also skyrocketed in your area.
          One has to be opulent to survive these days.
          I know it.

          I’m hoping that you’re able to make it to your daughter.
          Chanukah with family is priceless!

          1. Tony

            She is driving up here to collect us and take us down. Motorway (freeway) driving is bad at the best of times
            and in winter weather we wouldn’t touch it. She is a good driver and very good to her aged parents.
            And if you are thinking of trains, they will be on strike. [if you think of the postal servive, they are on strike.if you think of
            nurses, they will be on strike]. The country is in a mess. We had a good government once. I remember reading about it in a history book when I was at scool.

          2. Proud Conservative Mom

            That’s FABULOUS that she’s going to take you back and forth.
            Good for you!

            Your daughter sounds lovely.

            Motorway driving in certain areas of the United Socialist States of America is worse than others.

            At my age, I am still able to enjoy driving for the most part.

            “We had a good government once. I remember reading about it in a history book when I was at scool.”

            I like how you phrased that!

            President Trump’s years in the White House, seem like a distant memory.

            Because of the way he was set up, I doubt he will be back.

            So many have deserted him.
            It’s very sad.

    1. IsraelReader

      As you can see from the picture (and other news reports), it’s not the building that fell down.
      It was the scaffolding that was put up for the ongoing construction.

  3. Tony

    Israel says its forces appear to have unintentionally killed a 16-year-old Palestinian girl amid a gun battle with militants in the occupied West

    The body of Jana Zakarneh was found on the roof of her house in Jenin after the firefight on Sunday night.

    1. Sapper 9

      The Palestinians killed her by being chicken turds that hide behind children, then starting a gun battle.

      1. Weary Traveler

        Exactly. It’s their standard M.O..

        Every time I see one of these useful idiots with the “free Palestine” banners, or stickers, I have to ask “from who?” There’s is only one correct answer to that which is Hamas. And of course, that is never their answer.

        1. Sapper 9

          The idiots with the signs are ignorant of an basic facts, they just regurgitate what their professors tell them, and they are the same, a byproduct of a dismal education system.

        1. Sapper 9

          The majority of the worthless UN is against Israel, which is our strongest ally; however, we are not reciprocating their loyalty due to the commies in our government.

        1. Weary Traveler

          Well, then something supernatural was definitely at play. Like God was tapping me on the shoulder putting you in my mind. Or whacking me on the head. Either or works. LOL

          1. Weary Traveler

            Oh… Sorry to hear.

            You do a lot for people. And as one manager I had once said to me, that it is hard being glue because you are expected to stick no matter how thinly you are spread out.

    1. Weary Traveler

      I honestly never cared much for him, as his music was never my cup of tea.

      But as usual, he, like every other leftist, gets it all backwards. Elon is not the divider by spreading the truth. If anything, a uniter against the true enemy which is the left.

        1. Weary Traveler

          And his music makes me feel like I am in lobby of a dentist office waiting to get my teeth drilled.

          1. John Gillis

            Reminds me of that scene in “The Rock”, when Nicholas Cage us confronted by a Marine-turned-terrorist. He says, “We got off on the wrong foot. Do you like Rocketman?”

            And the bad guy replies, “I don’t listen to soft-a$$ s***!”

          2. Weary Traveler

            That was one of the few times I applauded for something a terrorist said.

            I’m trying to remember what that movie was that was about a guy who owned a record store, but there was a funny scene where a customer asked for Stevie Wonder’s “I Just Called To Say I Love You”, and the clerk went ballastic about how awful the song was, and the guy tried to explain that is was for his daughter, and the clerk said; “NO WAY SHE LIKES THAT SONG!! Oh, wait… I’m sorry, is she in a coma?” LOL!!

          3. Weary Traveler

            Now that my mind was shifted in this direction, I am being reminded of a discussion/debate I got in to with some other producers and on-air personalities I worked with at a radio station cluster.

            One of my duties was to download the voice tracks from the John Tesh radio show to upload to the FM station. I think you might have a good idea where this is going already. To get them in to the FM station’s log, I had to dub them in real time. So I heard the stuff he was talking about. Or as he called it “Intelligence for life” = the male version of Oprah advice.

            His show was mostly geared towards women, but he had a particular piece of advice he was gearing towards the men in the audience, and it was dating advice. Considering the source, I was already reaching for the barf bucket.

            And this piece of awful advice was that when you pick up your date, “make sure you have some soft rock playing.” Uhm… For GAWD sake, why? My position is that if you don’t normally listen to that stuff, why on earth would you listen to it during that occasion? I look at it as false advertising = you would be lying to the woman right off the bat.

            I would argue it’s probably best not to play any music, and just chit chat to wherever you are going. But if I were to play something, and it’s my car, I would play something I would normally listen to. Seriously, what would be the worst thing in the world that would happen, if picked up my date, and this was playing?


          4. John Gillis

            Personally, any Gothic, metal, punk or 80s hard rock would be playing in my car.

            If the girl freaks, I know “it ain’t gonna happen”.

          5. Weary Traveler

            Good answer. Of course, I would also think that before going on an official date, that she would have learned out that aspect of you when you first met. If that was a deal breaker for her, that would have been the time to say so.

    2. george linker

      Another person who believes that music gives him the right to hate other people. He himself is misinforming the public with such a claim

    3. John Gillis

      A knighthood is meaningless these days. The Queen is merely calling EJ a “Good Boy”.

      I used to like some of his music, but he’s a flaming jerk in real life.

      1. Sapper 9

        The left believes in free speech, but not “hate speech”, or “disinformation “; however, they believe themselves to be the arbitrators of speech and are the judges of what is and isn’t hate speech , or disinformation.

        Essentially everything that they disagree with, or doesn’t fit their narrative is “hate speech” or “disinformation “, but, their obvious lies and misreprestations are declared to be “their truth”.

        In other words they only belive in their right to speak and not the rights of others; the answer to “hate speech” is more speech; I would rather those that hate me to be open about it, then to be sneaky about it.

        There is only THE TRUTH, anything else is just opinion.

        1. Weary Traveler

          In short, they are all about free speech as long as said speech doesn’t offend or challenge their sensibilities.

  4. Sarita La Cubanita

    Off to bed to get some rest in case we get called during the night. Nitey nite, all! Sleep well and wake up feeling better than you felt today!

    1. Chief Mac

      They can’t control their border, but they think that can control a city. Sounds like something the Nazis or Soviets would do

      1. Weary Traveler

        It also reminds me of what was happening in Nicaragua back in the 80s, when cartels and militias had checkpoints between neighborhoods.

        1. Sapper 9

          The talking head fake republican Ana Navarro, who was born in Nicaragua, was on tv calling for NON-Government organizations to go door to door in America and confiscate guns., which sounds like the para-militaries of Nicaragua, doing the bidding of the government.

          1. Weary Traveler

            I cannot stand Ana Navarro. She reminds me of the typical lazy arrogant slobs that work in most local government offices.

          2. Weary Traveler

            Agreed. I can’t stand the sight of her. I can’t stand the sound of her voice. She is hideous on so many levels.

    2. george linker

      And the wealthy fly all over the world and call them conferences to discuss how to exert more control. The hypocrits are wanting totalitarian government telling the poor what they can and cannot do and they can claim climate change. Really reminds one of 1984

      1. Sapper 9

        Well , Jill Bidet has been on the cover of Vogue a couple of times, each time dressed like a tacky couch.

        1. AuntiE*TFL

          There are, in my mind, certain do nots after women hit a certain age. I keep waiting for someone to tell Macron’s wife that her knees are hideous and to stop wearing short skirts.

          Jill needs to understand large floral design dresses are for a certain age, which is not hers.

          Would someone please sit Hilary down with a new hair dresser!!!!

          MTG needs someone to revamp her clothing!!

          Being arrogant, even on my limited budget, I can do better then the four mentioned.

          1. Sapper 9

            The worst of the Jill Bidet outfits was the fishnet stockings, mini skirt and hooker boots; what an embarassment.

          2. Sapper 9

            I remember when Tucker read the thesis that she submitted for her EdD, it sounded as if a child had written it.

          3. AuntiE*TFL

            ProgenyE’s high school history teacher had a double PhD. He never required anyone to call him Dr. Other facility did so out of respect, yet he never demanded it. He once told me he took the PhDs simply because he enjoyed the work, research and writing.

          4. Sapper 9

            My father had a PhD in both physics and clinical psychology; he was a physics professor by day and a drug and alcohol counselor in the evening.

            He really liked the doctor title, and his membership in Mensa and Intertel. Lol

          5. AuntiE*TFL

            It has been my experience high school teachers are less likely to use Dr. School administrators are prone to using Dr.

          6. Proud Conservative Mom

            Good evening Sapper9!
            When I was visiting my parents some time ago, my father told me about it and showed it to me.

            In summation, I am extremely gratified that one cannot die from laughing.
            I’ll never forget it.

            I even posted it on the blog.

    1. Weary Traveler

      “Stylish?” I think the left does this crap to deliberately incite. Like calling AOC a “rising star”, or referring to Brandon as a “moral man.” Or referring to Faucist as an “altruistic public servant.”

        1. Weary Traveler

          LOL!! I always imagined if Corn Pop were real, and alive today, he would be wearing a MAGA hat.

          1. Weary Traveler

            I can see it now. Him demanding a rematch with old creepy Joe, and telling the real story. LOL

      1. AuntiE*TFL

        I love my new blanket!!!!!

        I am sleeping more soundly and not up and down as often.

        We had sunshine today. Did your weather change to sun?

        1. Proud Conservative Mom

          That’s fabulous!
          Enjoy it in the best of health always.
          Mine was shipped yesterday.

          If I remember correctly, it was.
          I posted it that way, because I had a dental procedure that required me to take Dilaudid beforehand.

          It made me tipsy and exhausted for most of the day.

          1. AuntiE*TFL

            Your next expenditure is going to have to be for a pair of $19 socks. I put my new ones on today and am in foot warmth heaven. ProgenyE recommended them to me. They are Heat Holders thermal socks. The packaging has TOG 2.3 on it. Apparently, a majority of the university crowd wears them for traipsing around campus in cold weather. Mine are purple.🤓😊

            At some point Mr. PCM is going to disallow your communication with me for my shopping tips.🤓😎🙀😳

          2. Proud Conservative Mom

            Where did you find them?
            They sound terrific!
            Good for you.

            My feet are always cold.
            I’m going to try it.
            It sounds heavenly.

            Purple is my favorite color.

            I’m not a big spender.
            Highly doubtful that he would!

    1. AuntiE*TFL

      Old work story. I do not play golf; however, when I would become frustrated with some I had to deal with, I would go to the driving range. Each golf ball had a name attached. Twice I drove a golf ball, almost, out of the range. Both times, it had the same name attached.

        1. AuntiE*TFL

          The driving range was only 15 minutes from home. The closest gun range was 45 minutes.

          By the way, I use to keep a metal baseball bat prominently displayed. I never had any issues when crowds of kids were hanging out. 😎🤓😎🤓😂

          1. Sapper 9

            It isn’t my normal look, but, I have mastered the sociopath look, and can do it on demand. lol

            Nothing says don’t screw with me , like a facial expression that says I am thinking about stripping the flesh off your bones.

            My gun range is right outside my front door.

          2. AuntiE*TFL

            Unfortunately, thé younger generation is into the coddling parenting. I cannot remember the last time I heard a young parent utter the word no.🙀🙄

          3. AuntiE*TFL

            So many have the belief if they say no, they must provide a reason. In some cases, it may be reasonable; however, as a general rule, the word is a stand alone statement.

            One parenting rule I used was never promising to do something unless I knew I could meet that promise.

        2. Weary Traveler

          You don’t name the target? LOL

          I remember my first trip to the gun range, my stepdad took me with a friend of his from work. I didn’t pace myself much between trigger pulls, and my stepdad’s friend asked me who I was mad at. LOL

      1. Weary Traveler

        I have an aunt that did something similar. Only it was with custom made prop headstones that she put in her yard every Halloween, she put the names of people who made her mad on them.

        One day her son ran in to one of her exes at a store and got to talking. He asked how his mom was, and got the idea after that to stop on by and say hello. What he didn’t know is that she was still mad about him getting a ticket while driving her car, which he not only didn’t tell her about, but didn’t pay, so she got served with the threatening letters of arrest, and had to pay his fines.

        So as he was pulling up to the house, a few days before Halloween, he noticed her little cemetery, and caught the headstone with his name on it. He immediately drove away before he could finish parking. LOL

    1. Weary Traveler

      Denis Leary had a funny bit about 70s fashion. He attributed it to drugs because “how else could you explain guys wearing clothing that guaranteed they wouldn’t get, uh, any nookie, in the middle of a sexual revolution.” LOL

      1. John Gillis

        Ugh. Think of the teenagers back then who wore polyester leisure suits. What were they thinking? 😆

    1. george linker

      That is a false definition and should not exists. There is no such thing as a man woman or trans people. Why should anyone buy into a dulision?

      1. bill smith

        Since they just make stuff up according to their feelings, maybe we should start making up some words to describe them.
        Of the top of my head, I’d suggest “womanesque”,

          1. Proud Conservative Mom


            For the first time I was a little down after listening to Ben Shapiro and his correct analysis of the “Equality Act.”

            This is why I usually don’t listen to any news shows and barely read the news.

            I gritted my teeth and kept telling myself that these people only think they’re in charge.
            They’ll get their “reward” soon enough.

            It cannot happen expeditiously enough for me.

          2. Weary Traveler

            When I hear these news stories, what I hear is fear and desperation from the totalitarians. Think of it this way; the overpowering need to control others is based in fear. We taught at a young age that bullies are cowards.

            It’s easier to beat these people that we have been taught to believe. If they even got one tenth of the abuse they constantly hurl at us, they would wilt and dissolve.

          3. Proud Conservative Mom

            Indeed I have said many years ago that the heart of a bully is a heart of a coward.

            I am just concerned that they will continue to lie, cheat and steal from us in every single manner, including elections.

            I was thrilled to read that Kari Is fighting back.

            GOOD. FOR. HER.
            I only wish others wouldn’t cave like a cheap deck of cards.

            I agree with what Sarge wrote the other day.
            There is collusion going on in order to share power between Dems and certain members of the GOP.

          4. Weary Traveler

            You touched on something very important. There will always be cheating, lying and stealing from them because they can’t do anything else.

            But I also noticed something else. Why they continue to, and even double down, and triple down on it, even when caught. Consider what the consequences are = they have way too much to lose to say, “oh, darn it, you caught us.”

            There is a way to use a similar type of thinking to our own advantage, and why we have to be just as tenacious, and at times even more so, then them. It’s tiring, I get it. Unlike them, we aren’t obsessive, and care more about our families, and living our lives the best we can off the fruits of our own labor.

            These losers want to be gods, and therefore are playing a very stupid game. As you and I both know full well, Hashem doesn’t like anyone trying to move in on His territory, and doesn’t take that sort of thing lying down. Remember who is on our side.

          5. Proud Conservative Mom

            I agree.
            They can never win on the merits of their own cases because they’re psychotic on every single level and absolutely tyrannical.

            There used to be a time where Conservatives were able to live our own lives and just show up to vote.
            That ship sailed many years ago.

            It’s why my husband entered politics. He’s on the bottom of the totem pole with a few others.
            He’s not looking to run for a high office.
            But he’s there and honest and knows what needs to be done.

            ABSOLUTELY, HASHEM is on our side.
            We’re the side of morality, normalcy, sanity, and truth.

            I always tell myself that.

          6. Weary Traveler

            Local is very important. Probably even more so than high office, per our Federalist model. So your hubby is actually in one of the best places someone can be to affect real change.

        1. Sapper 9

          When I was stationed in Kansas, I would see those clowns about every other weekend and as a member of the Patriot Guard, I have defended funerals against their BS.

          1. Weary Traveler

            That is so not surprising. And justice is of course, one of the nerds he accused of being gay now has a hot wife. LOL

          2. Weary Traveler

            I remember years ago, Roy Masters saying how all the popular kids in HS would be among the first to submit to whatever tyranny would come to the US.

            I am not surprised by the ones that became fags and trannies, and probably spend all day on 421st, hating on real women like DW, because they can’t have them, or be them. LOL

          3. John Gillis

            I miss DW. Those depraved children on 421st and ATDT would get shot down at an LGBTQP+ mixer.

            They probably got pantsed and shoved into a locker, and are dreaming of revenge some 15 years later.

          4. Weary Traveler

            I’ll drop her a line on her blog to send you an invite and to make sure you are whitelisted.

            DW is special. I only wish good things for her. She has enough going on without those low value beta perverts.

        2. John Gillis

          The Phelps family is an evil bunch of trailer trash. .

          Years ago, when they were having their protest in Boston, , I tried to organize a Teletubby dance troop as a counterprotest. Nobody would join me, so I never rented the Tinky Winky costume. I wanted us to dance to YMCA.

          1. Weary Traveler

            What is hilarious is that half of her own kids have left her church, and I believe one of her daughters is a lesbian. LOL

          2. Weary Traveler

            If you ever look that place up on Google Maps, and go to street view, you will tranny and gay themed houses right across the street. I am sure the neighbors are very pleased with all that drama. LOL

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        I heard Ben Shapiro talk about it.
        He also provided some clips of Bidet’s* speech that had that content.

        The Left needs to die.
        Right now really works for me.

        They’re the very personification of evil on every single level.

    1. Sapper 9

      This was part of the “respect marriage” production, which is really a mockery of marriage.

      Nothing says “respect marriage”, like a transvestite freak , who twerks for toddlers, while wearing very little clothing.

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        We’re domiciled in Sodom and Amorah.

        I was listening to part of the Ben Shapiro show where he showed clips of Bidet’s* speech.
        It was OUTRAGEOUS.

        They are purposefully muddying the waters.
        Antisemitism is NOT to be lumped in with this lunacy; nor is bi-racial marriages.

        That’s CRAZY.

        I concur with what Ben said, our institutions such as our private schools will be under further attack.
        They will try to force their derangement to be taught.

        Blue States will continue to try to implement this.

        It’s an absolute nightmare.

        The Left always continues to move the goal posts.
        Mark Levin spoke about it a long time ago.

        Karrine Jeanne Pierre called people who she anticipated not being happy with this agenda “Conservative extremists.”

        I see.
        To be normal and moral, and to want to remain that way apparently is Conservative extremism.

        All of these evil people can all go to Hell.

        I cannot handle the world we are currently living in.
        It became a psych ward and the inmates are running it.

    1. Sapper 9

      While the EU is being flooded by Muslim invaders, whose violence and detriment to their society is ignored.

      Living in the UK you are lucky enough to be shielded from the Muslim invaders, ooops, I guess not; liberalism and multiculturalism are meant to be the downfall of western society.

        1. Proud Conservative Mom

          How are you and your family doing?

          Half of my youngest son’s class has the flu.
          Class was dismissed early today.

          I’m concerned, but refuse to panic.

          BH, I am holding my own one moment at a time.

    1. Weary Traveler

      I thought he was going to use the JW’s as an example, but he used the Mormons. I remember those missionaries on their bike. with their white shirts and ties, and their bike helmets.

      This actually reminds me of something Rabbi Singer pointed out in the other video. One time time those Mormon missionaries knocked on my friend’s door, and my friend, knowing about the book of Mormon asked them what was up with that whole Moroni deal, and the Native American Indians having their skin color changed to it’s current color by God as a punishment. That’s pretty racist, no?

      The missionaries’ response? You have to pray about that? Yeah, that’s a brilliant idea; “Dear lord. Teach me to be a bigot so LibTARDs can further their narrative with me as the poster child.” LOL!!

      I look at like this; Bertrand Russell once said that we have two types of morality living side by side; one that is frequently preached, but seldom practiced. And another that is lived and seldom preached.

      If one has to be evangelized, it is obviously the former, and usually attracts more than enough bad actors. The latter is shown by example. And people aren’t stupid. And it helps that they are not being beaten over the head with it.

      People will be more inclined to want to learn about something if there is zero chance of getting a sales pitch, and they can ask all the questions they want. Start asking an evangelist questions, they are already getting ready to schedule you for conversion. But moreover, if you allow people to approach you with their questions, you are attracting those with inquisitive minds which are the people you want in the fold.

      Not the retain and repeat cult members.

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        Good afternoon!
        Oh my goodness!
        How very bizarre is that?!
        I didn’t know that lie about Native American skin color being changed. 🤦

        Ah yes. “You have to pray on it” is standard missionary speak to try to cover up the fact that they have no response.

        Your posting is so on target and very well stated!

        1. Weary Traveler

          I think the most important element is those with an inquisitive mind. It’s not good if someone adopts a religion out of emotion. And if you can’t question, then it is more of a cult than anything.

          Those who evangelize tend to move on rather quickly from those who ask too many questions, and pose too many challenges.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            That’s what Rabbi Tovia Singer was talking about when he said that no one who is shooting themselves up with drugs, and sitting in a pool of their own vomit finds Moses.
            It just doesn’t happen.

            That’s never how one discovers Judaism.
            It comes with a clear head, critical thinking, and an inquisitive mind.


            Judaism always welcomes questions.
            In my own little corner of the world, I get them all of the time.
            I’m always very happy to answer questions.

    1. Weary Traveler

      No wonder I am still a bachelor. I don’t play my role well. I can never say I am wrong, especially when I am not. Obviously, I would make a far better lawyer than a husband. LOL

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        My husband says that I am too quick to apologize sometimes.

        I won’t say that I am wrong if I genuinely feel that I am not.

        But I absolutely will always discuss why I feel the way I do.
        My husband and I will have that conversation.

        Sometimes, during a conversation I will realize that I in fact erred.
        The reverse is the same for my husband as well.
        That’s why communication is so very critical.

        1. Weary Traveler

          That’s exactly what it comes down to is communication. At the very least, I know my personality wards off all the “Karens.” LOL

          1. AuntiE*TFL

            See, PCM and myself need not stress our brains with Karens. We simply use the look. Puts people in their place without a necessity of using words.🤓😎🤓😎

          2. AuntiE*TFL

            It is one thing to debate if the person you are debating has any grasp of the topic. It is a waste to debate someone who makes a rock look smart.

          3. Weary Traveler

            Exactly. There’s zero build up, so the punchlines come totally out of left field. “Wait.. You did what?” LOL

          4. Weary Traveler

            Honesty, a lot like Dr. Zelenko, but without as long of a beard, and with more medium length hair. They almost look like they could be related = very similar facial features and complexion.

          5. Weary Traveler

            Well, his favorite show was Psycho Dad. LOL

            He was just a cautionary tale put to comedy = how uncool the cool kids become after high school.

          6. Weary Traveler

            I remember an episode where Marcy’s feminist group got the show canceled, and Al’s “No Ma’am” group staged a protest to save the show. Al wrote a letter to the actor that played Psycho Dad, and the actor then goes on TV to read Al’s letter, and disavows the character he played.


          7. Weary Traveler


            I think that show made it so one wanted to be a shoe salesman. I remember some of the jokes in that shoe alluding that even slave laborers made more than a shoe salesman. LOL

    1. John Gillis

      Jeez. Most real New Hampshire residents don’t look like these people.

      They are Massachusetts transplants. Massholes is what we call them

      1. AuntiE*TFL

        The stupid runs deep in me. UncleE and I have been discussing the forthcoming major ice storm. We ran errands. Did yours truly remember to bring her down coat in from the car? That would be no.🤔😳🙄🙃🙀

          1. AuntiE*TFL

            Truthfully, I was to fatty full from some awesome vegetable soup at our local historical diner. I almost needed a hoist to remove myself from the car.😳😂😂

            The “storm” starts around midnight and is called to become progressively worse until 6:00AM. They started “treating” the roads mid afternoon.

            Have you checked your weather? I am not up on how geographically extensive it is to be.

          2. Proud Conservative Mom

            I LOVE a great vegetable soup.

            I doubt you would ever have to be hoisted. 🤣🤣🤣

            That’s interesting as you are domiciled in Maryland which is further south.
            We’re having rain, not snow.

            I’m already feeling the effects.
            My pain level is awful.

          3. AuntiE*TFL

            We are to have ice, possibly up to 2 inches.

            The damp, in winter, is horrid for people with joint and other pain issues!!

          4. Proud Conservative Mom

            That sounds very treacherous.
            May Hashem keep you and your family safe.

            Absolutely true with regard to those with pain issues and winter.
            Any time it is raw and/or humid, I am most often in big trouble.

            I’m really sorry that you have chronic pain as well.

            We have to find better ways of having a “good” time. 🙈🙄

          5. AuntiE*TFL

            Poor UncleE has basketball knees. One cannot spend hours, months and years on a hard basketball court and not, ultimately, end up with knee issues. He has found DSMO is helpful. Hmmmm….maybe I should send you a link to the one he uses. I have tried it for occasional shoulder pain and found it works quickly and quite well.

  5. Proud Conservative Mom

    Israel’s military chief of staff strongly suggested on Wednesday that Israel was behind a strike on a truck convoy in Syria last month, giving a rare glimpse of Israel’s shadow war against Iran and its proxies across the region.

    Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi said Israeli military and intelligence capabilities made it possible to strike specific targets that pose a threat.

    Without those capabilities, he said, a recent strike would not have been possible.

    — JewishNews24

  6. Proud Conservative Mom

    The Myrtle Beach City in South Carolina Council is taking a stance against antisemitism and any form of racism or religious intolerance.

    During Tuesday’s meeting, the city council voted in favor of a resolution opposing antisemitism in all forms.

    — JewishNews24

  7. Proud Conservative Mom

    Republican Senator Marco Rubio on Tuesday announced bipartisan legislation to ban China’s popular social media app TikTok, ratcheting up pressure on owner ByteDance Ltd amid U.S. fears the app could be used to spy on Americans and censure content.

    — JewishNews24

  8. Proud Conservative Mom

    Presumed incoming prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu attempted to assuage fears over the impact that ultra-Orthodox parties would have on the coalition he is seeking to form, telling the Knesset on Tuesday that the religious-secular status quo will remain as it is and promising not to give in to demands to stop the production of electricity on the Sabbath.

    — JewishNews24
    (I really miss TNR News. They NEVER spoke like that. What the @#$_&-+ is “ultra-Orthodox?”
    If one is Jewish and keeps the Torah, they are Orthodox Jews.)

    1. Chief Mac

      Producing energy is a requirement for life. Tens of thousands will die if that is ended even for a single day.

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        What is meant by production of electricity?
        Moreover, Jews don’t have to be the ones who produce it.
        Orthodox Jews have electricity in our homes on Shabbos.
        We just don’t turn it on or off.
        All settings are done prior to Shabbos.

        1. Chief Mac

          Generation is the usual definition. The military, hospitals, fire departments, water plants, airports, etc. all must have power to operate. Pikkuah Nefesh Doheh Shabbat every one of those functions save lives.
          The people that at trained to operate the system and be vetted to be involved during the rest of the week must be the same ones to do it on Sabbat.
          Just because some can, doesn’t mean all can do that and survive. Even if you adjust those settings, the power must be there to do it
          If a house catches on fire, does that mean the fire department shouldn’t save the home? They need water to fight the fire and the water needs to moved with electricity, no?

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            No one who knows Halacha disputes that Pikuach Nefesh (when a life is in jeopardy) is Docheh Shabbos (takes precedence before Shabbos).
            It’s not just Shabbos.
            The Torah says: “Vechai Bahem” (and you should live in them (with the Commandments)).

            For example, if someone has to eat pork to save his life, he MUST do so.

            There are only three Commandments for which a Jew must forfeit his life and not transgress:
            (Self-defense isn’t murder. We are OBLIGATED to defend ourselves.)

            Now, if there are ways that can be implemented to avoid the desecration of the Shabbos, they must be carried out in that manner.
            This is why, one must always have a relationship with an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi to consult with and ask about these matters.
            It’s extremely critical.

            That goes across the board regarding matters in Judaism.

          2. Chief Mac

            Have spent the last 40 years in the utility world. Producing power, water or treating waste water. I do not feel that any rabbi has the knowledge to tell me about these requirements or in the manner that they are performed. This not to denigrate them, but they lack any sort experience on the subject.
            You cannot contract this type of work out. When I was a water treatment plant operator it took 3 years before an operator could be considered experienced. Most electrical systems require at least one year of training before they can stand a single shift. The duties that are performed at that level are just too important and too many lives would be in jeopardy otherwise

          3. Proud Conservative Mom

            What I am trying to convey, and I apologize if I wasn’t clear, a competent Orthodox Jewish Rabbi WILL recognize that.
            They know how to ask questions and will consult with experts in the field.
            They don’t render decisions lightly.
            No Orthodox Jewish Rabbi would ever condone a protocol that would have a chance of putting lives into jeopardy.
            I guarantee that!

            However, that doesn’t negate the fact that one MUST be consulted about it.

            On a much smaller scale, I have had to ask very complicated questions about Halacha regarding my health in different stages of my life.

            Off of the cuff, I eat and drink with shiurim (a cheek full of food every six minutes) on Yom Kippur.
            If I feel like I am going to faint, I have to eat and drink regularly.

            I cannot make that Halachic ruling on my own.
            The consequence for desecrating Yom Kippur is being eternally cut off from the Jewish People unless repentance is achieved before death.

            It is MANDATORY to consult with an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi who knows Halacha.
            They in turn consult with experts in the field before rendering a ruling.

            Judaism is not a stupid or foolish religion.
            It’s sheer brilliance and perfection.
            It’s from Hashem!

      2. IsraelReader

        Ignore the hysterics by the secular fear-mongers.
        No one is seriously suggesting that G-d forbid the power plants in Israel be totally shut off for Shabbat.
        Everyone knows that there is a Pikuach Nefesh aspect here.
        The demand is that the power plants be operated in a Shabbos COMPLIANT manner.
        I know from people close to me, that the Israeli electric company has had many meetings with religious professionals, and they have been shown feasible manners of electricity production on Shabbos, with minimal or no Halachic issues (automation, using non-Jews, not doing unnecessary maintenance work on Shabbos, etc.).
        The problem is that the secular directors are NOT interested in doing so; and unless there will be a strong demand for it, they will not cooperate.

  9. Proud Conservative Mom

    Israel’s parliament on Tuesday elected a new speaker closely allied to the country’s likely next prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, setting the stage for a flurry of contentious new legislation to appease the former leader’s expected coalition partners.

    Lawmaker Yariv Levin’s election as speaker comes as Netanyahu continues negotiations to forge a coalition government after elections were held last month. With his religious and ultranationalist partners, Netanyahu is set to lead what is expected to be Israel’s most right-wing government ever.

    — JewishNews24

  10. Proud Conservative Mom

    Turkey arrested 44 people on Wednesday for what officials claimed was their involvement with Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, Turkish media reported.

    Those arrested appear to be largely Turkish citizens, and the group includes several private detectives, as well as the director of a private detective firm named Ismail Yetimoglu. No Israelis were arrested.

    — JewishNews24

    1. Sapper 9

      Soros is only one of many, he is just the most visible one, and a lot of the NGOs and non-profits under George Soros get funding from the federal Government, so OUR money is funding the terrorist DNCCP.

    1. Sapper 9

      Big tech and the government have so many foreigners working for them, they are stacked up deep like cord wood.

    1. george linker

      The left only cares when they are not the majority. When they are the majority they are fine with everything.

      1. Sapper 9

        The left controls power, while Republicans hold office; the non-elected bureaucrats always work to aid Democrats and obstruct Republicans , no matter who is in office.

        There is no separation between the DNCCP, the alphabet agencies, the propagandists, academia and Hollyweird, they are all parts of the DNCCP.

        Our money is given to NGOs and “non-profits” , which continue to do the bidding of the left; Bidet has promised AFRICA $55,000,000,000.00 of our money, which wll be used to aid AFRICAN migrants to get to our southern border, and to filter back to the DNCCP.

    1. Sapper 9

      It has gone way past it’s head, they are openly marching on the college campuses and spreading their crap in the halls of congress.

      1. John Gillis

        When I was in college, communists were trying to peddle their propaganda. I slapped the flyer out of his hand and said, “Don’t show me that pinko crap!” He called me a fascist, 😆

    1. george linker

      Few people know that medical science needs war to progress. The more destruction the more they can learn about putting the human back together. War is practice especially when one can use enslaved victims to test on.

    1. John Gillis

      Every time I see Obama’s smug face, I want to parachute him into Tehran. Dressed in a rainbow suit.

      1. diaspora

        I hate the SOB. The Kenyan f@ggot left a horrific trail of destruction, division, deviancy, and instilled in our children the seed of self-hatred/destructiveness!

    1. Weary Traveler

      Of course it wont. It’s al about power. Just like Communist China’s “Zero COVID” policy.

      1. AuntiE*TFL

        Not to mention the push for EVs which will leave people walking as the grid CANNOT sustain all those cars being plugged in.

          1. AuntiE*TFL

            This man is odd. He worked for NIH, now retired, and mocked the mask requirements Beyond that, he buys into all the other progressive lunacy.

          2. Weary Traveler

            As fr as I am concerned, masks are both the modern equivalent of a dunce cap, and a swastika arm band. Anyone wearing one needs to be deported and sent to the old site of Jonestown.

          3. AuntiE*TFL

            One would think if he had sufficient intellect to understand masks are not efficient, he would understand other progressive agenda items are not efficient.

          4. Weary Traveler

            I would love it if I had a big enough following to make that trend as a hashtag on Truth Social. LOL

          5. John Gillis

            Couldn’t give me one. I was down at the dealership and a Mercedes salesman wanted me to test drive an electric SUV. I told him no thanks and that the only sexy cars are V6 or higher.

    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      “But images obtained by the Jewish Chronicle showed a series of young students, believed to be around sixth-form age, laughing and giggling as they performed Sieg Heil salutes in the direction of the stage.

      Following outcry, the head of Millfield School, based in Somerset, said it was ‘sorry for the hurt that has been caused’, adding: ‘We have changed our approach to vetting performances so that this will never happen again.’

      It came after one Jewish father told the JC that he and other parents ‘felt sick’ when they saw the photos, and was particularly upset that the play had been staged on the eve of the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur in September.”

      This is absolutely horrific and almost shocking to see
      That being said, I don’t even blink anymore.

      The antisemitism won’t end until Moshiach comes.

      1. John Gillis

        Better, thank you, Rivka! Sinuses are finally drying up. I’ll get back to the gym tomorrow.

        How about you?

  11. Sapper 9

    One of our local Universities and the local airport got big “grants” from the federal government, and today now both have named buildings after the loser RINO ROY BLUNT ; last year I worked on a new building for a hospital and came back to see his name in big letters. errrrrrrrr

    I can remember when buildings were named after people that GAVE THEIR own money, money from their efforts, but now, politicians GIVE OUR MONEY and see the same.

      1. Sapper 9

        I call it bribery, he gave the Democrats what they wanted and he got his earmarks, which he gave to hospitals, universities and airports , among other things, now he gets his name on buildings.

        I believe in a small federal government, which sticks to it’s 18 powers and leaves the rest to the states; the bigger the government, the more corrupt it becomes.

    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      “Ostrovsky and Groisman maintain that by “discriminating against ‘Zionists,’ the registered student groups, and by extension U.C. Berkeley Law School, are discriminating against the Jewish community, in violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.””

      Of course, they’re correct.

      Berkeley has a reputation for tremendous antisemitism.
      TYMK for posting this.

    1. Sapper 9

      They will get a slap on the wrists and will be out in no time , while the 6 January protesters are still in jail without bail.

    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      That video is really something.
      The part that I loved was the Menorah that he was gifted.

      That mixed dancing wouldn’t happen in my circles.

      For those unfamiliar, Torah Jews have a dividing barrier that separates men and women when they are dancing. The same is true in shuls when we daven.

      Women only dance with women. Men only dance with men. We also sit separately (there are extenuating circumstances when we eat together).

      It’s a whole different world.

      I loved the enthusiasm during the dancing.

          1. AuntiE*TFL

            We had the raw and rain yesterday. It is now becoming cloudy here.

            I feel positive my mother and maternal grandmother are wagging their fingers at me for a like of diplomacy toward an in-law relative. I feel very slightly bad; however, enough is simply enough.

          2. AuntiE*TFL

            No working out forthcoming. Let me expound.

            UncleE’s nephew and wife. UncleE attended all his activities as his father traveled. Helped with home work, etc. Married, three children. Your truly became the could you come down for_________ event. I drove three hours to attend everything. Other then wanting my attendance, we are completely ignored. Christmas dinner has been at their house. They have decided not to do it this year. They want a quiet “family” Christmas. Oh, her family (6) are always there. I told Uncle we did not have to go and why. His response was; That’s fine. I always feel like an “interloper”. Keep in mind she did not telephone me to tell of this change. She sent a text. My response was as follows; I saw your message about Christmas.
            I am sure it will be lovely for you all with the girls home.We have always felt a bit like interlopers amongst all the crowd and hurly burly.

            Should I have included the last sentence. Likely not; however, her children never thank anyone for anything. They have ignored us unless they needed something. It just raised my ire to ceiling height.

            I have no idea why half the message is in script.

          3. Proud Conservative Mom

            Oh my goodness… 🤯🤯🤯
            That’s awful!

            It must be extremely unpleasant to have relatives like this.

            It’s very terrific that you and UncleE are on the same page.
            That’s when things become worse, when that’s not the case!

            I don’t blame you one iota for what you wrote.
            It’s called being human.
            And you’re a wonderful one at that! 🤗😘

          4. AuntiE*TFL

            Frankly, I am to the point of just ignoring them. I have attempted to stay in contact through texting; however, it is always me making the effort.

            I hear from my second cousins, once removed, and my non blood family faithfully every week. Steve hears from his close friends weekly. In fact this AM, I had texts, from three non blood family, and a promised call, this evening from my non blood niece.

            I feel I have, for years, attempted to hold familial ties together when no one else can be bothered. Why should I continue, so to speak beating a dead horse?

            I thank you for the very very kind words.

            With the upcoming holidays and potential family drama, maybe I should ponder doing a family ties rant.🤔🤓😎😳🙄😂

          5. Proud Conservative Mom

            You’re very welcome always.
            What I wrote about you is true.

            Is Steve UncleE?

            I LOVE your rants.

            Please feel free to take out your podium at any time.

            I thank Hashem that there are no Liberals in my family.
            My poor sister Devora’s husband, has a brother who’s married to a Leftist.

            Last they spoke about politics in September, her sister-in-law thought that Biden* was still doing a great job.

            When my sister has a family occasion that involves both sides of her family, I smile at this sister-in-law, say Hello, and keep on walking.

            Devora knows to never put us at the same table.
            I just can’t handle it.
            I once was.
            I was a great actress.
            (My sisters have all attested to the fact that I could win Academy Awards.)
            But I was not a “happy camper.”

            This person lost her father at a very young age and somehow bought into this Leftist malarkey.
            Leftism, is anti-Torah.
            Don’t ask me to explain how that meshes in her mind.

            FYI, she’s not a stupid person.
            She’s an engineer who is very advanced in her field.

          6. AuntiE*TFL

            Yes, Steve is UncleE.

            Interestingly enough, the wife is from Long Island and nary a progressive policy is beyond her approval.

            She may be advanced in her field, yet not have the requisite thought processes for other areas of life.

            Now, it is TTTOOO ingrained in me to not, so to speak, do the right thing at holiday time. I absolutely unequivocally am not sending the “children” anything. I have decided to send a Christmas floral arrangement shaped like a tree. She does three beautiful trees. The floral one she can use on her kitchen buffet counter. Do keep in mind I am only sending the “small version”. There is only so much right thing I will do.

  12. Proud Conservative Mom

    Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!

    To my Jewish brethren: Have a glorious and blessed Shabbos. May it be healthy, inspirational, peaceful, restful, and pain-free.
    (Translation: (A) blessed and peaceful Shabbos.)

    To my gentile friends: Have a fabulous weekend in every single manner. May it be healthy, pain-free, and beautiful, restful, and peaceful.

  13. Proud Conservative Mom

    The Connection between being Grateful and Confessing

    by Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski ZTL

    Parshas Vayeshev (Genesis 37-40)

    Judah recognized and he said, “She is right. It is from me” (38:26)

    The Midrash lauds Judah’s courage in admitting that he was the father of Tamar’s child because he could easily have denied it. The Midrash states that Judah received this trait from his mother, Leah, because when he was born, she said, “This time let me gratefully praise God” (Genesis 29:35; Bereishis Rabbah 71). The Hebrew word for “giving thanks,” hodaah, is also the word for “confess. ” Leah was indeed grateful, but we do not find her confessing anything. Although the same word has two meanings, how does Judah’s ability to confess derive from his mother’s ability to be grateful?

    Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch frequently points out that words that are similar are somehow related. This must be more so when the words for two different concepts are identical.

    There is a very profound relationship between the ability to confess and the ability to be grateful. Both are the result of self-esteem.

    Many people have difficulty in expressing gratitude, because it makes them feel obligated and beholden to their benefactor. This psychological truth is clearly stated in the Talmud (Avodah Zarah 5a). The resistance to express gratitude appears to be innate. A mother may tell her five-year-old child, “Say `thank you’ to the nice man for the candy,” but the child may only grunt. A person with low self-esteem sees being beholden to anyone as a dependency on others, and considers being dependent as demeaning. He may not only be resistant to express gratitude, but may also turn off any awareness of gratitude. A mature person with good self-esteem is not threatened by feeling gratitude. He can take appropriate dependency in stride.

  14. Proud Conservative Mom

    Joseph Dreams, Gets Thrown Into a Pit, and Begins His Rise to Egyptian Power

    by Avi Geller

    Parshas Vayeshev (Genesis 37-40)

    As the scorpions lunged at his feet, Joseph again appealed to his brothers. “Have compassion! This pit is full of snakes and scorpions!”

    Joseph’s brothers were not listening. His screams were disturbing their meal, so they traveled some distance from the pit to better enjoy their kabob. As they looked up to notice a caravan of Ishmaelites approaching from the north, the brothers decided to sell Joseph to them.

    Meanwhile, another group of Midianite merchants happened to be passing by from the south. They heard Joseph’s screams and immediately pulled him from the pit. They saw his dress and manner and assumed he must be the son of a nobleman.

    As Joseph’s brothers saw what was happening, they came running toward the pit. “What right do you have to take our slave?” they demanded.

    “Your slave?!” questioned the Midianites, “You should be his slaves!” When Shimon and Levi took out their swords, however, the demeanor of the Midianites changed. “Alright, don’t get violent about it! How about selling him to us?” the merchants chimed. The brothers bartered Joseph for shoes for the entire family, and were thus rid of their brother.

    The Midianites, however, had misgivings about the entire affair. “Maybe he’s the son of a chieftain who will come looking for him,” they theorized. “He’s too hot! Let’s get rid of him at the first opportunity.” When the Ishmaelite caravan came into sight, it offered the perfect solution. The Ishmaelites usually transported foul smelling items such as pitch and tar, but this particular caravan happened to be transporting spices and incense to Egypt. Despite the indignation of being repeatedly sold as a slave, Joseph was finally heading down to Egypt … in the most fragrant manner possible. (based on Midrash)

    So begins the plot that eventually takes Jacob and his family to the bitter exile in Egypt.

    Parshat Vayeshev is about dreams. Why do people dream? Some dreams may be prophetic, but most are obviously not. People tend to dream about the things they think about during the day. The mind keeps functioning even when one is asleep.

    How can one know the meaning of a particular dream? The Talmud says that dreams “follow their interpretation.” The way they are interpreted, so are they fulfilled.

    * * *

    Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob, and the first-born of his beloved wife Rachel who later died in childbirth. Joseph was a prodigy and became his father’s prime disciple. Jacob showed Joseph and made him a supervisor over his brothers. Jacob also had a special striped garment made for Joseph. Joseph “snitched” on his older brothers out of his genuine love and concern for their spiritual growth. The brothers, however, didn’t see things that way at all.

    Joseph had a dream. He called his brothers together and described the dream: “We were all gathering sheaves of grain (they were shepherds, not farmers – so why grain?), and your sheaves bowed down to mine.”

  15. Proud Conservative Mom

    Joseph Dreams, Gets Thrown Into a Pit, and Begins His Rise to Egyptian Power

    by Rabbi Avi Geller

    Parshas Vayeshev (Genesis 37-40)

    As the scorpions lunged at his feet, Joseph again appealed to his brothers. “Have compassion! This pit is full of snakes and scorpions!”

    Joseph’s brothers were not listening. His screams were disturbing their meal, so they traveled some distance from the pit to better enjoy their kabob. As they looked up to notice a caravan of Ishmaelites approaching from the north, the brothers decided to sell Joseph to them.

    Meanwhile, another group of Midianite merchants happened to be passing by from the south. They heard Joseph’s screams and immediately pulled him from the pit. They saw his dress and manner and assumed he must be the son of a nobleman.

    As Joseph’s brothers saw what was happening, they came running toward the pit. “What right do you have to take our slave?” they demanded.

    “Your slave?!” questioned the Midianites, “You should be his slaves!” When Shimon and Levi took out their swords, however, the demeanor of the Midianites changed. “Alright, don’t get violent about it! How about selling him to us?” the merchants chimed. The brothers bartered Joseph for shoes for the entire family, and were thus rid of their brother.

    The Midianites, however, had misgivings about the entire affair. “Maybe he’s the son of a chieftain who will come looking for him,” they theorized. “He’s too hot! Let’s get rid of him at the first opportunity.” When the Ishmaelite caravan came into sight, it offered the perfect solution. The Ishmaelites usually transported foul smelling items such as pitch and tar, but this particular caravan happened to be transporting spices and incense to Egypt. Despite the indignation of being repeatedly sold as a slave, Joseph was finally heading down to Egypt … in the most fragrant manner possible. (based on Midrash)

    So begins the plot that eventually takes Jacob and his family to the bitter exile in Egypt.

    Parshat Vayeshev is about dreams. Why do people dream? Some dreams may be prophetic, but most are obviously not. People tend to dream about the things they think about during the day. The mind keeps functioning even when one is asleep.

    How can one know the meaning of a particular dream? The Talmud says that dreams “follow their interpretation.” The way they are interpreted, so are they fulfilled.

    * * *

    Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob, and the first-born of his beloved wife Rachel who later died in childbirth. Joseph was a prodigy and became his father’s prime disciple. Jacob showed Joseph favoritism (for which he was criticized by the Sages) and made him a supervisor over his brothers. Jacob also had a special striped garment made for Joseph. Joseph “snitched” on his older brothers out of his genuine love and concern for their spiritual growth. The brothers, however, didn’t see things that way at all.

    Joseph had a dream. He called his brothers together and described the dream: “We were all gathering sheaves of grain (they were shepherds, not farmers – so why grain?), and your sheaves bowed down to mine.”

    The brothers’ reaction was, “Will you rule over us and be our king?” (Genesis 37:8) They had thus interpreted the dream.

    Joseph had a second dream. “The sun, moon and 11 stars were bowing down to me.” This time the brothers got smart and kept quiet about any interpretation. But Joseph wanted the fitting interpretation, so he went to his father and told over the dream. Jacob exclaimed, “Will I and your mother and brothers bow down to you?” Thus he interpreted the dream as well.

    Question: Didn’t his mother already die?

    Answer: The sages explain that it refered to Bilhah, who brought him up
    as her son.

    “His brothers were jealous, but his father waited for the events to materialize” (Genesis 37:11). Joseph’s brothers suspected him of manipulation. They suspected that he wanted to be the sole heir of Jacob, just as Abraham and Isaac had only one continuation of the line. Joseph constantly reported bad things about his brothers to their father. They believed he was plotting to get his father to curse them, so he could take the entire inheritance.

    When Joseph dreamed of becoming a king, this really enraged the brothers. They did not see these dreams as prophecies, but rather as a manifestation of what he was thinking about all day. The brothers considered their analysis genuine, but the Torah reveals that it emanated from jealousy. We are often not aware of what our true motivations are. We must meditate and introspect very carefully to discover the motivations that drive us.

    * * *

    Joseph’s brothers went to Shechem to tend to the flocks and deliberate about the situation. Shechem was the site where they’d earlier taken affirmative action to maintain the brotherhood, when it was threatened from without (Dinah was kidnapped). Now there was a threat from within – Joseph – who they thought wanted it all.

    Jacob was aware of the animosity between his sons, and sent Joseph to look for his brothers. “See the peace of your brothers and the peace of the sheep, and return to me with a report” (Genesis 32:14). In other words, “make peace with your brothers!”

    * * *


    As Joseph searched for his brothers, he was met by a man (tradition says this was the angel Gabriel) who hinted to Joseph that his brothers were out to get him. Yet Joseph was following his father’s instructions and paid no heed to the warning. As the brothers noticed Joseph’s approach, they started to plan his reception party.

    Though this sounds like evil men conniving to murder their own flesh and blood, this cannot be true. We are talking about the righteous sons of Jacob, the fathers of the Twelve Tribes of Israel who taught morals and ethics to the world.

    In actuality, the brothers convened a rabbinical court and tried Joseph. Some religions teach: “Resist not evil, turn the other cheek!” (Just don’t try hitting the first cheek!) Judaism, by contrast, teaches “Resist evil!” For example, if you know that someone is plotting to get up at 4 a.m. to kill you, the Sages advise you to get up at 3 a.m. and kill him first.

    This “rabbinical court” convicted Joseph of wanting to harm his brothers, and thus Joseph was regarded as having the status of “actively harming others,” who we are obligated to stop, even by killing him.

    “Here comes the dreamer!” they proclaimed. “Let’s kill him, throw him into a pit, and claim that a wild beast killed him” (Genesis 37:20). This was a legal death sentence.

    * * *


    Reuven said, “We must not put him to death with our own hands! He is, after all, our flesh and blood. Let’s throw him into a pit and let him die of natural causes.” They understood that if God was with Joseph, he would survive.

    Reuven’s plan was to come back later and free Joseph. Reuven, as the first born and presumed leader of the next generation, had the most to gain from the death of Joseph. Yet Reuven felt responsibility and tried to save him. ( He was also aware of the fact that he would carry the blame as well.)

    * * *

    When Joseph arrived, the brothers immediately removed his striped coat, which had caused so much jealousy and animosity. Then they threw him into the pit, which was “empty, it had no water” (Genesis 37:24). The brothers had checked to see if it had water, but didn’t notice that it contained snakes and scorpions. Joseph’s life was in peril and God protected him from the creatures. (The Talmud states that if one testified that a man fell into a pit with snakes and scorpions, his wife may remarry – for he is surely dead!) Yet the brothers didn’t even notice the miracle.

    Reuven had to go attend to Jacob, so Judah took upon himself the leadership role. The brothers noticed a passing caravan of Ishmaelites. Judah said, “Why kill our brother and cover his blood? If we sell him to Egypt, he will be out of our hair with no bloodshed, and we can make a handsome profit as well!” The brothers all agreed and the act was done.

    When Reuven returned to the pit and found it empty, he tore his garments and cried, “The lad is missing and where shall I hide from father’s pain?” (Genesis 37:30) – i.e. “He was only a lad and hadn’t really been trying to harm us!”

    The brothers dipped Joseph’s garment in goat’s blood and sent it to their father. Jacob recognized the garment and declared Joseph dead. He tore his garments, wore sackcloth, and mourned for many days. (Rashi says he mourned for 22 years, until he set eyes on Joseph.) His children tried to comfort him, but he refused to be consoled, claiming, “I will mourn my son until the grave!”

    Question: Isn’t one supposed to trust in God, and only mourn for a limited time?

    Answer: Jacob wasn’t only mourning for his son. Jacob had a special mission in life, to create a Jewish people with Twelve Tribes. Now that one was missing, Jacob felt he had failed in his mission. For this, he could never be consoled – until he found out that Joseph was still alive.

    * * *

    The Parsha continues: Judah left his brothers and went off on his own.

    Question: Why is the story of Judah and Tamar inserted right in the middle of the story of Joseph?

    Answer: The Sages explain that when the brothers realized how much they had hurt their father, they were angry with Judah, on whose advice they had relied to sell Joseph as a slave. Had Judah told them instead to spare Joseph, they would have done so. The brothers therefore ostracized Judah, and as a result, he went off on his own.

    Judah married the daughter of Shua the Canaanite (the commentaries explain that
    “Canaanite” in this context refers to his trade, a merchant, rather than his nationality) and they had three sons together. Two of the sons died tragically while married to Tamar, the daughter (or most probably, the granddaughter or great-granddaughter) of Shem, the son of Noah.

    The Torah considers having children to be a primary purpose of marriage. Therefore if a man dies childless, his widow is required to marry his brother (if feasible), and the children subsequently born are considered in some regards as the children of the deceased brother. Strictly speaking, no legal act is required to officiate this marriage, as it is considered to be a direct continuation of the dead husband’s marriage. This is called Yibum (Levirate marriage).

    If it is not feasible for the widow and her brother-in-law to become married, then a legal act called Chalitza is performed, to dissolve the dead brother’s marriage and enable the widow to remarry out of the family.

    Historically, before the Torah was given at Mount Sinai, Jews practiced Yibum, but with slight differences. Firstly, any close family member of the deceased could perform the act (including his father). Secondly, the bond with the deceased husband was considered intact to the extent that if the widow married someone else, it was considered adultery (with capital punishment).

    Judah was afraid to let his third and last son, Shaila, marry Tamar, lest he die like his brothers. So Judah told Tamar to wait for Shaila to grow up. But she soon saw that it was only an excuse. Tamar then dressed like a prostitute and seduced Judah.

    When Tamar was found to be pregnant, Judah (as head of a rabbinical court) proclaimed the death penalty for adultery. Tamar then sent Judah the collateral items he had left with her, and asked him to identify them. The Sages derive from this story that one should rather be burned to death than embarrass another person in public!

    Judah admitted that he was the father, rendering the act Yibum and permissible. Tamar gave birth to twins, Peretz (the ancestor of King David) and Zerach.

    The Zohar explains the kabbalistic significance of this story: At a time when everyone was concerned with Joseph, and Jacob was mourning, Judah, who directly caused the first Jewish exile by selling Joseph to Egypt, was now busy planting the seed for the final redemption of Moshiach, the descendent of David!

    * * *

    Jacob was mourning, Judah, who directly caused the first Jewish exile by selling Joseph to Egypt, was now busy planting the seed for the final redemption of Moshiach, the descendent of David!

    * * *

    Joseph was sold as a slave to Potiphar, the chief executioner of Pharaoh. “His master saw that God is with him” (Genesis 39:3). Even an Egyptian idolater could recognize spirituality, just from Joseph.

    Joseph was successful in all his endeavors, and Potiphar put the entire household in his hands.

    Just as Joseph was starting to feel good (as opposed to his father, who was still mourning), Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him. This was a tremendous test for a 17-year-old boy, with no family guidance. The Midrash describes how Potiphar’s wife constantly changed her clothes and tried to attract Joseph, but to no avail.

    One day Potiphar’s wife threw a party for her friends and Joseph was the waiter. She served them assorted fruit and they had sharp knives with which to peel the fruit. As they were peeling the fruit, Joseph served the main course. The women kept their eyes riveted on the beautiful Joseph (who was modestly gazing at the floor), and they didn’t pay attention to what they were doing until they were covered with blood after peeling their fingers!

    One day there was a idolatrous holiday and Potiphar’s family was at the temple. Potiphar’s wife claimed to be ill and stayed home where she could try again with Joseph. She grabbed his cloak, but Joseph slipped away, leaving it in her hands. Just then the family returned and she was caught red-handed with Joseph’s cloak in her hands. She panicked, and accused him of trying to rape her. “As he removed his cloak, I screamed, and he left it with me and ran away!” (Genesis 39:15)
    This has been the claim of anti-Semites since time immemorial. Although they murder Jews, they call us murderers. Potiphar, not believing his wife’s story (or he would have executed Joseph), had no choice but to punish his servant.

    He sent Joseph to the royal dungeon where the important prisoners were kept. Here, Joseph was also very successful.

    The Sages explain the connection between Potiphar’s wife and the story of Tamar. They both had good intentions. Potiphar’s wife had seen in the stars that she would become Joseph’s wife and part of the Jewish people, just as Tamar’s motivation was to marry Judah and become part of the Jewish people. Of course, stargazing is not reliable, and what Potiphar’s wife really saw was her daughter, who would marry Joseph (see Parshat Miketz).

    There is, however, a big difference between the act of these two women. “A sin for the sake of Heaven,” as the rabbis call this behavior, is only commendable if it is carried out until the end. If the conditions change halfway through, and the act is no longer for the sake of Heaven, then no reward need be paid! Tamar intended to marry Judah and become part of the Jewish people. When she was being taken to be burned, she didn’t forget that her intentions were for the “sake of Heaven,” and she refused to embarrass her father-in-law. The wife of Potiphar, on the other hand, as soon as the going got rough, was ready to have Joseph framed to save her skin. This revealed that her intentions were not purely “for the sake of Heaven.” (heard from Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe)

    * * *

    Pharaoh was angry with his “Minister of Bread” (the baker) and “Minister of Wine” (the butler). (Egypt was a very materialistic society.) To those beneath them, they were important ministers, but to those above them they were only the butler and baker and could easily be thrown into the “clink”! (Rabbi S.R. Hirsch)

    Pharaoh had them imprisoned in the royal 5-star dungeon where Joseph was in charge. The Sages inform us of their crimes: A stone was found in the bread, and a fly in the cup of wine.

    In jail, they were treated very well by the warden (you never know if they may get out!) and Joseph was appointed to serve them. Both the butler and the baker had dreams on the same night, and were very depressed about them. Joseph offered to interpret the dreams, for after all, “interpretations are from God!” (Genesis 40:8)

    The butler dreamt that he was squeezing grapes into Pharaoh’s cup. Joseph interpreted that in three days he would be returned to his post. (The Sages explain that each one also dreamt the interpretation of the other one’s dream, so the baker knew that Joseph was correct.)

    The baker dreamt that birds were eating from a basket of baked goods on his head (something they would never do in the presence of a live person). Joseph interpreted that in three days Pharaoh would hang him and the birds would eat his flesh.

    Joseph begged the butler to remember him to Pharaoh. The dreams came true exactly as Joseph had predicted (dreams go after the interpretation). But the butler forgot about Joseph.

    Question: How did this prove that Joseph really knew how to interpret dreams? Maybe he was just lucky this time?

    Answer: The commentary Malbim explains that there were really four people involved: (1) The butler produces the wine, (2) the Minister of Wine brings the cup to Pharaoh, (3) the baker bakes the bread, and (4) the Minister of Bread brings it to Pharaoh. If so, the stone in the bread was the fault of the baker who did not properly clean his pans, not the fault of minister who had no way of knowing there was a stone in the bread. On the other hand, the fly in the cup was not the butler’s fault, rather it was the fault of the Minister of Wine who should have examined the cup first.

    Therefore, what Joseph saw in the dream went against simple logic. Joseph saw that Pharaoh would judge the workers first, and then sentence their seniors based on the people for whom they were responsible. Since the baker was guilty, the Minister of Bread was punished, and since the butler was not to blame, his boss the Minister of Wine got off the hook. This was clear, irrefutable evidence that Joseph knew the art of dream interpretations.

    * * *

    Three days later was Pharaoh’s birthday party, and he needed all of his servants. (Contrast this with the Jewish preference to mark a Yahrtzeit, date of death, when a person completes his life’s mission, rather then the birthday which is only the maiden voyage.) Pharaoh reinstated the butler, and hanged the baker exactly as Joseph had predicted. However, the butler at first totally forgot Joseph, and even when he did remember, didn’t feel like helping him out. (Never trust Egyptian butlers!)

    Pharaoh also has some dreams – which we’ll see next week…

  16. Proud Conservative Mom

    Joseph Dreams, Gets Thrown Into a Pit, and Begins His Rise to Egyptian Power

    by Rabbi Avi Geller

    Parshas Vayeshev (Genesis 37-40)

    As the scorpions lunged at his feet, Joseph again appealed to his brothers. “Have compassion! This pit is full of snakes and scorpions!”

    Joseph’s brothers were not listening. His screams were disturbing their meal, so they traveled some distance from the pit to better enjoy their kabob. As they looked up to notice a caravan of Ishmaelites approaching from the north, the brothers decided to sell Joseph to them.

    Meanwhile, another group of Midianite merchants happened to be passing by from the south. They heard Joseph’s screams and immediately pulled him from the pit. They saw his dress and manner and assumed he must be the son of a nobleman.

    As Joseph’s brothers saw what was happening, they came running toward the pit. “What right do you have to take our slave?” they demanded.

    “Your slave?!” questioned the Midianites, “You should be his slaves!” When Shimon and Levi took out their swords, however, the demeanor of the Midianites changed. “Alright, don’t get violent about it! How about selling him to us?” the merchants chimed. The brothers bartered Joseph for shoes for the entire family, and were thus rid of their brother.

    The Midianites, however, had misgivings about the entire affair. “Maybe he’s the son of a chieftain who will come looking for him,” they theorized. “He’s too hot! Let’s get rid of him at the first opportunity.” When the Ishmaelite caravan came into sight, it offered the perfect solution. The Ishmaelites usually transported foul smelling items such as pitch and tar, but this particular caravan happened to be transporting spices and incense to Egypt. Despite the indignation of being repeatedly sold as a slave, Joseph was finally heading down to Egypt … in the most fragrant manner possible. (based on Midrash)

    So begins the plot that eventually takes Jacob and his family to the bitter exile in Egypt.

    Parshat Vayeshev is about dreams. Why do people dream? Some dreams may be prophetic, but most are obviously not. People tend to dream about the things they think about during the day. The mind keeps functioning even when one is asleep.

    How can one know the meaning of a particular dream? The Talmud says that dreams “follow their interpretation.” The way they are interpreted, so are they fulfilled.

    * * *

    Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob, and the first-born of his beloved wife Rachel who later died in childbirth. Joseph was a prodigy and became his father’s prime disciple. Jacob showed Joseph favoritism (for which he was criticized by the Sages) and made him a supervisor over his brothers. Jacob also had a special striped garment made for Joseph. Joseph “snitched” on his older brothers out of his genuine love and concern for their spiritual growth. The brothers, however, didn’t see things that way at all.

    Joseph had a dream. He called his brothers together and described the dream: “We were all gathering sheaves of grain (they were shepherds, not farmers – so why grain?), and your sheaves bowed down to mine.”

    The brothers’ reaction was, “Will you rule over us and be our king?” (Genesis 37:8) They had thus interpreted the dream.

    Joseph had a second dream. “The sun, moon and 11 stars were bowing down to me.” This time the brothers got smart and kept quiet about any interpretation. But Joseph wanted the fitting interpretation, so he went to his father and told over the dream. Jacob exclaimed, “Will I and your mother and brothers bow down to you?” Thus he interpreted the dream as well.

    Question: Didn’t his mother already die?

    Answer: The sages explain that it refered to Bilhah, who brought him up
    as her son.

    “His brothers were jealous, but his father waited for the events to materialize” (Genesis 37:11). Joseph’s brothers suspected him of manipulation. They suspected that he wanted to be the sole heir of Jacob, just as Abraham and Isaac had only one continuation of the line. Joseph constantly reported bad things about his brothers to their father. They believed he was plotting to get his father to curse them, so he could take the entire inheritance.

    When Joseph dreamed of becoming a king, this really enraged the brothers. They did not see these dreams as prophecies, but rather as a manifestation of what he was thinking about all day. The brothers considered their analysis genuine, but the Torah reveals that it emanated from jealousy. We are often not aware of what our true motivations are. We must meditate and introspect very carefully to discover the motivations that drive us.

    * * *

    Joseph’s brothers went to Shechem to tend to the flocks and deliberate about the situation. Shechem was the site where they’d earlier taken affirmative action to maintain the brotherhood, when it was threatened from without (Dinah was kidnapped). Now there was a threat from within – Joseph – who they thought wanted it all.

    Jacob was aware of the animosity between his sons, and sent Joseph to look for his brothers. “See the peace of your brothers and the peace of the sheep, and return to me with a report” (Genesis 32:14). In other words, “make peace with your brothers!”

    * * *


    As Joseph searched for his brothers, he was met by a man (tradition says this was the angel Gabriel) who hinted to Joseph that his brothers were out to get him. Yet Joseph was following his father’s instructions and paid no heed to the warning. As the brothers noticed Joseph’s approach, they started to plan his reception party.

    Though this sounds like evil men conniving to murder their own flesh and blood, this cannot be true. We are talking about the righteous sons of Jacob, the fathers of the Twelve Tribes of Israel who taught morals and ethics to the world.

    In actuality, the brothers convened a rabbinical court and tried Joseph. Some religions teach: “Resist not evil, turn the other cheek!” (Just don’t try hitting the first cheek!) Judaism, by contrast, teaches “Resist evil!” For example, if you know that someone is plotting to get up at 4 a.m. to kill you, the Sages advise you to get up at 3 a.m. and kill him first.

    This “rabbinical court” convicted Joseph of wanting to harm his brothers, and thus Joseph was regarded as having the status of “actively harming others,” who we are obligated to stop, even by killing him.

    “Here comes the dreamer!” they proclaimed. “Let’s kill him, throw him into a pit, and claim that a wild beast killed him” (Genesis 37:20). This was a legal death sentence.

    * * *


    Reuven said, “We must not put him to death with our own hands! He is, after all, our flesh and blood. Let’s throw him into a pit and let him die of natural causes.” They understood that if God was with Joseph, he would survive.

    Reuven’s plan was to come back later and free Joseph. Reuven, as the first born and presumed leader of the next generation, had the most to gain from the death of Joseph. Yet Reuven felt responsibility and tried to save him. ( He was also aware of the fact that he would carry the blame as well.)

    * * *

    When Joseph arrived, the brothers immediately removed his striped coat, which had caused so much jealousy and animosity. Then they threw him into the pit, which was “empty, it had no water” (Genesis 37:24). The brothers had checked to see if it had water, but didn’t notice that it contained snakes and scorpions. Joseph’s life was in peril and God protected him from the creatures. (The Talmud states that if one testified that a man fell into a pit with snakes and scorpions, his wife may remarry – for he is surely dead!) Yet the brothers didn’t even notice the miracle.

    Reuven had to go attend to Jacob, so Judah took upon himself the leadership role. The brothers noticed a passing caravan of Ishmaelites. Judah said, “Why kill our brother and cover his blood? If we sell him to Egypt, he will be out of our hair with no bloodshed, and we can make a handsome profit as well!” The brothers all agreed and the act was done.

    When Reuven returned to the pit and found it empty, he tore his garments and cried, “The lad is missing and where shall I hide from father’s pain?” (Genesis 37:30) – i.e. “He was only a lad and hadn’t really been trying to harm us!”

    The brothers dipped Joseph’s garment in goat’s blood and sent it to their father. Jacob recognized the garment and declared Joseph dead. He tore his garments, wore sackcloth, and mourned for many days. (Rashi says he mourned for 22 years, until he set eyes on Joseph.) His children tried to comfort him, but he refused to be consoled, claiming, “I will mourn my son until the grave!”

    Question: Isn’t one supposed to trust in God, and only mourn for a limited time?

    Answer: Jacob wasn’t only mourning for his son. Jacob had a special mission in life, to create a Jewish people with Twelve Tribes. Now that one was missing, Jacob felt he had failed in his mission. For this, he could never be consoled – until he found out that Joseph was still alive.

    * * *

    The Parsha continues: Judah left his brothers and went off on his own.

    Question: Why is the story of Judah and Tamar inserted right in the middle of the story of Joseph?

    Answer: The Sages explain that when the brothers realized how much they had hurt their father, they were angry with Judah, on whose advice they had relied to sell Joseph as a slave. Had Judah told them instead to spare Joseph, they would have done so. The brothers therefore ostracized Judah, and as a result, he went off on his own.

    Judah married the daughter of Shua the Canaanite (the commentaries explain that
    “Canaanite” in this context refers to his trade, a merchant, rather than his nationality) and they had three sons together. Two of the sons died tragically while married to Tamar, the daughter (or most probably, the granddaughter or great-granddaughter) of Shem, the son of Noah.

    The Torah considers having children to be a primary purpose of marriage. Therefore if a man dies childless, his widow is required to marry his brother (if feasible), and the children subsequently born are considered in some regards as the children of the deceased brother. Strictly speaking, no legal act is required to officiate this marriage, as it is considered to be a direct continuation of the dead husband’s marriage. This is called Yibum (Levirate marriage).

    If it is not feasible for the widow and her brother-in-law to become married, then a legal act called Chalitza is performed, to dissolve the dead brother’s marriage and enable the widow to remarry out of the family.

    Historically, before the Torah was given at Mount Sinai, Jews practiced Yibum, but with slight differences. Firstly, any close family member of the deceased could perform the act (including his father). Secondly, the bond with the deceased husband was considered intact to the extent that if the widow married someone else, it was considered adultery (with capital punishment).

    Judah was afraid to let his third and last son, Shaila, marry Tamar, lest he die like his brothers. So Judah told Tamar to wait for Shaila to grow up. But she soon saw that it was only an excuse. Tamar then dressed like a prostitute and seduced Judah.

    When Tamar was found to be pregnant, Judah (as head of a rabbinical court) proclaimed the death penalty for adultery. Tamar then sent Judah the collateral items he had left with her, and asked him to identify them. The Sages derive from this story that one should rather be burned to death than embarrass another person in public!

    Judah admitted that he was the father, rendering the act Yibum and permissible. Tamar gave birth to twins, Peretz (the ancestor of King David) and Zerach.

    The Zohar explains the kabbalistic significance of this story: At a time when everyone was concerned with Joseph, and Jacob was mourning, Judah, who directly caused the first Jewish exile by selling Joseph to Egypt, was now busy planting the seed for the final redemption of Moshiach, the descendent of David!

    * * *

    Jacob was mourning, Judah, who directly caused the first Jewish exile by selling Joseph to Egypt, was now busy planting the seed for the final redemption of Moshiach, the descendent of David!

    * * *

    Joseph was sold as a slave to Potiphar, the chief executioner of Pharaoh. “His master saw that God is with him” (Genesis 39:3). Even an Egyptian idolater could recognize spirituality, just from Joseph.

    Joseph was successful in all his endeavors, and Potiphar put the entire household in his hands.

    Just as Joseph was starting to feel good (as opposed to his father, who was still mourning), Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him. This was a tremendous test for a 17-year-old boy, with no family guidance. The Midrash describes how Potiphar’s wife constantly changed her clothes and tried to attract Joseph, but to no avail.

    One day Potiphar’s wife threw a party for her friends and Joseph was the waiter. She served them assorted fruit and they had sharp knives with which to peel the fruit. As they were peeling the fruit, Joseph served the main course. The women kept their eyes riveted on the beautiful Joseph (who was modestly gazing at the floor), and they didn’t pay attention to what they were doing until they were covered with blood after peeling their fingers!

    One day there was a idolatrous holiday and Potiphar’s family was at the temple. Potiphar’s wife claimed to be ill and stayed home where she could try again with Joseph. She grabbed his cloak, but Joseph slipped away, leaving it in her hands. Just then the family returned and she was caught red-handed with Joseph’s cloak in her hands. She panicked, and accused him of trying to rape her. “As he removed his cloak, I screamed, and he left it with me and ran away!” (Genesis 39:15)
    This has been the claim of anti-Semites since time immemorial. Although they murder Jews, they call us murderers. Potiphar, not believing his wife’s story (or he would have executed Joseph), had no choice but to punish his servant.

    He sent Joseph to the royal dungeon where the important prisoners were kept. Here, Joseph was also very successful.

    The Sages explain the connection between Potiphar’s wife and the story of Tamar. They both had good intentions. Potiphar’s wife had seen in the stars that she would become Joseph’s wife and part of the Jewish people, just as Tamar’s motivation was to marry Judah and become part of the Jewish people. Of course, stargazing is not reliable, and what Potiphar’s wife really saw was her daughter, who would marry Joseph (see Parshat Miketz).

    There is, however, a big difference between the act of these two women. “A sin for the sake of Heaven,” as the rabbis call this behavior, is only commendable if it is carried out until the end. If the conditions change halfway through, and the act is no longer for the sake of Heaven, then no reward need be paid! Tamar intended to marry Judah and become part of the Jewish people. When she was being taken to be burned, she didn’t forget that her intentions were for the “sake of Heaven,” and she refused to embarrass her father-in-law. The wife of Potiphar, on the other hand, as soon as the going got rough, was ready to have Joseph framed to save her skin. This revealed that her intentions were not purely “for the sake of Heaven.” (heard from Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe)

    * * *

    Pharaoh was angry with his “Minister of Bread” (the baker) and “Minister of Wine” (the butler). (Egypt was a very materialistic society.) To those beneath them, they were important ministers, but to those above them they were only the butler and baker and could easily be thrown into the “clink”! (Rabbi S.R. Hirsch)

    Pharaoh had them imprisoned in the royal 5-star dungeon where Joseph was in charge. The Sages inform us of their crimes: A stone was found in the bread, and a fly in the cup of wine.

    In jail, they were treated very well by the warden (you never know if they may get out!) and Joseph was appointed to serve them. Both the butler and the baker had dreams on the same night, and were very depressed about them. Joseph offered to interpret the dreams, for after all, “interpretations are from God!” (Genesis 40:8)

    The butler dreamt that he was squeezing grapes into Pharaoh’s cup. Joseph interpreted that in three days he would be returned to his post. (The Sages explain that each one also dreamt the interpretation of the other one’s dream, so the baker knew that Joseph was correct.)

    The baker dreamt that birds were eating from a basket of baked goods on his head (something they would never do in the presence of a live person). Joseph interpreted that in three days Pharaoh would hang him and the birds would eat his flesh.

    Joseph begged the butler to remember him to Pharaoh. The dreams came true exactly as Joseph had predicted (dreams go after the interpretation). But the butler forgot about Joseph.

    Question: How did this prove that Joseph really knew how to interpret dreams? Maybe he was just lucky this time?

    Answer: The commentary Malbim explains that there were really four people involved: (1) The butler produces the wine, (2) the Minister of Wine brings the cup to Pharaoh, (3) the baker bakes the bread, and (4) the Minister of Bread brings it to Pharaoh. If so, the stone in the bread was the fault of the baker who did not properly clean his pans, not the fault of minister who had no way of knowing there was a stone in the bread. On the other hand, the fly in the cup was not the butler’s fault, rather it was the fault of the Minister of Wine who should have examined the cup first.

    Therefore, what Joseph saw in the dream went against simple logic. Joseph saw that Pharaoh would judge the workers first, and then sentence their seniors based on the people for whom they were responsible. Since the baker was guilty, the Minister of Bread was punished, and since the butler was not to blame, his boss the Minister of Wine got off the hook. This was clear, irrefutable evidence that Joseph knew the art of dream interpretations.

    * * *

    Three days later was Pharaoh’s birthday party, and he needed all of his servants. (Contrast this with the Jewish preference to mark a Yahrtzeit, date of death, when a person completes his life’s mission, rather then the birthday which is only the maiden voyage.) Pharaoh reinstated the butler, and hanged the baker exactly as Joseph had predicted. However, the butler at first totally forgot Joseph, and even when he did remember, didn’t feel like helping him out. (Never trust Egyptian butlers!)

    Pharaoh also has some dreams – which we’ll see next week…

  17. Proud Conservative Mom

    I LOVE shopping in Aisle One.
    (Jewish owned stores have Jewish music playing.)
    They also decorate the store for the holidays.

    I couldn’t resist snapping a few photos.

  18. Proud Conservative Mom

    Talk about irony.
    My 21 year old is studying in Eretz Yisroel.

    I couldn’t get ahold of these incredible cookies that are only available Chanukah time for THREE years.
    He LOVES these cookies!

    I found a store that had eight boxes left.
    I bought two.

    (I’m going to savor one or two cookies over Shabbos. My other family members really love them as well. I’m not telling my 21 year old about this.)

    (I don’t receive a commission for this, I am just very highly recommending them. 😃😃😃. Consider it a public service announcement.)

    At least he’ll access to the best sufganiyot (donuts).
    Those are to be found in Eretz Yisroel.

    1. Weary Traveler

      That makes me think of this market that used to exist in San Jose that was owned by an Italian family. They had a really good bakery and these chocolate bread men cookies what were so awesome. If I had access to a time machine, I would go back and get me a couple dozen.

        1. Weary Traveler

          I am not sure if these were Italian, I think the cookies were a type of shortbread. Not sure. It was the same texture and feel of a sugar cookie, but all chocolate, and was shaped like a gingerbread man. They didn’t have any frosting or anything like that on them.

          I haven’t found any place that sells anything similar.

          I totally agree about German pastries. One of my favorites though is those French crepes. My good friend’s dad is French Armenian. And he would make really good crepes for breakfast. Plus he used the real Nutella, which is actually a lot different from the stuff in the grocery store.

    2. AuntiE*TFL

      If you really want something good, try that company’s apricot or raspberry Rugelach.

      Secondly, if I can find the cookies here, do you want me to buy some and send them?

        1. AuntiE*TFL

          I would be beyond astonished if they do not have them. It is a small local market with a large Jewish customer base. I

          1. AuntiE*TFL

            Frankly, I had less issue with posting it here. My perception is none of the participants here would misuse it if they copied it. Having said that, I still quickly removed it. One never knows who is lurking unseen.

  19. Tony

    There are some unpleasant people in Israel –

    “Channel 13’s Arab affairs correspondent Zvi Yehezkeli suggested that Israel should kidnap Hamas officials’ children in order to reach a deal
    to return Israeli hostages in Gaza in a 103FM interview on Friday. ” [JP]

    The Western media would love that.

  20. diaspora
    The find represents the “first evidence in the Judean Desert for the Maccabean revolt against the Greek Seleucid Kingdom,” the Israel Antiquities Authority said Tuesday.

    An ancient treasure trove of silver coins dating back 2,200 years found in a desert cave in Israel could add crucial new evidence to support a story of Jewish rebellion, archaeologists say.

    The find represents the “first evidence in the Judean Desert for the Maccabean revolt against the Greek Seleucid Kingdom,” the Israel Antiquities Authority said Tuesday.

    The small wooden box, found in the Muraba‘at cave during an excavation in the Judean desert near the Dead Sea in May, is dated between 10 and 15 years before the revolt.Israel Antiquities AuthorityEitan Klein, part of the team who studied the coins, said the discovery confirms the narrative that many fled the fighting and may have hidden their valuables.

    Excavation teams examine a wooden box containing the coins upon its discovery.According to tradition, a priest called Mattathias sparked the revolt in 167 by refusing to worship Greek gods, killing a Jew who tried to take his place then destroying an altar. He and his five sons then fled and went into hiding.

          1. Sapper 9

            Obama , another Soros /globalist puppet, started his Senate campaign in the Ayers/Doern (weather underground terrorists) living room.

        1. Sapper 9

          I was commenting on what appears to be stack of dvds, I was curious if you planned on watching all of them.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            Apologies for not being clear.
            They’re actually books.

            The Menorah (the Hebrew words on it mean that these candles are separate) symbolizes the Jewish People.

            The meme symbolizes that it is WE the Jewish People because Hashem willed it to be so, stand on the ashes of our enemies.

            We’re forever and ever The Chosen People (who will be going home forever at any moment).

            I can see how the books would look like DVDs

          2. Sapper 9

            Sorry, I was using my phone and the image is small, now I got a good laugh and my own misunderstanding. Lol

          1. AuntiE*TFL

            It stands for Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. It is more prevalent in colleges and universities; however, is a good stepping stone toward military service.

    1. AuntiE*TFL

      Annually, I donate to Wreaths Across America to make sure every grave in every mi,Italy cemetery has a wreath.

      Did you know Justice Thomas helps lay wreaths at Arlington Cemetery every year?

        1. AuntiE*TFL

          He has never spoken about his work there. He simply shows up, goes about laying wreaths and then goes home.

  21. Proud Conservative Mom

    Israeli travel insurers said Saturday they had launched an operation to rescue tourists stranded in Peru, amid deadly unrest sparked by the ousting of the country’s president last week.

    Travel insurance company Passportcard and MAGNUS International Search and Rescue said that tourists stuck near Aguas Calientes — a town near the ancient Incan citadel of Machu Picchu — were taking a 10-kilometer (6-mile) long trek escorted by the firms’ guides on foot to a hydroelectrical facility, where they will then take a six-hour drive to the city of Cusco.

    — JewishNews24

        1. Weary Traveler

          It was really nice. Got back from Los Gatos this afternoon. I got to see some family friends I haven’t seen in a while. Just waiting on Marty now to stop by with some pizza.

          1. Weary Traveler

            I think that’s how life is supposed to be. Not the Asperger’s-Land that is normally inflicted on us.

            It was actually really nice being where there is still activity happening at night. I got a really nice scarf at this hat shop on the main street. We don’t see many hat shops in the Bay Area. But Asperger’s-Ville isn’t exactly known for having any sense of style.

  22. Proud Conservative Mom

    Police in New York said Saturday they were investigating an alleged antisemitic attack this week where the perpetrator assaulted a 63-year-old man in Central Park, yelled a number of antisemitic comments at him and finished with “Kanye 2024,” in reference to rapper Kanye West, before fleeing on a bicycle.

    The Washington Post reported Saturday that the incident took place Wednesday evening when the victim was walking in Central Park and the attacker, a man in his 40s, hit him from behind, causing him to fall to the ground. The victim, who has not been identified, broke his hand and chipped a tooth in the alleged attack.

    — JewishNews24

  23. Proud Conservative Mom

    Tucker’s Good Bye Tribute to Adam Kinzinger: “We will never forget him. Adam Kinzinger will live forever in our hearts as an example of what a man can be when he stops trying to be a man and unleashes the emotionally fragile divorced single mom from within…”

    — JewishNews24

  24. Proud Conservative Mom

    The New York Times published an editorial on Saturday warning that Benjamin Netanyahu’s presumed incoming hard-right, ultra-religious government represents a danger to Israel’s democracy.

    The piece, titled “The Ideal of Democracy in a Jewish State Is in Jeopardy,” argued that while Netanyahu won the election fairly, the far-reaching power he is offering his far-right and ultra-Orthodox partners creates a real threat to democratic values.

    — JewishNews24

        1. AuntiE*TFL

          Getting to sleep very late; however, am having solid uninterrupted when I do fall asleep.

          It is one of our best purchases. 😊

    1. george linker

      The man is dead so they made no change except to make the current administration look really really stupid.

    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      That wouldn’t prevent acts of antisemitism.

      These events and far worse are occuring even in extremely heavily populated Jewish places such as the Williamsburg and Borough Park section of Brooklyn, NY.

      The Seventh Day Adventists are a huge cult.

      1. AuntiE*TFL

        Their World Headquarters is in Montgomery County as well as a university and several medical facilities. I will give them kudos for their medical personnel. They are thorough, efficient yet have excellent patient communication.

        1. Proud Conservative Mom

          There is a purpose for everything in this world.

          I’m grateful that they do good things.

          I heard about the destruction and havoc that they wreak, in general.

          I haven’t dealt with a member of that cult personally.

          1. AuntiE*TFL

            We are equal distance between two hospitals. UncleE had an issue needing emergency care. I, unilaterally, decided to go to Seventh Day Adventist. The wait was significantly less. Every single person presented a sense of caring and urgency in providing care. Instead of talking at us, they explained and would stop and ask if we had questions during their explanation. The last time we had interaction with the other emergency room, an ambulance did delivery and yet nary a single hospital medical person took any action for 90 minutes. In fact, the EMT had to stay and could not understand why no one was coming around.

          2. AuntiE*TFL

            Oh, this is to funny. We have one neighborhood that has two synagogues and two Seventh Day Adventist churches within just a few blocks of each other. Added to that is the Unitarian “church” within four blocks. Nary a single protestant church within five miles.🤔😳🤓

          3. AuntiE*TFL

            Yes, way.

            One of the Adventist facilities is caddy corner to a synagogue. We looked at a house in the neighborhood; however, two contracts were on it before we even finished looking at the house.

          4. Sapper 9

            The Unitarian “church” is a bunch of weirdos mocking religion, I pass by one a couple of times a day, they fly an American flag, but have both the BLM and LGBTQALPHABET flags below it.

          5. AuntiE*TFL

            He has a history of thrombosis and embolisms. He never fails to take his blood thinner. EVER!!

            When he use to fly, a lot, he had a letter from his hematologist stating he needed to be allowed to walk around the cabin often. The airlines were very understanding. Of course, nowadays they would probably ignore t

      2. Sapper 9

        I only know one seventh day Adventist, he is the (preacher, clergy , minister?) for his church; he never talks religion around us and is a nice enough guy.

        I am unfamiliar with anything about them and they could be as you stated.

  25. Proud Conservative Mom

    Chanukah, Celebration of Religious Liberty; Hate Has No Home in Classic Judaism

    By: Rabbi Leonard Grunstein

    The Jewish holiday of Chanukah is an annual eight-day celebration of religious liberty and freedom from oppression.

    It centers on the lighting of the Chanukah menorah[i] as a means of publicizing the miracle of the oil, which the Talmud[ii] explains is the basis for the holiday of Chanukah. The ancient Greeks had occupied the Second Temple and polluted the store of sacred and pure olive oil. When the Maccabees overcame and defeated the Greeks, they entered the Temple and rededicated it. Indeed the name Chanukah is derived from the Hebrew word to dedicate. As noted below, there was no golden Menorah to light, as a part of the daily Temple ritual, so they had to jerry rig one[iii]. They found only one unspoiled container of oil, inscribed with the seal of the High Priest. It was likely not even sufficient to light the Menorah for just one day[iv]; yet, it miraculously lasted for eight days. In later years, these days were fixed as a holiday period of thanksgiving and for the recitation of the Hallel (a special prayer of praise said on special days in theJewish calendar). The Talmud presents the martial victory of the Maccabees over the ancient Greeks, almost as an afterthought, merely to set the scene for the occurrence of the miracle of the oil.

    Why this singular focus on kindling lights[v]? Why don’t we also have some special observance of the miraculous victory over the Greeks? While, there is a reference to the triumph over the Greeks in the additional Al Hanissim prayer[vi], inserted into the Amidah and Bircat HaMazon (Grace After Meals), it too concludes with a recitation of the miracle of the oil and lighting of the Menorah.

    There is little of the pomp and circumstance of Purim, when we celebrate the miraculous victory over Haman and his cohorts. There’s no gleeful public reading of a Megillah, like Megillat Esther[vii], detailing the events and proclaiming the miracles that occurred. There are no noisemakers to blot out the name of the enemy, like Haman’s name on Purim. There’s also no Mishloach Manot[viii], gifts to the poor[ix], costumes or formal[x], obligatory, celebratory feast[xi]. To add to the mystery, why do we work on Chanukah[xii]? Why is it not like many other Jewish Holidays, when work is prohibited? Indeed, even on Purim, the custom is not to work[xiii].

    On Chanukah, we rush home to light the Chanukah menorah with the family and that’s pretty much it. All right, we do sing as a part of the lighting ceremony and there are the foods fried in oil, like potato latkes and suvganiyot. However, these fried foods are selected as symbols, once again, because of their association with the oil. It’s all about the miracle of the oil.

    It is suggested that the act of kindling the lights has a very special meaning both in the context of Chanukah and the challenges overcome in Hasmonean times, as well as, some of the same challenges we face today.

    The engagement between ancient Greek and Jewish cultures originated many years before the climactic war with Antiochus and the victory that marked the beginning of Chanukah. The Talmud[xiv] reports on a fateful encounter between Alexander the Great and Shimon HaTzaddik, the Kohen Gadol. The result was to avert the Samaritans’ plot to destroy the Second Temple. At the time, there seemed to be a healthy respect between Alexander and Shimon, as representatives of their peoples and cultures. Indeed, the Talmud notes Alexander associated his success in battle with the image of Shimon[xv].

    There were cultural exchanges and even the Torah itself was translated into the Greek language[xvi]. Some in the Land of Israel adopted Greek customs. The Book of Maccabees reports that they built a gymnasium in Jerusalem and elected not to circumcise their sons[xvii]. I guess they wanted to fit in and be an unobtrusive part of the pervasive Greek culture. After all, Greece was the dominant power in the region and the Land of Israel was under its suzerainty.

    There were aspects of Greek culture, which were attractive and appealed to many. There was the shared goal of seeking perfection, although, in application there were marked differences in approach. Abstract thinking and noble thoughts, as well as, aesthetical considerations are good examples. There’s nothing inherently wrong with appreciating beauty. However, is pursuing aesthetical beauty for its own sake and without any tangible purpose really the way to achieve perfection?

    Maimonides[xviii] rejected the notion. He viewed the pursuit of perfection of the body’s appearance and function as a wasted effort. It’s one thing to exercise to keep in good shape and health. However, as Maimonides quips, no amount of weight training will make a person as strong as a lion or elephant. Thus, the object of this type of perfection does not yield any great utility. Beyond basic health, it does not do much for the soul.

    Maimonides[xix] did appreciate art, music, strolling through beautiful gardens and seeing splendid architecture, because they fulfilled the useful function of enlivening the mind and dissipating gloomy moods. Restoring and maintaining the healthful condition of the body are merit worthy purposes, required in order to create the potential for attaining wisdom and knowledge of G-d. Perfection, though, requires more. It can only be accomplished by performing all of G-d’s commandments in the Torah, commonly referred to as the 613 Mitzvot. Maimonides explains[xx] they were designed to engage every part of a human being to facilitate the foregoing. He writes[xxi] that perfection is, ultimately, about emulating G-d’s loving kindness, justice and equity[xxii]. A person’s mental, physical and soul health are dependent on the person’s moral conduct and taking the middle path[xxiii].

    The Sefer HaChinuch[xxiv] notes that outward actions have the power to shape character. A person is influenced by his or her actions and the heart and mind follow those actions. A wicked person can be transformed into a noble one by doing good deeds and not following his or her inclination to do bad deeds. A righteous person, on the other hand, who does bad deeds, can become a wicked person. It’s not about what a person thinks; it’s about what a person does that counts. Thus, the Torah provides for a person to perform all sorts of good actions, known as the Mitzvot, which were designed by G-d to improve the person’s character.

    The Talmud[xxv] expresses this concept in practical terms. It advises a person to study the Torah and perform the Mitzvot, even if he or she doesn’t have the appropriate intent. Through performance of the Mitzvot, a person gains understanding and will eventually have the proper intent.

    It’s all about doing good; not just thinking good thoughts. The Talmud[xxvi] cautions that study in the abstract of what is good and just, without putting those lessons into practice by actually doing Mitzvot (i.e.: good deeds) in daily life, is an anathema.

    While some Jews embraced the Greek way, others didn’t. It appears there was somewhat of a live and let live attitude for a time. This situation of détente, though, didn’t continue and discord erupted. The so-called Hellenizers, who had fully adopted the Greek ways, sought to impose their views on their brethren. Matisyahu and his sons rejected these impositions and wanted to live in accordance with the dictates of the Torah[xxvii]. However, the ancient Greek overlords had other ideas. They formulated an insidious plan to accomplish their goals of subjugation and assimilation of the Jewish people. To do so, they sought to undermine the culture and power of the nation of Israel. The plan was designed to stop the performance of the Mitzvot. By doing so, they sought to sever the connection of the Jewish people to G-d and, by extension, their access to divine protection.

    Megillat Antiochus[xxviii] reports the ancient Greeks issued decrees against the Jews observing the Sabbath, New Moon (month) and the Rite of Circumcision. By prohibiting the fixing of the date of the new month, they also, in effect, disrupted the observance of the Jewish Holidays. This is because the actual dates of the Jewish Holidays were calculated as a function of the date fixed for the new month. Hence, the popular aphorism that Rosh Hashanah may be early or late, but hardly ever on time.

    The Book of Maccabees[xxix] notes the Greeks also caused a cessation of burnt and flour offerings in the Holy Temple, as well as, wine libations. Indeed, they sought to disrupt the entire concept of a centralized sacrificial service, by profaning the Temple and the priests and erecting local altars where pigs and other non-kosher animals were sacrificed. In addition, they built temples devoted to idol worship. The plan was to enjoin the Jews from performing the Mitzvot and force them to change their ways, so as to conform to Greek culture and customs.

    Megillat Yehudit[xxx] reports Antiochus’ minions also sought to undermine the sanctity of marriage and the family, by requiring droit de seigneur, as a prelude to marriage. Midrash Ma’aseh Chanukah[xxxi] notes that the Greek authorities went so far as to prohibit locks and latches on doors, so that anyone could enter a Jewish home, day and night, as they pleased. They hoped to remove any sense of dignity or modesty. The use of ritual baths was also prohibited in an effort to undermine family purity.

    The Greeks authorities were determined to show they were in charge. They went so far as to require horns of animals to be engraved with the statement that they had no part in the G-d of Israel[xxxii]. Maimonides notes[xxxiii] Jews even had to write on their clothes that they had no share in the G-d of Israel. If there was any confusion about the intent of the Greek overlords, Maimonides reports[xxxiv] they promulgated decrees that banned outright the practice of the Jewish religion. The Jews were not allowed to engage in Torah study or the performance of Mitzvot.

    Greek misbehavior knew no boundaries. Private property, the family and the Temple were not sacrosanct; the Greeks plundered and defiled at will. Upon Antiochus’ return from battle with the Ptolemy king of Egypt, he passed through Jerusalem. He used the opportunity to plunder the Second Temple[xxxv], stealing the Temple treasury, golden Altar, Menorah and other Temple utensils. Maimonides reports[xxxvi] that the period of this Greek oppression lasted for 52-years. It was a period of darkness[xxxvii] and the Jewish people suffered greatly. The pressure was unbearable, but G-d had mercy and saved them.

    It began with the revolt, led by Matisyahu and his sons, including Judah the Maccabee. They miraculously succeeded in winning the war with the Antiochus, the Seleucid king in Syria. They then renewed and rededicated the Temple[xxxviii]. This included removing the stones from the profaned altar and building a new one. They also built a new Menorah out of iron spits[xxxix] that were clad with tin. As noted above, Antiochus had taken the golden Menorah, when he sacked the Temple. As the nation of Israel prospered, they replaced the makeshift Menorah with one made out of silver and then of gold.

    The compelling need for religious liberty and the freedom to perform the Mitzvot is at the heart of the observance of Chanukah. It is not, as an opinion piece recently appearing in the New York Times[xl] erroneously suggests, a celebration of fundamentalist Orthodox Jews imposing classical Judaism on everyone else. If anything, as noted above, it was the other way around. In this regard, it is important to recognize that the Sages did not canonize the Book of Maccabees as a part of the Tanach. It is suggested[xli] that this was because its messages of zealotry[xlii] was rejected by the Sages[xliii]. To put this in perspective, Rabbi Meir, a descendant of Emperor Nero of Rome[xliv], was one of the most brilliant and accomplished Sages in the Talmud[xlv]. At the same time he also had a continuing friendship with Elisha ben Abuya[xlvi], a notorious heretic, known as Acher[xlvii].

    The Talmud rails against the evil of groundless hatred[xlix]. Hate has no home in classical Judaism and to insinuate otherwise is inappropriate. It also displays a lack of knowledge and understanding of our traditions. To do so in the guise of being cosmopolitan or a progressive is also inexcusable. I can’t help but remember the anecdote, in Alan Dershowitz’s book Chutzpah, when he challenged his teacher and asked whether that made him an Apikores (heretic). The teacher reportedly responded that no, an Apikores knows something and that he was rather an ignoramus. There is a popular adage that seems particularly apt under the circumstances, to wit: ‘Better to light a candle than curse the darkness’.

    The symbolism of lighting the Chanukah menorah is particularly cogent, given the insidious plan of Antiochus and the ancient Greeks. Antiochus[l] focused on three particular Mitzvot, circumcision, the Sabbath and declaring the new month, in his decrees. They were calculated to perplex and confound, because they did not directly challenge any ethical teachings. They did not require a person to perpetrate some wicked deed. Indeed, it appeared that a virtuous and ethical life was entirely possible without following these esoteric, uniquely Judaic, practices. After all, circumcision was a medical procedure and served only to distinguish Jews from Greeks at the gym. Why not do away with it? Why this focus on not working on the Sabbath; when everyone else did? Why were all these complex astronomical and mathematical calculations of the lunar month necessary? Wouldn’t an ordinary Greek calendar suffice?

    The Greeks saw this initial set of decrees as a predicate to undermining observance of the Mitzvot, generally. They wanted to interfere with the relationship that bound the Jewish people to G-d. If the Jewish people did not perform G-d’s commandments, as embodied in both the written and oral law of the Torah, then they would not merit G-d’s protection. They would then be like all of the other subjects of the Greeks. They would no longer have that special quality, which Alexander the Great first recognized.

    Following Antiochus’ edict enabled the wonderful aspects of Greek culture to be accessed, including the arts, sports, theater and entry into the governing elite. There were also the seedier aspects of Greek society, including promiscuity, but that too had its own appeal. Why sacrifice so much for the institution of marriage and family purity in a society that flaunted its permissiveness? It didn’t seem to harm the Greeks; maybe it wasn’t so wrong? But, it was wrong and just like in today’s times there is confusion and clouded judgment, because of the darkness. The breaching of boundaries upset traditional family values and practices, which were designed to foster modesty, dignity and respect.

    The response is renewal and rededication to the Mitzvot. It begins with the affirmative act of lighting the Chanukah menorah. It is the counterpoint to Antiochus’ nefarious plan. He had enjoined the Jewish people from doing the Mitzvot and the rejoinder is to perform this Mitzvah of lighting the Chanukah menorah, very publicly, to demonstrate our continuing resolve. It is the light, which pierces through the darkness to restore clarity to our vision. It is the light that unites the humanity in all of us, no matter what our level of observance, identification or persuasion.

    The olive oil also has particular significance in the Talmud[li]. It represents our ability to restore our knowledge of Torah even after many years of desuetude. Like producing olive oil, it does take some self-sacrifice, work and devoted efforts[lii]. However, as the lighting Chanukah Menorah symbolizes, the divine providence is still present among us and protects us[liii]. We are still here, despite all the turmoil and vicissitudes of history, including the ancient Persians, Greeks and Romans and in spite of the Holocaust.

    It would appear, though, that today we still face many of the same challenges our ancestors did then. As our Sages observed so well, the answer does not lie in a cultural war. This is because it is not about what a person thinks; it is about what a person does. It’s time to renew and rededicate our commitment to doing the Mitzvot. Perhaps, this is another reason why the Talmud focused on the kindling of the light.

    It takes a person to arrange the Chanukah menorah, pour the olive oil, fix the wicks, ignite them and release the beautiful light. The menorah and all the fixings are much like a person and the actions he or she takes to shape their character. It’s not about differences in philosophy, personalities or personal Weltanschauung. They make no difference when kindling light or doing good deeds.

    We observe the Torah by performing one Mitzvah at a time. Kindling a light is a particular easy one to perform. Yet, it has its own innate charm and beauty. Do so publicly; it proclaims we are doing a Mitzvah and it is important to do it well. This is one of the times when we are urged to overdo it somewhat. Why not light with real olive oil to enhance the experience? Everyone in the house can each light his or her own Chanukah menorah[lv]. The menorah should be a new or clean and refurbished old one. It should not be some old used clay one that hasn’t been thoroughly cleaned[lvi]. Chanukah is a time of renewal and rededication.

    Go home and light the Chanukah menorah with the family. Work is important, but so is doing this special Mitzvah with the family. The same can be said about lighting the Sabbath candles. Eight days of light, which perforce include a Sabbath. Antiochus commanded us to work seven days a week. Our response was G-d commanded[lvii] us to work six days and rest on the seventh day, because it’s Sabbath. Perhaps that is why we work on Chanukah and only stop working for the Sabbath. We are demonstrating our dedication to this vitally important Mitzvah.

    May our lighting of the Chanukah menorah and Sabbath candles pierce the darkness and inspire us to do and be better. May our good actions transform us all into the noble and perfected individuals we aspire to be. Happy Chanukah.

    [i] Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Shabbos, at pages 21b and 23a-b.

    [ii] Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Shabbos, at page 21b.

    [iii] See Babylonian Talmud, Tractates; Menachot (page 28b), including Rashi and Tosafot thereon; Avoda Zara (page 43a), including Rashi thereon; and Rosh Hashanah (page 24b), including Tosafot and the Rashba thereon. See also Megillat Taanit, Kislev 25th day, Midrash Pesikta Rabati 2:1 and Megillat Antiochus.

    [iv] See Sheiltot Rav Achai Gaon (an 8th Century Halachic authority), Parshat Vayishlach 26 (and Shoel Keinyon thereon), as well as, the Maharsha on the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Chulin, page 55a.

    [v] Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 671-681.

    [vi] Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 682:1.

    [vii] Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 687-689.

    [viii] Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 694:1. See also Terumat Ha-Deshen, Section 111.

    [ix] Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 694:1.

    [x] See, however, the Rema (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 670:2), who notes that even though there was no formal obligation to have a formal celebratory seudah, some said it was somewhat of a Mitzvah to add meals. This was because Chanukah was the time of the dedication of the Altar, as noted below. The Rema also notes the custom to recite hymns and songs of praise during the meals (which, in effect, convert them into Seudat Mitzvah). The Rema also reports the custom to eat cheese on Chanukah. This is in recognition of the miracle that occurred with the milk (dairy dish), which Yehudit fed the Greek overlord seeking to abuse her, in order to lull him, before she dispatched him, as described below.

    [xi] Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 695:1,

    [xii] Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 670:1.

    [xiii] Rema, Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 696:1.

    [xiv] Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Yoma, at page 69a.

    [xv] Ibid. See also Megillat Taanit, Kislev, 21rst day.

    [xvi] Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Megillah, at pages 9a-b.

    [xvii] Maccabees I, 1:17

    [xviii] Maimonides, Guide to the Perplexed, Part III, Chapter 54.

    [xix] Shemonah Perakim, Chapter 5.

    [xx] Guide to the Perplexed, Part III, Chapters 31 and 27.

    [xxi] Ibid.

    [xxii] See Jeremiah 9:23.

    [xxiii] Shemonah Perakim, Chapter 3.

    [xxiv] Mitzvah 16.

    [xxv] See, for example, Babylonian Talmud, Tractates Pesachim (page 50b), Arachin (page 16b), Sanhedrin (page 105b), and Sotah (pages 22b and 47a). Cf. BabylonianTalmud, Tractate Brachot, at page 17b, but see explanation in Rashi and Tosafot on this Talmudic text.

    [xxvi] See Babylonian Talmud Tractates Shabbos (page 63b), Yevamot (page 109b) and Yoma (page 72b).

    [xxvii] Maccabees I, 2:13-et. seq.

    [xxviii] Also known as Megillat Beit Hasmonai and Kitab Bnei Hasmonai.

    [xxix] Maccabees I, 42-51.

    [xxx] Yehudit is referenced by the Rashbam, as reported in Tosafot, on Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Megillah, at page 4a. Rashi refers to a heroine of Chanukah in his commentary on Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Shabbos, at page 23a, although he does not mention Yehudit by name. The Ran, in his commentary on this Shabbos text, does refer to Yehudit by name and notes she fed the chief enemy cheese to eat. He goes on to say that this is the source for eating cheese on Chanukah. The Kol Bo (Section 44) also similarly describes how Yehudit fed the king of the Greeks a cheese dish so that he would be thirsty, drink too much and fall asleep. Yehudit was then able to decapitate him and the Jewish people miraculously won the battle.

    [xxxi] Otzar Tov, pages 39-40, as well as, Otzar Hamidrashim, Chanukah, on Sefaria.

    [xxxii] See Midrash Ma’aseh Chanukah and Maimonides’ Iggerot HaRambam, Iggeret Teiman 10.

    [xxxiii] Iggerot HaRambam, Iggeret Teiman 10.

    [xxxiv] Mishne Torah, Hilchot Megillah and Chanukah 3:1.

    [xxxv] Maccabees I, 1:20-24.

    [xxxvi] Iggerot HaRambam, Iggeret Teiman 10.

    [xxxvii] Bereishit Rabbah 2:4.

    [xxxviii] Maccabees I, 4:38-57.

    [xxxix] Supra, note iii.

    [xl] The Hypocrisy of Hanukkah, by Michael David Lukas, New York Times Opinion, dated December 1, 2018.

    [xli] This is based on a lecture given by Rav Hayyim Angel, a noted Biblical scholar, which I was privileged to hear.

    [xlii]See I Maccabees 2:23-27, 49-50 and 54, as wel as, Jersualem Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin 9:7 (page 27b). See also Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Megillah at page 14a.

    [xliii] See Mishna Sanhedrin 8:7, appearing in the Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin, at page 73a. See also Maimonides, Mishna Torah, Laws of Murder and the Preservation of Life 1:11.

    [xliv] Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Gittin, at page 56a.

    [xlv] See Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sanhedrin, at Page 86a. See also Tractate Gittin, at page 4a.

    [xlvi] See Jerusalem Talmud, Tractate Chagigah, at page 9b, Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kiddushin, at page 39b and Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Chagigah, at pages 15a-b.

    [xlvii] A Talmudic Hebrew colloquialism, meaning the other or one who shall not be named.

    [xlviii] Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Brachot, at page 10a.

    [xlix] Babylonian Talmud, Tractates Gittin (pages 55b-56a) and Yoma (9b).

    [l] As reported in Megillat Antiochus, as noted above.

    [li] Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Horayot, at page 13b.

    [lii] Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Menachot, at page 53b.

    [liii] Babylonian Talmud, Tractates Shabbos (page 22b) and Menachot (page 86b). See also Sifra, Emor, Section 13:9.

    [liv] Eicha Rabba Petichta 2.

    [lv] See Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Shabbos, at page 21a-b and Rema, Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 671:2.

    [lvi] Minor Tractate Soferim 20:3.

    [lvii] Exodus 20:8-10.

        1. Proud Conservative Mom

          Good afternoon AuntiE! 💞💞💞
          I first saw this now.
          It’s so very beautiful.

          I’m unsure as to how tyat happened.
          You’re on the trusted user list.

          Disqus is awful sometimes.

          I wish you and your loved ones a very healthy and happy holiday!

      1. John Gillis

        That was pretty clever!

        I think for your next Vinny graphic, you should have a squadron of Vinnys in their inverted yarmulke aircraft bombing targets with Bamba!

        I couldn’t find the original Vinny in his yarmulke flying saucer. It was in the About page prior to moving to the new NtJP web format.

    1. Weary Traveler

      And to think…. The same people giving away billions of our tax dollars to Iran, to war criminals like Zelensky, and to COVID propaganda, are the same lecturing billionaires like Elon Musk, about how the money could be better spent feeding the starving poor.

      1. Sapper 9

        In the past Musk donated $100,000,000 of his own money to feed the poor; however, I never hear them demand the same from hollyweird, or pro sports.

        Now the dems want another $3,500,000,000.00 for illegals.

        Spend, spend, spend, spend on noncitizens, foreign nations, free, free, free

        We are deep in debt , the spending is mortgaging the futures of our children and making inflation out of control

        1. Weary Traveler

          It’s destruction by design to bring us back to Feudalism. They can’t sell any of it without the big lie of “the greater good.”

          1. Sapper 9

            Nothing is more tyrannical than those doing things for our own good, and they never intend themselves to be included in the us.

          2. Weary Traveler

            Of course not. That how it works with totalitarians. Whether they are statists, or religious zealots.

            I remember all the “leaders” who were flouting the very rules they were inflicting on the rest of us, much like the televangelists who tell you you are going to hell for being physically attracted anyone, even a member of the opposite sex, and you and the other person are both single. Yet, they are the ones that get caught in sleazy hotel rooms with hookers.

            Either way, they are pompous and self-righteous a-holes who never did anything of value in their lives.

          3. Sapper 9

            The leaders that pushed for the lock downs on us , while they continually did the opposite themselves.

          4. John Gillis

            I just had a Jimmy Swaggart flashback. He was weeping as he apologized to the camera. Made me wish I were present and had an overripe tomato in my hand.

          5. Sapper 9

            I can remember the clown show of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, he went to prison for defrauding members of his CULT out of $158,000,000.

            After his adultery and crimes were exposed and his sentence served, he was back on TV again and the money was flowing in.

            I guess if they cannot get elected as a Democrat, then go on TV to grift.

          6. John Gillis

            The “greater good” is the worst lie of all. Stalin, Hitler and Mao touted that Big Lie ad nauseam. And now the current administration that I refuse to mention by name is doing the same thing.

          7. Weary Traveler

            All evil regimes use it. Humanity needs to learn to run like Hell from whoever uses that phrase, or any variation of it to pitch an agenda.

  26. diaspora

    Syria says Israeli airstrikes hit sites in Damascus area, two soldiers wounded

    State news agency reports air defenses engage Israeli missiles over Syrian capital; extent of damage to targeted sites unclear

    Today, 12:14 am – Updated: 20 December 2022, 12:32 am

    Israel launched airstrikes against unknown targets near the Syrian capital Damascus late Monday, leaving two soldiers wounded, Syria’s state news agency reported.

    There was no comment from the Israel Defense Forces, in line with its policy of not generally commenting on air raids in foreign countries.

    The SANA news agency, citing a military source, said Syrian air defenses shot down several Israeli missiles over Damascus. Syria regularly claims to intercept Israeli missiles, though military analysts doubt such assertions.

    Shortly before the Syrian media reports, Israelis near the northern border filmed Israeli Air Force jets flying overhead. SANA said the IAF jets launched their missiles from over the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel.

    SANA said two soldiers were wounded as a result of the strikes. Their conditions were not immediately clear.

  27. Proud Conservative Mom

    A Freilichen (joyous) Chanukah everyone!

    Sarah had sent me the following.
    I thought I would share it.
    This is the version with Israeli and French lyrics (which I like better). The original was written in the Zulu language and has these lyrics:

    Jerusalem, my home
    Rescue me
    Join me
    Don’t leave me here
    Jerusalem, my home
    Rescue me
    Join me
    Don’t leave me here
    My place is not here
    My kingdom is not here
    Rescue me
    Come with me
    My place is not here
    My kingdom is not here
    Rescue me
    Come with me
    Save me
    Save me
    Save me


    From my house last night:

    (My husband plans to recreate “rocketman” from one of The Little People toys. 🤦🤦🤦😂😂😂)

    1. Weary Traveler

      I have had a good old school doughnut shop doughnut in a long time.

      There is a really good chain in the Santa Cruz area called Ferrel’s. Places like that are the only good thing about being awake before noon. LOL

  28. Proud Conservative Mom

    A small sample of the magnificent sufganiyot in Aisle One.


    I LOVE Chanukah.
    Every day is extraordinary.

    Yesterday, I had a Chanukah party with my choir.
    It was so uplifting.
    What a bunch of MAGNIFICENT and beautiful women.
    None of us knew each other before.
    We because a sisterhood.
    I love them all so very much.

    We then sang together, of course.

    Hashem is beyond kind to me.
    This is but one of his many gifts to me.

    1. Weary Traveler


      I have a feeling I am going to be indulging in a lifetime of schadenfreude in the very near future. Especially considering how so many of the jabbed acted like little Nazis.

        1. Weary Traveler

          Same here. And I may mock and taunt them in a way that would make the NYC Transit system blush. Because they were just that bad.

  29. Proud Conservative Mom

    This despicable pastor who is trying to convert Jews on Twitter, blocked me and sent his minions after me.

    He revealed his “love.”

    As I always say, I appreciate every Christian on this blog who knows how to be a true friend to the Jewish People.

    I also extremely appreciate our Deist (@dr_darko:disqus) and Ben Noach (@nicetomeetyou2:disqus).

    Of course, I am beyond grateful for my fellow Jews herein.

    Thank you all so very much for everything.
    I NEVER take any of you for granted.

    (Don’t worry. I let everyone who tried to prosthelytize to me have it royally. Some friends of mine jumped into the conversation without being tagged at all. It’s always great to have friends, even though I was holding my own very nicely. 😃😃😃)

      1. Weary Traveler

        Maybe Marty can sell add space in that pastor’s church news letter to a local strip club. LOL

          1. Weary Traveler

            Pretty good. That little trip to Los Gatos did a lot of good for me. Especially getting to visit with old family friends. That needs to become the new normal.

          2. Weary Traveler

            That further proves libTARDs aren’t human. Like Carolyn says about our lovely neighbors….. “ASPERGER’S!!”

        1. Proud Conservative Mom

          One of my Jewish friends on Twitter gave me the idea.

          I had to create a new backup account and I am building it up a bit so as not to appear to be a “bot.”
          My Twitter app froze.
          I uninstalled it and reinstalled it.
          During the process, I somehow got locked out of my burner account.

          BH, it wasn’t my main account.

          Unfortunately, the precise opposite happened to HP.

          1. Sapper 9

            I miss HP’s daily photo tours and historical lessons ,I will always be grateful for the wisdom that he shared.

          2. Proud Conservative Mom

            Myself included.
            I am so very grateful that I am still in touch with him.

            I can try again to post his articles and commentaries on them again.
            I know it’s not the same because it won’t be a conversation with him.

            He doesn’t do the photos and historical lessons as extensively on Twitter.

            It blew my mind that I found him on Twitter. ☺️☺️😌
            Out of all of the millions of accounts on there, Hashem had me find him.

            His writing style is very distinct.
            Once I read some of his Tweets, I came to the conclusion that it HAD to be him.
            I was correct.

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        Here’s the missionary line.
        Jesus was Jewish.
        You’re Jewish.
        What can be more Jewish than believing in Jesus (or “Yeshua” if one is a Messianic “Jew”?)
        Your Bible is incomplete without the Brit Chadasha a/k/a the Christian Bible.

        You have to understand something very important Sapper9.
        The Jewish People are obviously a very stupid people.
        One can readily glean this information from all that we contributed to the world in so many areas.

        We just don’t get it, apparently (very heavy sarcasm).

        1. Weary Traveler

          I’ve heard that nonsense before also. It’s collectivist crap. By their own logic, because some televangelists got caught with their pants down — LITERALLY, I might add — every Christian is an adulterer.

          This is yet another reason I say they have so much in common with woke leftists.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            It’s even worse because it’s complete and utter deception.
            The Messianics translated the Christian Bible into Hebrew and Yiddish.
            They renamed it The Brit Chadasha (new covenant). They gave the books Hebrew names. For example, John became Yochanon. Matthew became Mattisyahu.

            They have their own “synagogues.”
            They prey on the lonely and vulnerable and its very evil because this is utter FRAUD.

          2. Weary Traveler

            They prey on the lonely and vulnerable and its very evil because this is utter FRAUD.

            That’s exactly it. The Jehovah’s Witnesses are the most disgusting in this category. Ever talk to one? They are such lost and lonely people it is sad. Most Christians are very lonely and unhappy people. And it does nothing to cure it. It’s like the crazy cat lady taking every stray cat to make up for the fact she doesn’t have a man in her life.

          3. Sapper 9

            I had an aunt that married a JW; she always told him : “don’t come talking that crap in here”; he was a real nice man and did well for himself, but, the JW’s that I encountered through him were a bunch of LOSERS.

          4. Weary Traveler

            None of the ones I have ever met were winners in life.

            I don’t know, myself, how one could marry someone if the person belonged to a religion the other viewed as “crap.” On either side of that equation, that would be a huge deal breaker for me.

            I see ultimatums as an admission of failure, and pointless, and no compromise in such a situation.

          5. Sapper 9

            When she married him, he had not been one for decades, he later went back; they got along great, however, he never tried to convert her.

          6. Sapper 9

            I am not sure why anyone would start out as one, they are very annoying; my gates have a remote to open and close them, no riff-raff allowed.

          7. Weary Traveler

            I can actually see how it happens, after a story my friend, Carolyn told me, when one tried chatting her up years ago.

            They act all sweet and nice, and say “you seem like you are searching for belonging and meaning” and pitch goes from there. Once they detect any dissatisfaction in life from you, they exploit that. They are predators.

            So I can see how that would work on certain people, if they are particularly vulnerable. A lot of scammers do that. A good example is the “Pig Butchering” scam that has made its way out here from China.

            I read up on that after encountering one on Telegram a while back. I was suspicious of the communication, and when the person on the other end, supposedly a she, mentioned living in Hong Kong, and suggesting how great it was, and why I should make a point to visit, I responded with a great big Hell no, and compared the CCP to Nazi Germany.

            She went ballistic and blocked me after telling me I was being rude, and my responding with, I don’t give an F, and that I don’t care about being nice but right . LOL!!

            Anyway, the whole thing was so weird, I had to do some searching online, and that’s how I found out about the pig butchering scam. They basically try to build a friendship with you, and talk you in to investing, and that’s how you lose your money. Unlike other scams, they play a long game to make it more convincing.

            But my winning personality ended whatever prospects they thought they would get with me very quickly. ROTFLMAO!!

            Point is, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, like any cult, work in a similar manner. It’s all manipulation and gaslighting.

          8. Weary Traveler

            It would be for me too. For one, I would not want that in my life, and you know how I feel about ultimatums = that they are basically blackmail, and can only cause resentment in a relationship, which means your relationship is over at that point, and at best, you are only postponing the inevitable.

          9. Proud Conservative Mom

            Oh yes!
            The J’s Witnesses are a bunch of losers.
            I’ve dealt with a few of them.

            Your understanding about religion never ceases to amaze me.

            I love our communications!
            You really get it!

          10. Weary Traveler

            Thank you.

            Unfortunately, they tend to be very weak-minded, and vulnerable people = natural born victims, who feel a lot more than they think.

            The JW’s couldn’t exist without them.

        2. Sapper 9

          I am by no means trying to preach and if it is taken that way, I am being misunderstood.

          Using their “logic” , the reverse would be true; you can have Judaism without their ” New Testament” ; but, the “old testament” is the first part of their bible and THEIR belief not yours.

          The idea that since they have hijacked part of your beliefs , does not mean you must believe their “additions”.

          They are welcome to believe as they wish; however, they should leave the Jewish people alone to do the same.

          Again, I am not trying to push the agenda and I WOULD NEVER DO SO HERE, or in reality, anywhere. lol

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            I would never see you as preaching, Sapper9!
            A gentile is allowed to keep any additional Commandment sans Shabbos and receive partial credit for it.
            The reason why a gentile gets partial credit is because our Sages of blessed memory taught: “Greater is the one who is commanded to do (the Commandment) than one who isn’t commanded to do (the Commandment).”
            Here’s why: If one is commanded to do a Mitzvah, the Yetzer Horah (Evil Inclination), is hellbent on doing everything in his arsenal to try to prevent the person from accomplishing the Commandment. That is NOT the case with a Mitzvah (Commandment) that is optional.

            I know Noachides who celebrate Chanukah.
            That’s very beautiful.

            The problem is when other religions try to hijack Judaism and turn it into a pagan ritual, as this pastor is trying to do.

            Judaism stands ALONE.

            Here’s a postulate for you:
            TANACH is ALWAYS true.
            There is a trail of witnesses.
            EVERY single miracle that happened in the desert, happened before the eyes of the entire Jewish People. Not one letter of the Torah is ever superfluous. The Torah ALWAYS mentions that after every miracle.

            Realize that Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses our teacher), wrote 12 Torah scrolls and gave one to each tribe.
            All of the Jews read it.
            If there would have been any falsehood, Heaven forbid, Judaism would have been flushed down the toilet.
            Over three million Jews heard Hashem speak and LIVED.

            I have told missionaries (and those who I work with), that all that they have is circular reasoning to “prove” their case.
            Not so with Judaism.

            Christians like that pastor are hellbent on converting Jews.

            It’s beyond sickening and incenses me tremendously.

    1. Weary Traveler

      “You have no sacrifice?” What is he talking about? That’s supposed to be a bad thing? I would say no sacrifices is a positive.

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        We used to bring OFFERINGS to Hashem.

        We cannot do so without a Temple.

        Hosea says that it won’t exist for “many days.”
        Many days, in Biblical terms is an extremely long time!

        Hosea 3:4 “For the children of Israel shall remain for many days, having neither king, nor prince, nor offering, nor pillar, nor ephod nor teraphim.”

        I find it the height of ignorance and arrogance when these missionaries think that they can explain TANACH to me.
        It’s written in a language that they cannot understand and read for themselves.

        Oh, the insanity!

        1. Weary Traveler

          The Christians, unfortunately, have adopted so much paganism. Paul kicked the door open, and the Romans ripped it off its hinges.

          Paganism is all about submission and control.

          Sacrifice is a pagan notion. Making offerings to Hashem out of love would not qualify as a sacrifice, as per the very definition of the word, as sacrifice means that you forfeit something of value, and get nothing in return.

          1. Weary Traveler

            It’s all about control. Strip a person down to nothing appeasing that which can never be appeased.

          2. Proud Conservative Mom

            I also neglected to add that the notion that “someone has always got to pay the price” for sin is also paganism.

            The salvation plan is REPENTANCE.
            For mandatory sins, one has to repent.
            The Korban Chatas (sin offering), was ONLY for sins committed INADVERTENTLY.

    2. IsraelReader

      The pastor is merely plagiarizing(?) from the Jews for J website, which references a verse in John (10:22–3) that mentions the “Feast of Dedication”.

      BTW, this verse merely mentions the season of the year, and makes absolutely no mention that Mr. J actually celebrated this “Feast of Dedication”.
      But hey, why be such a stickler for the truth, and let a missionary moment go to waste?

      Talking about “cultural appropriation”.
      The Greek Testament is full of venom for the “Pharisees”.
      Yet this pastor and the J for J guys seem to have no problem adopting Hanukkah for themselves, despite it being a Rabbinic holiday which was enacted by those very same Pharisees, that they so love to deride!
      That’s rich!

      1. Weary Traveler

        and makes absolutely no mention that Mr. J actually celebrated this “Feast of Dedication”.

        What is hilarious, is that they are arrogant enough to think that any one of us should give a flying warm steaming pile about what some guy who supposedly lived and died 2,000 years ago, did or said. Which, is pretty much what ever fits the narrative of who is pushing what. I am somewhat skeptical that he even existed, and suspect that he was probably just a figment of Paul’s imagination.

        The Greek Testament is full of venom for the “Pharisees”.

        I can attest to this. I… A non-Jew, and Deist at that, have been called a “Pharisee” — which to my understanding would be the equivalent of an Orthodox Jew today — by some alcoholic bum who became a “born again” Xtian, simply because I didn’t want to hang out with him and his kind, and said that our tax dollars shouldn’t be wasted on people like him just so he and his loser buddies could buy cases of cheap beer that tastes like yak piss, get drunk, and randomly quote bible verses at people who are more productive than them out of jealousy.

        To me the word “pharisee” being used as a pejorative is antisemitic.

        1. IsraelReader

          If someone calls you a “Pharisee”, you can pretend that you don’t know what they’re talking about, and innocently ask them, “what is a ‘Pharisee’?”, and why do they think that term applies to you. When they express their bigoted antisemitism, you can then call them out for it.

      2. Proud Conservative Mom

        Good afternoon!
        I couldn’t BELIEVE the insanity of it all.

        Missionaries as you know, excel at sweeping inconvenient truths under the proverbial rug.

        Then you’re a “hater of all Christians” if you shred their arguments. 🙈
        Moreover, apparently I am not Jewish enough for not accepting Jesus/Yeshua into my heart.

        That’s what this “impastor” (hat tip Ben Samsara for that terminology) told me.

        (Ben, is an incredible Noachide and tweeted to him with terrific refutations.
        Ben, has been learning about Judaism and Torah for ten plus years already.
        It blows my mind how much knowledge he amassed and continues to do so.)

        They never let any missionary moments go to waste.

      1. Chief Mac

        Am old, but not old enough to know when it wasn’t a rag.

        In 1938 they named Hitler as their Man of the Year

  30. bill smith

    Vancouver is basically closed. A freak snowstorm, airport is closed, schools and most businesses are closed… trainer cancelled, etc…
    Rather bizarre

    1. AntiBanshee

      When I lived there, my home was in West Van and I commuted across Lion’s Gate to downtown every day. We had one of those (early 1990?) and I remember skiing down to the bridge entry, walking up to the bridge, then skiing to my office. I was the only one there (my company)……couldn’t get a cab back, so I worked an hour then slogged over to Trader Vic’s (Bayshore Hotel)….too bad they closed it down (TV’s)…..drank a couple of Navy Grogs and slogged back home……I used to be in good shape. No way I could do that now…..well all except the Navy Grogs……Happy Hanukah, Lord Bill

      1. bill smith

        Wow! I’ve been to the Bayshore a couple times in the past month. Now they have some funky outdoor pods whare you can have a private meal.

          1. diaspora

            Yes, I’m only a few hours drive from Vancouver, Canada. We received a few inches of snow! Unfortunately, the drivers on this coast are not accustomed to driving in the snow!!!

          2. Proud Conservative Mom

            You have to hear the latest.

            Christians can hijack Chanukah as one of their holidays, because we, the Jews, don’t have the intellectual property rights to it.

            BH, one cannot die from laughing.
            This person has no idea what he’s talking about in any capacity.


            Chanukah is about (part of it) the
            victory of being able to worship Hashem again as per the Torah before the Greeks forbade us to do so.

            These people are Looney Tunes.

          3. Weary Traveler

            I just used that name earlier on some troll on W3P earlier today. LOL

            And no, it wasn’t Jerry or Gus, but a new one that crawled out of the sewer recently.

          4. Weary Traveler

            Quite frankly, the only reason I think they don’t ban such people, is a.) for the entertainment value, and b.) The fights generate a lot of traffic.

            Kandy pops in, but hasn’t said much that I am aware of about her situation.

            I usually only get invites to the news page, and that is where I have been conducting my “NPC Tard of The Yea, 2022” contest. So far, Gus is winning, and Jerry trailing behind by only one point. LOL

          5. Weary Traveler

            He claims to be a conservative, but uses DNC talking points, and has a Ukraine flag in his handle. LOLOLOL

            He’s either a DNC bot, or a paid shill troll for The Lincoln Project.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            Please don’t worry about it, AuntiE!
            We’re all “guilty” of it at some point.
            It’s impossible to see everyone’s postings.
            It doesn’t matter!

            How are you doing?
            Did you sleep well last night?

          2. AuntiE*TFL

            Not until 7:15 this AM and managed till 11;15AM. I blame last night on must do things racing through my mind on a continuous loop. With the major thing to accomplish accomplished, tonight may be better.

    1. Weary Traveler

      I would have to be rich to be married. Or, marry a gourmet chef.

      Why would I have to be rich? So we could dine out every night so I could order my food, and get what I want, and not have to listen to anyone complain about having to cook or clean. LOL

  31. diaspora

    Irish Joke
    Gallagher opened the morning newspaper and was dumb founded to read in the obituary column that he had died. He quickly phoned his best friend, Finney. “Did you see the paper?” asked Gallagher. “They say I died!!” “Yes, I saw it!” replied Finney. “Where are ye callin’ from?

    1. Weary Traveler

      That’s a good opportunity to mess with Finney, and say; “you’ll find out. Because I am coming over tonight to take you with me.” LOL

        1. Weary Traveler

          True. But I think the added threat is even funnier. You can laugh yourself to sleep imagining the other guy lying wide awake at night.

          And if you really want to be mean, and can’t sleep from the laughter, you can sneak over to his house, and stand outside his window calling his name. LOL

  32. AuntiE*TFL

    A man and a woman who have never met before find themselves in the same sleeping carriage of a train.
    After the initial embarrassment, they both go to sleep, the man on the top bunk, the woman on the lower.
    In the middle of the night, the man leans over, wakes the woman and says, “I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m awfully cold and I was wondering if you could possibly get me another blanket?”
    The woman leans out and, with a glint in her eye, says, “I have a better idea, just for tonight, let’s make pretend that we’re married.” “OK!” AWESOME!” the man says happily.
    “GOOD… now get your own darn blanket!” came the reply.

  33. Weary Traveler

    The Great Overreaction

    I think the opening paragraph sums it up nicely…

    If there is one thing that people should have learned from the pandemic, it is that the more control government takes over our day-to-day lives, the less we have of everything that makes life worth living.

    That was pretty much the attitude I adopted since 9/11 on, when I decided to go to work that day in spite of the nation being on high alert, and working in a high profile government building in our state’s capitol at the time, which would have been a likely target if more attacks were to be carried out. It was also my attitude at the start of the COVID hysteria, even before fully knowing how deadly the virus really wasn’t.

    I would sooner die prematurely living my life as a free man, than live to be 100, under communism, cooped up in my house staring at a TV and watching helplessly as the world around me goes to Hell, feeling alone, powerless and afraid.

    That was a point that was strongly made in the famous “I’m mad as Hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore” speech in the movie, The Network.

          1. Weary Traveler

            The Biden family is the epitome of inbred white trash. Yet, the pompous leftists call us hicks. Look what they voted for. LOL

          2. John Gillis

            I’ve always taken issue with leftists who throw the word “hick” around. Especially those who haven’t figured out their own lives.

          3. Weary Traveler

            You don’t have to be toothless, living in the mountains, and wearing overalls to be a hick. More often than not, leftists display the ignorance and bigotry of a hick. As far as I am concerned, they are the real rednecks.

          4. John Gillis

            I absolutely agree. But these little punks will never do the outdoor work that results in farmers’ tans or red necks. But they will have the flaccid muscles and muffin tops that result in eating too many Hot Pockets and playing hours of “Call of Duty”.

          5. Weary Traveler

            Most of them couldn’t even figure out how to operate a screwdriver let alone tend land, or build anything. Hence why they look down on people like miners, and told them to “learn to code” after cancelling the permits.

            Thank God that at least our military does their own mining.

  34. diaspora

    Irish Joke
    The 98-year-old Mother Superior from Ireland was dying. The nuns gathered around her bed trying to make her last journey comfortable. They gave her some warm milk to drink but she refused. Then one of the nuns took the glass back to the kitchen. Remembering a bottle of Irish whiskey received as a gift the previous Christmas, she opened and poured a generous amount into the warm milk. Back at Mother Superior’s bed, she held the glass to her lips. Mother drank a little, then a little more and before they knew it, she had drunk the whole glass down to the last drop. “Mother Superior the nuns asked with earnest, ” please give us some wisdom before you die.” She raised herself up in bed and with a pious look on her face said, “Don’t sell that cow.”

  35. diaspora

    Blonde Joke
    A blonde gets a job as a teacher. She notices a boy in the field standing alone, while all the other kids are running around having fun. She takes pity on him and decides to speak to him.’You ok?’ she says.

    ‘Yes.’ he says.

    ‘You can go and play with the other kids you know.’ she says.

    ‘It’s best I stay here.’ he says. ‘

    ‘Why?’ says the blonde.

    The boy says: ‘Because, I’m the goalie’

  36. diaspora

    Jewish Joke
    A Jewish boy comes home from school and tells his mother he has a part in the play.
 She asks, “What part is it?”
 The boy says, “I play the part of the Jewish husband.”
 The mother scowls and says, “Go back and tell the teacher you want a speaking part.”

  37. diaspora

    Jewish Joke
    There is a big controversy on the Jewish view of when life begins. 
In Jewish tradition, the fetus is not considered viable until it graduates from medical school.

  38. diaspora

    Wife Joke
    Someone stole all my credit cards, but I won’t be reporting it.
 The thief spends less than my wife did.

  39. diaspora

    A short neurological test

    1- Find the C below.

    2- If you already found the C, now find the 6 below.

    3 – Now find the N below. It’s a little more difficult.

    This is NOT a joke. If you were able to pass these 3 tests, you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist. Your brain is great and you’re far from having a close relationship with Alzheimer.

    1. Weary Traveler

      That’s good to know. Sometimes I forget stuff, and worry I am turning in to my grandmother. She was already gone about six years before she died.

    2. Lorraine

      I found them in short order! I’ve been worried about myself lately. Too much stress wreaks havoc on the mind and body.
      These timely words are helpful to contemplate all year,
      Peace on earth. Good will toward men.

      1. Weary Traveler

        Just gotta slow down is all. We all need to abandon the notion of “multitasking”, or as my dad calls it, by its more appropriate title; continuous interruption.

    1. Sapper 9

      I always find pirated copies of movies in my in box and watched this with my granddaughter ; it was decent, but, not as good as the first one.

      The left is never happy.

      1. Tony

        Hi PCM ! Thank you for trying to keep us all cheerful! And thank you
        for that lovely e-mail – it is always great to receive greetings from an unexpected source.
        We are visiting our daughter in London tomorrow evening for a few days and also her lovely cats
        who are now too fat and will have to be put on a diet!

    1. Sapper 9

      The parts were probably gifted by Obama or Bidet regimes; however, the investigation will blame President Trump.

    2. george linker

      Another useless investigation that will go nowhere. The us arms dessent to maintain the eternal war.

  40. bill smith

    Very strange. Still disqus does not allow me to up-vote some comments…. commonly with the comments of Diaspora.

        1. Sapper 9

          They only take 40-50 thousand at any one time, negative 5 million, you must have really passed them off.

          1. Weary Traveler

            I’m just comfortably sitting at zero. Obviously I pissed someone off, but apparently, not enough. LOL

          2. Sapper 9

            I had no Idea where I was so I just checked, I am once again over 350,000 , not that I really care.

            I would be just as comfortable “sitting at zero”.

          1. Sapper 9

            You are a strong and confident woman, you do not need the approval of others, so I know you won’t lose a nano second of rest over it.

    1. george linker

      I have been encountering the same problem. I did find that if I upvote a commet first I cannot then upvote the origional post.

      1. Weary Traveler

        YEah, I find I have to do it directly on the page. If I do it through my notifications, it’s a 50/50 shot.

  41. IsraelReader

    At this time when many people are preoccupied with “gifts”, we must remind ourselves, that the biggest gift is “TODAY”.
    That’s why it’s called “THE PRESENT”.

    1. John Gillis

      I should move to Israel. At least this one nation is close to Godliness, while ours is devolving into Satanic anarchy.

      BTW, Biden has placed a Baphomet in the White House.

      1. Weary Traveler

        We have to fight for our own land.

        I use the same argument when it comes to moving to other states even.

        The red state folks are tired of blue state refugees moving to their states, even if they aren’t democrats. Mostly because the mass influx is displacing locals with higher cost of living, and more overcrowding which is changing their way of life

        Like I say, I never fault anyone for being a NIMBY.

        1. Sapper 9

          I would rather have ten taxpaying citizens than one refugee or illegal alien on the government dole.

          1. Weary Traveler


            However, that still does not negate the effects of a mass influx.

            Most people do not live in places like LA and SF for a reason. Many reasons actually. The politics is only one of them.

          2. Sapper 9

            The idiots that voted for all of the programs that destroyed the cities, have zero problem moving to get away from them, then voting for the same crap.

          3. Weary Traveler

            Of course. They are exactly like locusts.

            Oh, but you are a racist in their eyes if YOU move away from their policies. LOL

      2. Sapper 9

        The LGBTQALPHABET!@#$1234+NAZIS are once again trying to change their flag, they are now wanting to add prostitutes and the disabled??

        My guess is that the next push will be to legalize prostitution.

  42. Sapper 9

    The OMNIBUS bill includes $1,000,000,000.00 in funding for the PROPAGANDA outlets and even sets up a monument to them in DC; if I remember correctly, on of the “COVID bills” gave them money to pay 1/2 of their salaries for a year.

    Texts and emails have been released proving what we already knew, Nancy PEElosie was involved with the capital police.

      1. Sapper 9

        I think Ukraine aid may have been raised to $85 billion; however, I only read that on one source and have not vetted it through research, it has been a real long day. lol

        1. Weary Traveler

          Yeah, but you know me. I can’t behave myself in a place like that.

          It’s even worse for me now since those days. Especially after my former employer trying to murder me with that franken-jab. I hit the trifecta or high risk groups with that thing.

          1.) Long term smoker.
          2.) Family history of heart problems
          3.) High blood pressure.

          1. Weary Traveler

            Thank you.

            I spared myself that when I said no to the Fanken-Jab. For me, it’s a guaranteed death shot.

            I don’t care what their reasons were. What they tried to do to me is attempted murder.

    1. John Gillis

      Gus may not be a member of that generation, but he’s likely very suicidal. I’d hate to be that troll, LOL!

      1. Weary Traveler

        I would guess that Jerry is the most suicidal of that bunch.

        He’s having a meltdown right now. LOL

          1. Weary Traveler

            I think I may have just scared him when I mentioned doing an image search of his avatar of that Asian woman.

            Some of the results that came up seemed as if you clicked on them, they could land you on a federal watch list.

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