Signing Off

For the last 7 years, it’s been a blast. Virtually from Day-1, the format has been an Open Forum., no content was posted other than what the participants posted. At it’s peak, there were upwards of 1000 comments per day.

In more recent times, the number of participants, and the number of comments has been ever declining.

It’s become obvious that this forum has run it’s course.

A big THANK YOU to all who made this place tick.

This page will remain briefly for and final comments and good-byes.

Cheers to you all !!

770 thoughts on “Signing Off

      1. Sarita La Cubanita

        Bill did such a good thing for us all. I really appreciate what he did for us.

    1. IMSarahAnn

      I ‘m also grateful for all that you’ve done and all that you do. You are truly awesome as is this haven and those who come here.

    2. IMSarahAnn

      I hope that we’ll be seeing you in other places. At least reading your comments.

    3. IMSarahAnn

      If CW is available, perhaps you would be interested? I think that both of you are great people who provide excellent platforms for excellent people who have excellent things to say.

    4. AuntiE*TFL

      I have had some issues and been absent I am greatly distraught that you are closing the site. I know it takes a great deal of time and effort to manage such a venue. Frankly, I do not think you have “run your course”. It could go for much longer.

      Many thanks for your kindness and allowing me to be part of such a most awesomely excellent group of people. My life will be missing a great source of wonderful people.

      Blessings to you and yours.

          1. AuntiE*TFL

            We use the numerical 1-10. This week is rating a 5. Now, if you want an overview of May, that comes in at a 2. One cannot be in level 7-10 pain daily for a month and highly rate it.

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        AuntiE! 🥰🥰🥰
        I apologize for first seeing this now.

        You are a joy to know and a joy to have had on this forum.
        I will miss it tremendously.

        If you want to join us on the next forum that is almost being finalized and set up, please text me.
        Alternatively, you can send your email address to WT. It’s in the gray highlighted pinned box in the beginning of the page.
        My friend who owns the website, requires email addresses in order for us to all be editors, post articles, and comment.

        It’s not on Disqus.

        Sending you loads of love and hugs…

    5. Chief Mac

      Bill this blog will be missed. I thank you very much for all your hard work to keep it going for as long as you did.

    6. IMSarahAnn

      Will Hebrew Prophet’s Museum remain available If you definitely close this blog, Bill ? Again, thanks for all that you have done. Greatly appreciated.

  1. IMSarahAnn

    Bill and other friends, I’m sad that you’re closing because this place means much to many, including myself. I haven’t been around much lately because I’ve had health and other concerns which have kept my husband and myself occupied. But I think about each of you, daily and pray for you too, my friends. There could, not ever be a better place nor better people who’ve I’ve gotten to know and whose friendship I cherish. Each of you. If there’s any way that you would/could reconsider, I’m certain you would make many people happy, especially myself. G-d bless you and G-d love you. I know that I do.
    Thanks for your trust in me, your friendship, your ongoing kindnesses and for your wisdom, understand and your knowledge about things that matter to each of us. You are the best.

    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      Sarah, you’re always such a class act and always have been.

      Ongoing davening for you and Harold.
      I’m so very sorry for your medical conditions.

      I’ve been very busy with that as well.

      1. IMSarahAnn

        G-d love you and so do I, dear and wonderful friend. I do so much cherish each of you. You’re each more precious than words can express.❤️❤️❤️❤️

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        Hi Steve!
        It’s great to see you!

        I don’t know.
        He disappeared the day after wishing me a happy birthday in January.

        Unfortunately, I don’t have his email address or phone number.
        I am very worried about him.

        1. stevemusicmaker

          Hello again, thank you, Rebecca. Same, good to see you!

          Yes, I am so concerned as to where Diaspora is. He spent so much time on this particular site so I was hoping maybe someone here might know what has happened to Diaspora.

          I was under the impression that Diaspora lived in Israel, he has been a great friend for many years! I really miss this kind brother in the LORD.

      2. IMSarahAnn

        I’m sorry that I’m late in responding, Music. I don’t know where Diaspora is or how he is. I miss him.
        How are you? I’ve been very busy, but not too busy to think about and to pray for you and all of my friends. G-d love you !😊

        1. stevemusicmaker


          Thank you for your response, Sarah Ann.


          I have been missing Diaspora for months!

          Now that this site, NtJP, is shutting down and because Diaspora posted here a lot, I wanted to ask of his whereabouts while people who knew him were still here.


          I have been doing pretty good, thank you, and I do appreciate your prayers! I will do the same.

          Take care, dear sister!


  2. The Ultimate Fangirl

    Hi guys.

    I just heard that this site was shutting down, and I’m not here to rehash what happened 2 years ago or to post 1 last Hetty gif, just here to say these words:

    This site opened my eyes during a difficult time when I wanted the truth to what was currently going on at the time that MSM wasn’t telling us. In doing so, I found a bunch of friends that I’m very proud to have. And when I became comfortable with this site, I found other great conservative sites as well and found more great friends, and I even mod on a few of them now! 💗

    This site helped me to start finding my voice and letting me see what side in history that I really wanted to be on, which is the side that wins.

    I love being conservative. And i love having conservative friends that are with me when I need them.

    Weary, PCM, John, SarahAnn, and many others on here that I haven’t spoken to in a while, thank you all for being my friends, and especially to Bill and Pud for running this great site. 🤗

    I’ll never forget the kindness you all showed me throughout 2020 on here.


    (I’m a mainstay at W3P, and i also chat over at Keebs Korner from time to time if you ever want to seek me out!)

    1. IMSarahAnn

      You are and you always were a dear, intelligent, perceptive and loyal young lady who I’m blessed to have as my friend. You inspire many in the best of ways. God bless you always.

    2. Lorraine

      Dear Ultimate, you, dear heart also provide a quality environment to exchange insights and ideas among a group of good people, who think critically and want to discern the truth at a time that is a dicey undertaking. I have always found you to be an honest broker of trustworthy information.
      I most admire the depth of wisdom you demonstrate for such a young woman. Wisdom, they say, comes with age, you have an enormous
      head start. I imagine your gifts from God will only grow and deepen with the years.
      God Bless You and Keep You In His Care.

        1. Lorraine

          Thank you for your kind words dear heart. That is a southern attribution ladies give one another with sincere affection. I see you as a pillar of strength in our online community of friends, always there to give encouragement.
          Our awesome young friend Ultimate Fan Girl is a rare person. I can’t speak highly enough of her fine qualities. You and I recognize and praise her contributions to civility and genuine kindness in this world.

          1. IMSarahAnn

            Yes. Our dear friend, Ultimate Fan Girl is a young woman of fine character and exquisite talents which she generously shares.
            And you, my friend , are the same.

          2. Lorraine

            She represents the generation that will receive the torch and keep the flame burning for God and country.

  3. Weary Traveler

    Hi Bill, this is unfortunate news. I just heard of this earlier today from PCM.

    My thoughts are that with traffic having slowed down to a trickle, WordPress with its “updates” and the cost to maintain the site, it is money not well spent at this point.

    In that respect, understandable.

    We did discuss a few alternative ideas, and here would be a good place to share them.

    1.) My first thought was now that Truth Social has a group feature, maybe we can pick it up there?

    Or… As TS would probably not be a good option for our members outside the US….

    2.) Create a private Twitter group.

    Either or would cost nothing. And for those needing to create accounts for either or, or maybe even both, we can share the handles here to send the group invites. Either or, or both, could also be open forum.

    We were discussing that I could create the Truth Social Group, and PCM could create the Twitter group.

    In either case, we could post our handles, and could be reached out to there for the invites.

    Thoughts, anyone?

      1. IMSarahAnn

        I’m sad too, Weary. Please let me know what ever decisions are made. I’s like to keep in contact and continue visiting with each one of you, my friends.

    1. Sarita La Cubanita

      Could we begin at TruthSocial? I would like that. Even if we create a Twitter group afterwards, we should start with TruthSocial! GREAT IDEA, WT!

      1. Weary Traveler

        That’s what I am thinking too. I’ll be back on later.

        If Bill would be so kind to keep this thread open for the rest of the week, I know we can coordinate something.

        1. Sarita La Cubanita

          Will you and Rivka mind being the “organizers” until I get my head back on the top of my neck again? lol I’m feeling so chaotic.

          1. Weary Traveler

            That’s what we discussed. I’ll handle the Truth Social end, and she’ll coordinate the Twitter side since that is more her familiar wheelhouse.

          2. Weary Traveler

            That would make two of us as I am learning the Truth Social group function as I go.

          3. Weary Traveler

            In all fairness, it is a fairly new function just recently added to the site. So I am most likely not alone in that.

          1. IMSarahAnn

            Thanks Bill. I want to continue contact with those who come here, including yourself.

      1. Weary Traveler

        Another plus I realized on top of the cost savings, is that if the group is private, we wont have to worry about lurking trolls. That would also help us all be a lot less guarded.

  4. Sarita La Cubanita

    Awww. Hugs and love to everyone. I’m so sorry. I’ve been so depressed that it’s hard for me to be cheery, so I haven’t been here much. HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS.

        1. IMSarahAnn

          Hugs for you, Sarita. I miss seeing you. You have been and you remain a G-d send for many, including myself. Your insights, humor and friendship are gifts to many.
          Edited for clarity. When I’m tired which is often, I do a poor job of editing. 😊

          1. Sarita La Cubanita

            Hugs my dear Sarah!!! How are you and White Fence doing? I hope you’re doing well and continue to do very well for many, many decades!

          2. Sarita La Cubanita

            Thank you! And I wish great health for everyone associated with this forum!

      1. IMSarahAnn

        Love for you, Rebecca. You are, like Sarita, a G-d send. A gift for each who you meet. 🥰

          1. Sarita La Cubanita

            Thank you, Rivka! You’re a delight. You know, the people here lent this place such a wonderful spirit.

          2. Sarita La Cubanita

            It is surreal, but we will meet somewhere else, and Bill will come with us!

          3. Sarita La Cubanita

            Oh? I don’t even recall what was going on with that site. Pudding was very angry with me.

          4. Sarita La Cubanita

            PRE-BANNED? Pudding is sometimes very extreme. I felt that, and I hope he’s reading this right now. He would probably bounce on in here and say a few choice things to me again.

          5. IMSarahAnn

            I hope that everything will be mended. I don’t know what happened and I don’t need to know. This I do know that I have an undying and high regard for each of you.

          6. Sarita La Cubanita

            He is very anti-religion of all kinds. But he was very very very upset with me any time I mentioned anything associated with religion.

          7. IMSarahAnn

            I suspect that will change. Hashem has His ways, particularly in healing rifts regarding Himself and and between and among all of His people.

          8. Weary Traveler

            Apparently I am a “tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist” and among the group that hijacked the place. But hey, I am used to making friends everywhere I go. It’s my charming personality. LOL

          9. Weary Traveler

            I think so. He’s not happy with me since we argued about the COVID jabs, him being for, and me being against.

            Funny how that is what did it since I am the one that caused one of his moderators on News, Rachel, to resign, and that I doxxed that loon Capitol Hill Dad. LOL

          10. John Gillis

            I’m folding and handing out new hats! We’ll all be “The Tinfoil Pirates ‘, LOLOLOL!

    1. Weary Traveler

      I am even more sad for you that you have been so depressed.

      I really do wish that there was something I could do to take all of that pain away from you.

      1. Sarita La Cubanita

        Thank you, my dear friend. I knew it would hit me hard. My sister was my also my best friend, and her suffering just did me in emotionally.

          1. Sarita La Cubanita

            Thank you so much, Rivka. I kept hoping and daydreaming that she would make it… 😔

          2. IMSarahAnn

            Yes, Sarita. How could anyone not remember you with great fondness and appreciation.

          3. IMSarahAnn

            You’re a consoling angel, who gives great consolations and assurances and humor.

        1. Weary Traveler

          It’s so understandable. She can’t be replaced, and neither can you.

          I am just relieved that you are not going through it totally alone. But still… I know it is hard to lose someone so close to you. I lost my maternal grandfather at the age of five. I was close to him, but was too young to have any vivid memory of him other than his final days in the hospital, and him telling my mom to get me out of the room because he didn’t want me seeing him like that, and remembering him that way.

          1. Weary Traveler

            It was terrible becuse I had to learn about loss when I was too young to really understand it. That among other things lead to a deep fear of abandonment, and other things in life, like my parents divorcing — and even knowing it was coming didn’t soften the blow — didn’t help things either.

            I know life can be unbearably cruel at times.

            But the reality is that we are the sum total of our experiences. It took me time to realize and understand certain things. Like the fact that we can experience the pain of loss only means that we also can know and appreciate beauty, and how that is proof that we are the creation of something so wonderful, and far greater than we can ever fully understand.

          2. IMSarahAnn

            G-d bless you, Weary. In turn, you offer sensitivity born of manly strength and humor and so many other fine qualities of the heart and of character which you generously share. You inform, inspire and state the truth without cowardice,

        2. IMSarahAnn

          Prayers that He graces you with peace, happiness and joy and that He makes it so that your sister’s memories remain a consolation. Always.

        1. Sarita La Cubanita

          You’re so sweet. Listening to you is healing. Your words are healing. This place is healing, but I’ve been too down. It’s been 5 months you know, and I’m still in bereavement counseling.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            It’s unsurprising that you are still in bereavement counseling.
            I’m very grateful that you are doing this.
            It’s very important.

            Yolanda Shoshana was your sister and best friend.
            That’s an extremely huge loss.

          2. Sarita La Cubanita

            They’re adults, but the girls… one is not doing well emotionally, another is behaving recklessly.

          3. Sarita La Cubanita

            Thank you so much, my friend. At least there is one thing still very much in me. I detest the LEFT. More now than ever. I guess that shows I’m still alive. They’re more antisemitic than ever. They’re monstrous. They’re evil.

          4. Proud Conservative Mom

            Much more important than that:
            You were the one who came up with the line that Hashem is everything.
            I cannot tell you how many people I have shared that with.
            I smile and think of you every time I use it.

          5. Sarita La Cubanita

            Totally! But I hope Moshiach comes because it sure is hard to go through life.

          6. Weary Traveler

            I posted about this very thing I believe on yesterday’s page in response to a wonderful article Bill posted from the Epoch Times.

            I think Nietzsche unintentionally pinpointed one of the main sources, if not THEE main source, of antisemitism, and that was to disrupt man’s lower nature of “might = right.”

          7. Weary Traveler

            If it were possible to post long video files here; Joshua Phillip of Crossroads did an excellent breakdown of right vs. left, comparing it to the classic definitions of the Enlightenment Period to what it now means. Most of us here share the higher paths of both when looking at the original classical definitions.

  5. Sarita La Cubanita

    We need a place to meet up. We need to be able to meet up online anytime. Where can we meet? Let’s think and email one another. And tell our wonderful Master of Ceremonies, Bill.

    1. John Gillis

      Yes! And, you, Bill, and Rivka have my email. All I wish I was more active, but I’ve been slammed for the last few weeks. Hopefully, we can meet up. I’m all for it!

        1. John Gillis

          Thank you Rivka! It gas been a short time bit I’m off to a good start! 😊

          Your davening has been greatly appreciated! ❤️

    1. Sarita La Cubanita

      Hi John! I hope you’re doing well. Perhaps we could meet somewhere else?

          1. Sarita La Cubanita

            OH! Hmmm! Why isn’t it, I wonder? Gosh… How about meeting up at Parler? Is Parler international? I thought Parler had Israeli people? Or am I insane? I know there were some problems on there, but at least it’s a place to meet up until we find another place?

          2. Sarita La Cubanita

            I have to create a new Twitter account. Perhaps I’ll need a burner phone. I’m totally suspended by the leftists who remained/remain at Twitter after Elon took over. (Yes, he kept some Democrats and leftists on. Many, in fact).

          3. Sarita La Cubanita

            I’ll try that. I hope they don’t request for me to give them a phone, since I’ll have to use my cell phone, and I don’t want to use my hb’s cell phone because he has his Twitter account associated with his.

          4. Weary Traveler

            Possibly. I haven’t used it in a while. I could dust off my account and start using it again if that is a more viable option.

  6. Sarita La Cubanita

    The son of Robert F. Kennedy is running for office. He’s the one with that strange voice – a type of dysphonia. He is a moderate Democrat, but these days I detest Democrats so much, that even if they were painted and gilded in gold, and arrived accompanied with some angel, I’d shut the door on them. So as long as he remains a Democrat, goodbye loser.

      1. Sarita La Cubanita

        Total trash. As long as they’re kissing the rear-ends of moslems, AND are adoring the pedo pervert crossdressing, transvestite homo males, I have no room in my life for that sort of trash.

  7. Sarita La Cubanita

    Are you all who are associated with this channel prepared to go to TruthSocial or Parler, whichever one WT & Rivka decide?

  8. Sarita La Cubanita

    I do have a few questions for anyone who is interested:
    1. What do you think of DeSantis? What do you think of Trump at this time? Will the LEFT destroy Trump’s campaign?
    2. What do you think of all these homo drag queens (they prefer to call themselves transgendereds) promoting crossdressing, transvestism, and perversions to children?
    3. Do any of you talk honestly to anyone out there, or are your friends dangerous leftists whom you don’t dare speak to?
    4. I think homo flags should be burned. Anyone else agree?

    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      What do you think about DeSantis running for president?

      I think that the Left is hellbent on destroying Trump.

      I call those perverts EVIL and deranged alphabet people freaks.

      I don’t have any Leftist friends.

      The flag should be burned.

      1. Sarita La Cubanita

        I’m so glad you have no leftist friends. It’s so much nicer that way!!!

        As for DeSantis, I’d prefer Trump, but if it can’t be Trump, you bet I’ll vote for DeSantis. Did you read the laws he’s pushed in FL?

        All sex perverts of the alphabet soup type are psychos and should be thrown in prison for endangering children!

        1. Weary Traveler

          Throw them in prison? Nah… Just execute them. Bullets are fr cheaper than incarceration, and thanks to the left, we are in a depression and got to cut spending.

    2. Weary Traveler

      “1. What do you think of DeSantis? What do you think of Trump at this time? Will the LEFT destroy Trump’s campaign?”

      DeSantis is good for Florida, and should finish the job as governor. If we learned anything from 2020 and 2021, it is that who your governor, or even who your mayor is can matter just as much, if not more so than who is the WH. This is a very important civics lesson for everyone.

      Trump has the track record, and showed he can take a lot more than any conventional politician. When the same GOP establishment that is now backing DeSantis, are the same ones who turned on Trump, that only further solidifies my support for Trump even further.

      “2. What do you think of all these homo drag queens (they prefer to call themselves transgendereds) promoting crossdressing, transvestism, and perversions to children?”

      This is a rhetorical question? Naturally, I think they are nuts. But the reality is that they are tools of the left for the depopulation agenda, and to erase individual identity. Simply put, this is exploitation of the mentally ill.

      “3. Do any of you talk honestly to anyone out there, or are your friends dangerous leftists whom you don’t dare speak to?”

      My own circle has shrank quite a bit since all this started. I still speak out, even knowing I could invite a torrent of abuse on my head because I figure better to find out who and what someone is sooner rather than later.

      “4. I think homo flags should be burned. Anyone else agree?”

      Absolutely. I do not understand what exactly is being celebrated. Them removing themselves from the gene pool?

  9. Sarita La Cubanita

    Does anyone here love guns? Here is a commentator who bought 100 cans of Bud Light to blow up with various weapons. They give a full rebate since no one wants to drink a homo beer, so he’s getting his money back, and in the meantime he got to have fun shooting cans of beer.

  10. Sarita La Cubanita

    BTW, I never took the vaccine THANK GOODNESS!!! And now lots and lots of people are dying from heart attacks and cancer due to the vaccine. The vaccine SUCKS!!!

    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      I know of two who died.
      My mother started having cardiac issues only after she got vaxxed.

      Moreover, an old friend of mine deceloped very bad GYN issues from it.

      It’s awful.

      BH, you didn’t get jabbed.

    2. Weary Traveler

      One of my good friends who works in the healthcare field just told me recently that I was very smart not to take it in spite of losing a job over it.

      I hope the people who mandated it die a very slow, painful and lonely death.

  11. Sarita La Cubanita

    Does everyone I know have my email? If not, and you are Rivka’s friend, have Rivka’s email, and want mine, please get my email from her.

  12. Sarita La Cubanita

    The number of people dying from the vaccine is astronomical. While it’s not 100% of the vaccinated, of course, because that’s unreasonable in any capacity, it’s too high to be mere coincidence.

      1. Sarita La Cubanita

        Young people, athletes, children, adults. The latest one is a black actor, Jamie Foxx. He’s not talking about what his “health crisis” is, but the word is out that his most recent vaccine booster required by a studio, cost him dearly. He had a stroke is blind in one eye, and is learning to walk. He will not talk about it because Hollywood will NOT HIRE ANYONE who says he is an anti-vaxxer.

          1. Sarita La Cubanita

            The pharmaceutical toxins complex has tremendous control over the entire world. It’s got to be stopped.

          2. Sarita La Cubanita

            Absolutely. The leftist elite (pharma, WEF, etc.) is using dictatorial tactics. Stalinist, Islamic, Nazi-like dictatorial tactics, and wouldn’t you know it, they sure HATE Israel too. I know which side I’m not on.

          3. Sarita La Cubanita

            Exactly! Vile! So vile. Ok, I’m off to sleep. Let me know please the next step? Thanks!

          4. Sarita La Cubanita

            Absolutely!!! Till tomorrow. HUGS HUGS HUGS to you and to everyone else here!!! ❤️❤️❤️

        1. Weary Traveler

          I remember Jamie Foxx. He used to be on the show, In Living Color.

          They are killing some of our most talented people. They want to rob the world of everything and anyone that brings any kind of beauty or joy in to the world.

          These people are all ghouls, and we would all be so much better off without them.

    1. Weary Traveler

      A lot of that has to do with the fact that there was saline mixed in to some of the batches. Oddly enough, most of the saline was sent to blue states.

        1. Weary Traveler

          Likewise, Sapper.

          Stay tuned, as we are working out the next phase. I already created a private Truth Social Group which I will post the info to soon.

          1. Weary Traveler

            So far I used the working title of Vinny’s Cafe. I wanted to take some looking under the hood with the group feature. But after reading my emails earlier, the consensus seems to be Weary Traveler’s Crew.

            I was thinking, since I am using a different moniker there, maybe The Weary Travelers, or just Weary Travelers.

          2. Weary Traveler

            Absolutely. That why Vinny’s Cafe was my first thought. That, and something you said yesterday when you compared this place to an online version of Cheers. But since not all of us are drinkers, I figured Cafe was more apropos than bar, pub or tavern.

            Pub could have worked, since pubs also tend to serve decent food, and you don’t have to drink to go to one. But I went with Cafe, because people can and do spend about as much time in a cafe as they do in a bar.

          3. Weary Traveler

            That was Frank Speech. Truth Social is the one created by Trump and run by Devin Nunez.

      1. Sapper 9

        There is a site called “how bad is my batch” ,it tracks adverse reactions by the batch and the differences in the number of reactions by batch is startling.

    2. Sapper 9

      Sarita, I hope all is well with your family and thank you for all the laughs; however, your flame thrower hasn’t been necessary. Lol

    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      Best wishes to you George.
      Your contributions were very much appreciated.

      Would you be interested in changing venues?
      @dr_darko:disqus had some wonderful ideas that he posted hereinbelow.

      1. george linker

        I have yet to venture into truthsocial. I am on twitter. I hope life gives you a good road.

        1. Proud Conservative Mom

          My handle is Minna613.
          Are you comfortable DMing me your information?

          You can always create a sock account if you want and then contact me.

          I wish you the best of everything.
          TYMK for supporting Israel and the Jewish People.

          1. Weary Traveler

            Nah, it’s just easier for most.

            I’ve used different monikers on different sites since I seem to attract a “fan club” in most places I go, and I don’t want some stalker bringing drama from one site to another. Our DW can tell you all about that.

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        Amen and Amen!

        Where will Vinny and his family be?

        If it’s not too time consuming to search for it, can you please post a graphic that had all of the Enguins in it?
        If I remember correctly, there were a few.

        I would like a souvenir please if possible.

        No pressure whatsoever.

        1. Proud Conservative Mom

          That’s very gracious and kind for you to say.
          I really enjoyed sharing my Judaism.

          I really appreciated your contributions.

          On another note, would you be interested in joining us in another venue?
          We’d love to have you join us.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            We’re working on either a private Twitter group, something on Truth Social or possibly on Parler.
            Since it will be private without any uninvited “guests”, at least one of our former members will be back.
            I was contacted last night by this person.

          1. Sapper 9

            When she said we would use her lake house, I thought she meant for the wedding; however, she meant for the guests to get together and to house some of them. Lol

          2. Sapper 9

            She normally rents her lake house out by the day , $1,000 to $2,000 a day depending on the time of year , so, it has lots of space. Lol

  13. HebrewProphet

    Unfortunately NtJP lost sight of its original intention with way too much infighting amongst its original members and American politics taking over instead of mostly Jewish-Israeli news .

    Like so many other platforms/blogs etc. it finally had to close down and rather disappointing too.
    Life continues in the meantime .

  14. mahatmacoatmabag

    Happy Wednesday & Greetings to Bill & all NTJP posters. 7 years of daily online commenting is a good run, 3 years under my ownership (and ably assisted by Bill) Not The Jerusalem Post (NTJP) was the 1st pro-Israel channel created on Disqus from 26th November 2016 till Disqus closed the entire 4K Channel network on 31st August 2019 and then for 4 years from Mid-August 2019 till today 7th June 2023 under Bill Smith NTJP became a Word Press blog with the premium paid version of Disqus installed. I would like to thank Bill & all the posters who have commented on both versions of NTJP over the years & just a quick mention of some of those who were the original small group of 10 or so members and first Mods of the NTJP community from 7 years ago & came with Bill and myself from posting daily on the Jerusalem Post website to take a plunge into the unknown so to speak of daily commenting on an independently run website which we ourselves set the tone of discussion, the rules & did our own moderation (in no particular order ) AlgorithmicAnalyst, Filter, Sarita la Cubanita, Arye ben-Shaoul, Hebrew Prophet, Ozraeli, Nessie, Sue (Reya loves Israel), Elana & i__Cry. Thank you all & to the many others who posted on NTJP over the last 7 years. Goodbye & G-d bless you all, sincerely yours Pud in Tel Aviv

    1. IMSarahAnn

      Hello, Pud ! It’s 11:45 PM EST. (Almost Thursday) It’s good to see you and thank you for all that you’ve done and for all that you continue to do. High regards to you from Harold and from myself.

  15. Sarita La Cubanita

    Thank you to everyone for being so good and kind to me. I have to say that since Jason encouraged me to come look at what is going on at NtJP I feel an iota better, even though I’m very sad that NtJP, this beloved place, is going away. I know I feel a tiny bit better because since my beautiful, kind, loving sister passed in January, I haven’t done much of anything, not even gotten my nails done, and yet now I’m considering doing something shallow: going to my nail guy again in July. It might take my mind off suffering and sadness. Please consider joining us if you don’t have a place to go to discuss the horrors of the left.

    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      Good morning Sarah!
      You have always been so very kind with a tremendous sense of humor.
      No one said it, like you did. 😂❤️‍🔥🥰

      Getting your nails done isn’t shallow.
      You’re nurturing yourself and it’s very important for you to do that.
      Truly. 🏆🏆🏆

      I’ll really miss this place as well.
      Everyone was very kind to me and very graciously allowed me to be “me.”

      I’m so very grateful that you will be joining us where we next land, Be’Ezras Hashem.
      I hope that it will all work out.

    2. Weary Traveler

      You have to treat yourself a little bit.

      Even doing something that makes you look a little better like getting your nails done in this case, can be a mood booster just like putting on a nice outfit.

      I for instance am looking forward to Tuesday. I’ll be in some of my best black, as opposed to just my usual black at the Clan of Xymox concert.

      We were not meant to be just put away, no matter what “experts” like Faucist think, who treat like a glob of cell that can just be put away like a winter coat in the summer months.

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        I couldn’t agree more.
        It’s very important to do things that make us happy.

        Self-care and nurturing one’s self is very important.
        I’m talking to myself first and foremost as always.

        1. Weary Traveler

          Exactly. The very things they all want to take away from us. Anything that makes us happy, and anything that expresses our individuality.

          I like being able to be who I am, and that is when I am the most happy.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            That’s precisely what the Left wants to do; eke out every drop of joy from our existence.

            As I posted earlier today, I am beyond grateful to everyone for allowing me to be “me.”

          2. Weary Traveler

            Of course. The only way they can feel better about themselves is to dehumanize the rest of us.

            They better hope I am never in charge. I’ll be sure to return the favor by sentencing them to live in Barstow with all the meth-heads, and no running water or electricity. Let them swelter in the triple digit summer and eat ze desert bugs. LOL

          3. Weary Traveler

            Bill said yesterday that he would keep the page open for the rest of the week to give us time to make other arrangements.

          4. Weary Traveler

            BTW; John can tell you about it also, but a few weeks ago, I wrote up a little short story about Gus, and it had him ending up in a dumpster behind a Del taco in Barstow. LOL

          5. Weary Traveler

            Unfortunately, Gus is still alive. But you know what they say; cockroaches would be one of the few species to survive nuclear Armageddon. LOL

          6. Weary Traveler

            Got it. Just got back, and messaged you all, and added you, John and Sarah to the group.

    3. IMSarahAnn

      Be kind to your self, Sarita. and remember that as long as we live they, my sister and yours, Yolanda Shoshana, will live. Your sister and mine, VHM, live as part of us their memories will console us. Their hugs are irrevocable.
      and their love for us and our love for them is a lasting joy.

        1. IMSarahAnn

          Prayers for you and for yours. VHM, not her real initials, my sister died back in the mid 1990’s. Cancer. G-d bless you, my friend.

        2. IMSarahAnn

          I hope that you’re enjoying well deserved peace, Rebecca. I enjoyed our conversations yesterday. I have signed up but haven’t made comments. Kinda complicated it seems for now. I’ll figger it out ! lol! Please tell Sarita hello and that I’m praying for her.
          Prayers for all of us, my friend. 🤗

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            I’m figuring it out myself, and will be happy to help you with it, ASAP.

            I really enjoyed our conversations tremendously.
            Sending you loads of love, hugs, and prayers.

            Incidentally, @dr_darko:disqus had a great idea for what we can use in addition that is much easier.

            I’ll contact you Be’Ezras Hashem (with Hashem’s help).

          2. Weary Traveler

            I am hoping to get working on that later in the week. I probably wont be around at all tomorrow as I will be at a concert in the city.

            Oops… I probably shouldn’t have posted that here. It might encourage you-know-how to crash the page on a trolling rampage knowing I wont be around to hand his ass to him. ROTFLMAO

          3. IMSarahAnn

            Loads of love, hugs and prayers back atcha Hashem’s help for each of us. Always. 💕

          4. IMSarahAnn

            Thanks, Rebecca. I wrote a response earlier and it seems to have disappeared. Strange !
            Yes. Hashem help us and He always does.💕

  16. Proud Conservative Mom

    For posterity:

    To my Jewish brethren and friends: Have a glorious Shabbos in every single manner!

    To my gentile friends: Have a fabulous weekend in every way possible!


        1. IMSarahAnn

          Hashem makes every day holy in His way. And I suspect that He loves you as you obviously love Him, despite any kind of forgetfulness regarding His days. 😊

    1. Weary Traveler

      Of course not. We’re probably on one of Trudy’s naughty lists. Maybe next time buy a ticket disguised as a Muslim or a CCP official. LOL

    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      I don’t think that is a good option because it limits the amount of words that you can post at a time tremendously.

      Perhaps Parler, a Twitter room or Slack if my friend’s blog page doesn’t work out.
      She’s going to try to see if she can create an open forum on her page.

      1. Weary Traveler

        I agree. I think your friend’s page would be the best. Maybe we can keep the title of Vinny’s Cafe?

        1. Proud Conservative Mom

          Could you set up a temporary email address where people can email you for the information about the new blog that you can post herein?

          From my phone, it’s alot more complicated for me to do.

          Then perhaps @nicetomeetyou2:disqus can highlight it.

          Bill, how much more time do we have until this page disappears?

  17. Proud Conservative Mom

    Rav Avigdor Miller on Where Is Hashem

    How are we to understand the idea that Hashem is bashomayim (in the Heavens), that He’s in the heavens or that He sits on a throne?

    Now let’s understand one thing. There are certain words and attitudes that we learned as children and many people never bothered to re-examine them when they became adults.

    You have to understand Hakadosh Baruch Hu is not a guf (body). He is מלוא כל הארץ כבודו (the Earth is full of His glory). He has no place. He is called Hamakom because He is the place. Hakadosh Baruch Hu is mekomo shel olam; He is the place of the world. We are in Him. Like Moshe Rabeinu said השם מעון אתה היית לנו – You are our dwelling; we live in You.

    So if you’re going to point now to a place where Hakadosh Baruch Hu is, it means you’re losing sight of the very identity of Hakadosh Baruch Hu. There’s no such thing as place when we’re talking about Hakodosh Boruch Hu.

    Now it’s not easy for people to picture such concepts.

    But you could try. Let’s imagine you’ll say what is the place of light. Now light is really a physical thing but you can ask where is the place of light. Light starts from the sun, let’s say, and travels to this earth and it goes beyond the earth too. It shines in other places. The moon is on the other side of the earth and the light hits the moon too. Where is the place of light? It’s everywhere. As far as it could travel, it’s everywhere. So lihavdil (it refers to making a tremendous Hakadosh Baruch Hu is everywhere.

    Now you say it’s difficult to conceive. The answer is certainly it’s difficult. You want to understand Hakadosh Baruch Hu?!

    So we say Hashem is in the heavens. Now where is the heavens? At nighttime the heavens are over here and in daytime the heavens are over there. The earth turns. So you can’t point in one direction. Anyone who wants to point in one direction and say “There’s the heavens” is not talking like an adult. ‘Heavens’ is only a state of existence.

    Now we shouldn’t think these are unreal terms. It’s more real than actual heavens. Because if you would point to a certain spot in the sky and be able to say, “There is a big chamber, a tremendous hole and there the Shechinah is,” what you’re doing is profaning the name of Hashem. You’re making Hakadosh Baruch Hu little. Hakadosh Baruch Hu is great and eternal and He lives in a state and that state is called ‘Heavens.’ His existence is called Shomayim. But don’t attempt to point to a place. ‘Heavens’ is not a place; it’s a state. Hakadosh Baruch Hu is an entity that is without any location, but His location is everywhere. מלוא כל הארץ כבודו. He is everywhere.

    Now for little children that’s confusing but adults must learn to understand that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is too big for a mind of a person to conceive. It’s like an ant trying to conceive a person.

    An ant is underneath this rug, let’s say, and the ant is trying to understand what it means that you’re sitting on a chair on the rug. He can’t picture that. The ant is thinking, “How is it possible for a person to be so big and occupy so much space as a human being does?” An ant can’t picture that. An ant perhaps can picture the sole of your shoe as he encounters it but more than that, his mind totters at the immensity of the concept of a person who will tower up five or six feet above the floor.

    And therefore our minds totter at the reality of Hashem. Only that in order that we shouldn’t slip entirely, we use words. We say השם בשמים הכין כסאו – Hashem established His throne in the heavens. And we live with these words. But we have to know they are only words.

    And if you’re asking specifically where is it, the answer is it’s a state of existence of a form that’s far beyond our ability to describe. Anything about Hakadosh Baruch Hu is beyond our ability to describe and that’s why we speak about Him only in picture words.

    TAPE # 380 (October 1981)

  18. Proud Conservative Mom

    *The last screenshot should have ended with: no matter what… 🥹🥹🥹❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

        1. AntiBanshee

          Love ’em, Lord George…….we have a lot of those aloes in deep South Texas. They bloom after a big rain. Pretty. The local Mexicans saute the flowers with tomato, peppers, and onion and call it “Flor de Palma” It actually good.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            Good afternoon George.
            Did you see the notification about the new blog?

            In case I don’t catch you before Shabbos, tag @dr_darko:disqus.

            I posted an email address and the information towards the top of the page earlier.

  19. AntiBanshee

    It was a hoot, Lord Bill.

    I wish thee and all the Vinnie fans all the best for ever and ever.

    Y’all are good people. Outstanding.

    For kicks, some of you would likely enjoy BL ( Lady Mom has been posting there from time to time for years.


    1. Proud Conservative Mom

      Good morning AB! 😊😊😊
      I am grateful to know of a site where I can find you!

      Wishing you, your your wife and your entire family many more beautiful, happy and healthy years.

      TYMK for all of your contributions.
      It was always so very greatly appreciated.

      I will really miss this place.

      My youngest son who is graduating high school this coming Tuesday, Be’Ezras Hashem, gifted me with these flowers out of nowhere last week.
      I wanted to share them with you.

      1. IMSarahAnn

        Hello, Bill ! The best of all that’s good for you is my wish and my ongoing prayers.
        Could you tell me where Tony is? If not, I understand. I miss everyone who comes here as I will in the future.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            Count on it.
            It might not be until tomorrow morning as I might fall asleep early tonight.
            It’s been a very long day for me.
            I’ll check before I go to sleep, Be’Ezras Hashem.

            Please see a posting that I just sent to @sapper9:disqus hereinabove.

            It explains what I need from everyone to have access to the new blog.

          2. IMSarahAnn

            I understand, Rebecca and we will endure. It’s part of our heritage and will part of our legacy. Forever. Be gentle with yourself. Get some rest and use your tremendous humor which Providence sends.
            G-d love you.

          3. IMSarahAnn

            Just now read your wonderful affirmation, one of many. If there is wisdom in my words, that wisdom is born of sticking my finger into a live electrical socket of sorts, in order to test its efficacy !!!
            Hard heads learn the hard way and sometimes never ! LOL!! These days, I avoid that kind of contact
            with sockets of the electrical human kind. I “figger” they’re doing a pretty good job of electrocuting themselves and do not need my assistance. Unless they need me to throw the switch, remotely.
            😉😊🥰 Just kidding. I would never electrocute them. I’d just talk them to death. LOL!

          4. Proud Conservative Mom

            Anything but!
            You’re a very wise woman who always writes beautifully with a terrific sense of humor.

            My visualizing you talking someone to death had me laugh out loud.
            I really needed that!
            TYMK dear Sarah!

    1. IMSarahAnn

      Thank you, Rebecca. I’ve been wondering why he hasn’t posted comments for a long time. He shared many excellent pictures of beautiful places. He’s missed. Prayers for his wife and for other family members and his friends.

    2. Weary Traveler

      This saddens me. I miss those pictures of him and his wife on their travels. They seemed such a sweet couple. If only all of our lives could be filled with such joy and love.

          1. Sapper 9

            He had a point about the volume that was posted at one time, but, it seemed to make him happy, so I enjoyed them.

            I wanted to say goodbye since I have never come across him anywhere else.

          2. Proud Conservative Mom

            He had a point but I felt the same way.
            It made him happy and I enjoyed the pictures.

            If you email me, I can provide you with his information with his permission of course, if you would like to do so.

          3. AntiBanshee

            He posted at BL a number of times, but one of the regulars criticized how he posted too many photos and he stopped. I enjoyed his photos and always thought that they brought him joy and he just wanted to share it.

      1. AntiBanshee

        Me too……y’all know how I post flowers for the ladies……I did so for him and called him Lady Rueda years ago. He very graciously and politely advised that he was a guy! DOH!

        1. Weary Traveler

          I kind of made the same mistake at first, given his warm nature here. It may have been the incident that you are describing that alerted me to my own mistaken assumption. LOL

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        Not yet, unfortunately.
        I just sent him a second email half an hour ago.

        BH, we have another blog.
        @dr_darko:disqus created an email address that he is going to post later on.

        For all those interested, they can create their own extra email address (or trust WT with their regular one), and send it to him.

        @nicetomeetyou2:disqus, can you please put that posting of WT’s with his email address as a pinned posting to replace the one about Pudding’s site?

        That would be extremely helpful and appreciated!


        1. Sapper 9

          This will sound weird , but , I have never had social media accounts , or even a personal e mail account with the exception of my military or business emails. Lol

          I will have to create one .

          I am not a technical illiterate, I have just avoided it in my personal life, with the exception of the obvious blogging. 😆

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            It doesn’t sound weird at all.

            I had zero social media accounts until I had to have one on Twitter, in order to access Vinny’s page.

            I set one up on Truth Social but don’t use it.

            I think it’s a great way to stay connected because I don’t know of any other way to do it.

            The owner of the blog requires it in order for us to be able to comment and contribute.
            (Only an editor can do this on that blog.)

            HP already set his up.

            It’s also a great way to communicate if one of us ever wants to contact another person privately.

            WT could be notified and he could provide the information.

          2. Sapper 9

            I still have your email somewhere in my office, from when you gave it to me a couple of years ago.

          3. Sapper 9

            I am OCD , so I do know where I put it. Lol

            My working office is surrounded by book cases, bulletin boards, and dry erase boards, it is very organized,; however, many find it strange, so in my new building I have put in a business office on the first floor and a working office on the second. Lol

        1. IMSarahAnn

          Thank G-d ! And thank you ! I hope that Tony gets completely well and that he comes here to talk with us. He too is a splendid person.
          I do hope that if and when Bill closes , Tony and all of the others will keep in touch.

          1. IMSarahAnn

            This image of a forest is magnificent ! Thank you for sharing each one of the other nature pictures.
            I look upon their images and enjoy their paths as previews of coming and the eternal Attraction, the kind that we’ve never dreamed of. Thank you, my friend !

        2. Sapper 9

          I can only find this page with my phone, I was afraid he had the same issue.

          I might not always agree with Tony, or anyone for that matter, but, I have enjoyed our conversations over the last couple of years

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            Good morning Sapper9.
            That is so very sad…
            I just sent him another email querying him about it and about how he is feeling.

            I’ll keep you posted, Be’Ezras Hashem.

            Can you be on the blog at approximately 9:15 so I can provide you with my email address and then immediately delete it?
            If not, what other times work for you?

            Myself included.

    3. bill smith

      Two of the originals also passed away, Zaba, and Eduardo… likely could have been others also.

          1. bill smith

            Wonder where Diaspora is? As I recall, when he posted, many of his friend would up-vote. Maybe one of them knows where he is or if he is alright.

          2. mahatmacoatmabag

            If I recall correctly he has a closed profile so finding him is near to impossible, that is the number one drawback of a closed profile – your friends cant find you!

      1. mahatmacoatmabag

        Shabbat Shalom Bill. Zaba posted on the Jerusalem Post website, he was HP’s pal, but he did not post with us on NTJP because we did not get along. Eduardo did not post on the JPost but found his way to NTJP after posting on other Disqus channels and found a link to NTJP on a posters profile. A 3rd person who might have passed away was Ari Chen, he was an early joiner on the NTJP channel, who later owned 3 channels of his own, he mysteriously disappeared off the web one day leaving me to manage his “Ariel” torah observant channel & one other channel, the 3rd channel he gave to David Turner the former JPost writer who let it dwindle away.

        1. AntiBanshee

          We have lost a number at BL as well. To all our friends/posters who have passed out of this world and into the next, let us send good will, good wishes, and prayer.

        2. bill smith

          Shabbat Shalom, Pudding.
          Yes, I think there was also a guy from Australia with a rather comical avatar… I know his health was bad. Also Tal, UK driver.

          1. mahatmacoatmabag

            Shabbat Shalom Bill. Ozraeli has been in poor health and seldom posts nowadays his last post was 3 months ago on NTJP & a year ago on the Coconut Whisperer. Tal ben Avraham quit Disqus altogether but he occasionally posts on a UK oriented YouTube channel called History Debunked. I last exchanged comments with him before Passover but have not seen him post since.

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        I do very much appreciate it!
        They’re so beyond adorable!

        May they grow up to have very long, healthy, happy, and beautiful lives.

        What is the first picture?

          1. Sapper 9

            That is a video game of sorts. It shines from the ceiling to the floor, it let’s him interact with the moving images on the floor.

            When he touches the images , they pop; I liked how it looked on his face , so I took a photo.

  20. Proud Conservative Mom

    Good morning everyone.
    For those who want to post on the new forum, please send @dr_darko:disqus an email. You can create another one if you want to maintain your anonymity.
    My friend who owns the blog, needs it in order to make everyone editors so they can post and contribute.
    I can absolutely 💯 percent vouch for her.
    I know who she is.

    This is the email address to send WT your information:
    [email protected]

    @nicetomeetyou2:disqus, can you please highlight this posting?

    Thank you most kindly for everything.

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        On my friend’s blog.

        Can you please email @dr_darko:disqus an email address that you would be comfortable sharing?

        It will take a few days to set everything up, Be’Ezras Hashem.

        [email protected] is the email address that you need to send your email address to.

        The platform is not a Disqus one.
        My friend who owns the blog will need your email address so that she can make you an editor. You’ll be able to contribute articles and comment simultaneously.

  21. Proud Conservative Mom

    From Tony:

    Hello again!

    I haven”t tried to post yet; will try later; will be out. Our daughter has come

    up from London to sort us out. Have been talking to doctors who will make a appointment

    hopefully later todak ar tomorrow.

    Dont worry, I will be back again.(That wille three of us!)

    1. Sapper 9

      I hope all is well with you.

      I have enjoyed the conversations that we have had over the last few years and wanted to thank you for that.

      1. Tony

        And the same from me to do. Hopefully we will all get together again somewhere soon.

        1. Proud Conservative Mom

          I’ll send you the information.

          My friend owns a blog that she is generously allowing us to use.

          I need to send her your email address.
          Please send whatever email address you want to use.

          I’m presuming that you still want to use the name Tony.

        2. Proud Conservative Mom

          @dr_darko:disqus earlier: “I set up a temporary admin email here to contact me through so that I can keep as many as possible in the loop: [email protected]

          Please be aware that not all of us are welcome on The Coconut Whisperer.
          I’d love to see all of you on the new blog if you can make it.

          The commenting platform isn’t a Disqus one.
          You’ll be editors so you will be able to post articles and comment as well.

      2. Weary Traveler

        Hi Sapper. I am so sorry I have been getting bombarded with stupid chaos of late. I don’t think that I got the opportunity to respond to your previous message to me.

        Just in case, I wanted to say to you that I appreciate your comments, and I too, have also enjoyed your input and wit. I hope you join us on the new page we hope to have set up soon.

        I set up a temporary admin email here to contact me through so that I can keep as many as possible in the loop: [email protected]

    2. IMSarahAnn

      It’s good to see you, Tony. I do hope and pray that you and yours enjoy optimal health and peace. You deserve this.
      I enjoy and I greatly benefit from reading your comments and talking with you. I look forward to your ongoing comments where ever you post. You have a habit of sharing while avoiding non sense. A good sense of humor too.
      And your love for Mother England is awesome. Thanks. Don’t disappear.

  22. Weary Traveler

    I just couldn’t help but notice…

    When it is announced the site is going bye-bye, everyone comes out of the woodwork.

    Kind of like how more people will make the effort to come to your wake than your birthday party. Hmm…

    1. Sapper 9

      That is a very true statement; however, I have made arrangements for a big party and free booze for my “going away party “. Lol

    1. mahatmacoatmabag

      Tony the blame lays solely with those that maliciously changed NTJP from an Israel news oriented forum into a crackpot Anti-Vax and conspiracy theory far right fringe US political forum, in doing so they doomed NTJP. They will continue doing the same on their new venture, if you value your sanity best to avoid it.

      1. Weary Traveler

        So when someone is pro bodily autonomy, and defends their G-d given rights under the Nuremberg code, they are a “far right crackpot and Anti-Vax conspiracy theorist.” Thanks for clarifying, Adolf.

        1. mahatmacoatmabag

          Nuremberg code? Adolf? body autonomy? Post your childish nonsense elsewhere you are not fit to post with adults. You & Rivka deliberately ruined the forum that I created now slink off to your obscure little crackpot hideaway & cackle like old hags, I will not miss the daily Rivka-Dreary Circus!

          1. Weary Traveler

            Right back at you, cupcake. You want to come here just to start a fight in order for you to feel like a big man, you got one.

            Yup, I am calling you Adolph because you support forcing a medical treatment on others whether they want it or not, and then forcing them to show proof of that in order to be free to travel, to work, etc. = “show me your papers”, just like the Nazis did, and just like with the mandates, they claimed it was all for “the greater good.”

            And you come here with your vitriol, all because you allowed yourself to buy in to fear from propaganda, put out by those who hate your guts no less than they hate mine or anyone else’s here.

            People like you are the problem, and history keeps repeating itself because people like you fail to learn from it, and you think you have some moral high ground here on top of it.

            Try reading the Nuremberg Code sometime. The vaccine mandates are a violation of them, which is why they have been largely scraped in most places.

            People like myself are the reason they have been scraped in many places. You’re welcome. You would know this if you spent more time with your nose in books instead of placing it up your own ass. There is a Yiddish word for those such as yourself; I believe it is “shonda.”

          2. mahatmacoatmabag

            I live in Israel you stupid arrogant Yank, there was No vaccine mandate in Israel, all your pointless Rants about the situation in the USA are totally irrelevant to an Israel focused forum. All your crackpot Anti-Vax and US politics posts on here over the last few years have been completely Off Topic. Had the NTJP blog been under my ownership & not Bills you would not have been allowed on here to poison the atmosphere on here.

          3. aonghais

            It is interesting to note that not only was an Israel focused forum changed to an anti-vax and US political post by people who do not live in Israel, but also that the two of us who do live in Israel have been verbally attacked by the Americans responsible for the change. You, Pud, by Weary Traveler, and me by Rivka.

            Got that, @proud_conservative_mom:disqus ?

          4. Weary Traveler

            We have a saying here in America; You talk smack, you get smacked.

            You two came here and started it, and now you are crying about it when you get it back.

            Surely you are old enough to know that actions have consequences. Did you really think you two would just shoot your mouths off, and everyone would just sit there and take it?

          5. Weary Traveler

            The last I checked, I am in America. Websites are international. Unless blocked by other countries, the internet doesn’t care.

            How big of an ass do you want to make yourself look today? Keep talking, cupcake.

          6. Weary Traveler

            Write stupid? You sure did and then some. But that is effortless for a slobbering goon such as yourself. LOL

          7. Weary Traveler

            You really don’t get it, do you? The complaint was never about the vaccine itself as it was the mandate, you grinning ape. And don’t give me the shit that there was no such thing happening with Israel either, while ignoring how that was affecting Jews outside of Israel.

            Not that it really matters to you since you have shown hatred towards the religion itself. Only the ethnicity matters to you, apparently, which is your own prerogative, but it doesn’t give you carte blanche to lie and virtue signal.

            It’s really just about you, and your own ego, and your obvious case of short-dick syndrome. It’s all too apparent that you have no life outside of Disqus. Sucks to be you, I suppose.

            Either I, or anyone else here for that matter, doesn’t really give a flying warm steaming pile what you would have done with regards to anything. It wasn’t your site, so it is immaterial what YOU would have done, and no one cares either. This isn’t even about what you claim it is about. Your actions speak volumes.

            In short, in case you missed it, with regards to what you think since you are apparently slow on the uptake….


  23. Proud Conservative Mom

    For posterity:

    Shavuah Tov Umevorach everyone in the best of health always!


  24. Proud Conservative Mom

    From @dr_darko:disqus earlier: “I set up a temporary admin email here to contact me through so that I can keep as many as possible in the loop: [email protected]

    Please be aware that not all of us are welcome on The Coconut Whisperer.
    I’d love to see all of you on the new blog if you can make it.

    The commenting platform isn’t a Disqus one.
    You’ll be editors so you will be able to post articles and comment as well.

    1. IMSarahAnn

      Has anyone contacted Desert Woman, Rebecca? Perhaps she goes by a different name these days? I’ve not been able to call you but I will in the next few days. OK? 🤗

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        Shavuah Tov Sarah! 😘🤗🥰

        She is no longer on Disqus but will be joining us on the new site, Be’Ezras Hashem.

        Please make sure to email @dr_darko:disqus the email address that you feel comfortable sharing with him and my close friend “Rora Skyfire.”

        You can make one up for this purpose.

        It will be set up in a few short days, Be’Ezras Hashem.

        1. IMSarahAnn

          Shavua Tov, my friend, Rebecca ! Baruch Hashem. I will and soon. 🥰
          Although her account is closed, she’s on my followers’ list.

    2. IMSarahAnn

      While you/they are setting up the new blog, is it all possible for a mending/healing of disagreements come about regarding CW? I hope you don’t mind my asking, Rebecca.

        1. IMSarahAnn

          I didn’t hear the phone, Rebecca. You can call me anytime. I’m checking to see why I missed your call.

        2. IMSarahAnn

          I checked and discovered that my ringer was turned down. I didn’t hear your call. I’ve turned it up. I don’t remember turning it down. I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon or you can call me. Iszat OK? 🤗 😊

    3. mahatmacoatmabag

      Proud Conservative Mom To set the record straight, you were banned on the Coconut Whisperer by Juli @aonghais:disqus back in Dec. 2022 for harassment & stalking her. I have upheld the ban . I banned @Dr_Darko:disqus only last week as he is an undesirable disruptive poster who like yourself is totally unsuited to be a Moderator on any forum . You two as the principal agents of the downfall of NTJP are not welcome to post with me. I have not banned Sarita or Hebrew Prophet or anybody else from NTJP

          1. aonghais

            I would also like to add that whoever it was that removed the ban on @proud_conservative_mom:disqus when Pud posted on the Coconut Whisperer that this blog, NtJP was closing, enabling her to post there, did not do themselves any favours by doing so. She was, of course, promptly re-banned.

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        I never stalked @aonghais:disqus
        I asked her a question.

        I would never stalk anyone.
        I never conducted myself in such a manner, nor would I.

        For anyone who remotely knows me, they would readily know this.

        1. aonghais

          You followed me onto every blog where I posted – and also Moderated on – complaining that I was not responding to your emails. You also emailed me almost non-stop, insisting that I respond to you.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            I didn’t follow you onto every blog.
            I was invited by Pud to join his blogs.
            I asked you one question about the topic of the article as a follow-up on what you responded to someone else.
            That is not stalking.

            I sent you a few emails after you suddenly cut ties with me without any explanation.
            I had no idea why and still don’t.

            You wanted to adopt me as your daughter, called me from Israel and spoke to me for an hour.
            Then there was dead silence.

            I was trying to get to the bottom of what I could have possibly done to cause you to be upset with me.
            I still never found out.
            I wanted to make it right.

            If being a good person translates to being a stalker, there is nothing else to say to you.

            I fail to comprehend your baseless hatred of me.
            The same goes for Pud.

            @nicemeetyou2:disqus made it very clear to me that the blog did not fail due to me.

          2. aonghais

            I am not talking about the blogs owned by Pud or by Chuck. You followed me and harassed me on blogs owned by other people, none of which I now post on, and caused me considerable trouble having to explain to those blog owners why you were stalking me with your “why don’t you email me” nagging posts.

            Yes, I did telephone you, but it was most certainly not for an hour. I had, at the time, the facility of making two overseas phone calls each month, providing they lasted no longer than ten minutes. It was a service through a disability organisation, which no longer exists. And why on earth would I want to adopt you?

            I don’t hate you Rivka – I despise you.

          3. Proud Conservative Mom

            I occasionally peruse other blogs and comment on them.
            It had nothing to do with you.
            You happened to be there at the time so I greeted you, not even knowing that something was wrong.

            I remember looking at the time of the phone call when it ended.
            It was indeed an hour.

            You can put out whatever story you want to.
            Obviously, you’re doing it anyway.
            It doesn’t change the truth.

            As for myself, I am horrified by your vitriol and venom.
            I feel sorry for you.

            I won’t post personal information that you confided in me.
            You indeed told me that you wanted to adopt me as your daughter.

            Hashem will vindicate me one day.
            Everyone can count on it.

          4. aonghais

            Didn’t you say you weren’t going to respond to me again? Give it up Rivka – you are making yourself look like a fool, and you are only embarrassing yourself by doing so.

          1. mahatmacoatmabag

            Wasn’t it PCM who unjustly banned you on NTJP for posting off topic about NCIS? Considering that 90% of PCM’s posts on NTJP were Off Topic it was rather piggish of her.

          2. The Ultimate Fangirl

            I remember it clear as day: Bill was asking for suggestions on a new page graphic, I suggested something related to Hetty, Tony threw a fit and suggested I’d be banned, I told him to chill out, and a few minutes later, he banned me. Ask him yourself, he knows what he did. PC, and the other mods never wanted me to be banned, Bill only took his side to prevent infighting

  25. Proud Conservative Mom

    Good morning everyone.
    There are aspersions cast against me that I stalked Juli.
    I never stalked anyone.
    You all know that I would never do such a thing.

    I’m not going to be replying to Pudding or Juli about this on the blog.
    It’s not true but the venom is continuing to be spewed.

    @dr_darko:disqus and I did not destroy NtJP.
    @nicetomeetyou2:disqus can readily confirm that.

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        Yes, I did.
        However, I am entitled to change my mind when I am the brunt of lies and erroneous misconceptions that have no basis in reality and fact.

        To reiterate, @nicetomeetyou2:disqus will readily attest to the fact that the failure of the blog had nothing to do with myself or @dr_darko:disqus.

        1. aonghais

          So it is acceptable for you to tell lies, but not acceptable for others to tell the truth. Oh Rivka, when did you turn from being a nice frummer into such an evil person?

    1. mahatmacoatmabag

      Rivka you & Weary Traveler ruined NTJP by turning it into an US Anti-Vax & US politics circus, completely taking the focus off of Israel & add to that your non-stop posting of your own personal religious beliefs completely against the original no religious posting rule of my original NTJP channel & Bills modified “Anything goes except hate, trolling and religious disputes.”

      1. Proud Conservative Mom

        You’re entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts.

        My posting about my Judaism was appreciated.
        I received many accolades on the forum, and privately via emails.

        That is not a “dispute” on religion.
        This is an open forum.

        I also posted alot of news about Israel.

        It’s irrelevant at this point.

        1. aonghais

          “I’m not going to be replying to Pudding or Juli about this on the blog.”

          Keep on digging Rivka – I’m going to enjoy watching you fall into that hole you are digging.

      2. Tony

        I am not joining in this discussion; I didn’t even know that there was so much unpleasantness beneath the surface.But I have mentioned to PCM and others that with all the things that are going on around the world , in Israel and elsewhere,nobody says a sentence about them. It went of like a damp squib.
        If there is to be a new board, please call it “Not the New York Times” and stop pretending. It stoppped being NTJP a long time a go. I’ll still follow it for interest.

          1. Weary Traveler

            And what, prey tell, did YOU contribute here to the topic of Israel? Hmm?

            And in case you missed the title, it is still an open forum with only a small set of rules. One of which you have been breaking since you got here = no trolling.

            The only one I saw who was consistent on the topic of Israel was HP. Not YOU. In fact, it was YOU who ran HP out of here with your pettyness, so you can STFU with your faux self-righteous indignation already.

            You could have steered the conversation any time you wanted to. Which PCM made far more of an effort here to do than you, by the way.

            Next time you point your finger at anyone here, make sure you don’t have three pointed right back at yourself.

          2. Proud Conservative Mom

            Indeed, he made HP miserable here.
            I know that factually.

            On another note, Juli is trying to call me out for speaking Lashon Horah.
            BH, I cannot die from laughing.
            She broke several Commandments in what she did today.

            Both Pudding and she came to troll and lie about me, but somehow I AM THE GUILTY ONE?!


          3. Weary Traveler

            She should hang out with Sugar Mama. They have a lot in common apparently. ROTFLMAO

          4. Proud Conservative Mom

            Keep scrolling where she mocked my Judaism and called me evil.

            How very ironic.
            Self-projection on her part, except she doesn’t keep Torah and thinks she knows Halacha (Jewish law).

          5. Proud Conservative Mom

            On another note, they think that a true and fulfilled Jew is one that is domiciled in Israel.

            Feel free to scroll down.

            Pudding doesn’t understand that a fulfilled Jew is one who keeps Torah.

            Moreover, ironically enough he just accused me of sinas chinam (baseless hatred) and told me that I will have alot to atone for on Yom Kippur.

            I never asked to be lied about and attacked.
            The chutzpah is INCREDIBLE.

          6. Weary Traveler

            So in other words, the many Jews living in various parts of the world do not qualify. JFC.

          7. Weary Traveler

            Yes, I saw that lame attempt at a OWN from them. I rate it as continually weak and profoundly lame.

          8. Weary Traveler

            And yet, here you are on a tirade.

            Just STFU and take a Midol for your mangina, FFS. LOL

          9. mahatmacoatmabag

            I created the NTJP concept & made the rules & I left this version of NTJP over 2 years ago in disgust that it had become a sanctuary for conspiracy theorists & HP left about a year ago so it wasn’t me who run him off but stupid & arrogant wankers like you Mr Turnip for brains

          10. Weary Traveler

            You are the one that passed it off to Bill, who paid for the Disqus service, and the hosting. And then you come here today saying he didn’t run it right with all “what you would have done if…” which is all moot. Because you had your chance and you handed it off to someone else.

            And you were the one that insulted HP calling him a drunk. So stop lying.

          11. Proud Conservative Mom

            HP was off of the blog for some time because of Pudding harassing him.
            I’m old enough to remember.

            Indeed, Pudding passed the blog onto Bill.
            Bill, did a far better job and didn’t alienate anyone.

          12. mahatmacoatmabag

            Rivka , your memory is 100% faulty, get tested for senility or Alzheimer. I never passed on the blog to Bill. I owned the NTJP Channel & like all 4K Disqus Channels it closed on 31st August 2019. Disqus notified all channel owners & anybody who read the notice on the Discuss Disqus Channel in July 2019 of the imminent “Sun setting” (stupid American term for closing) of its Channel Network so that they could make other arrangements. Bill & I discussed by mail the idea of creating an NTJP continuation Blog using Disqus software & Bill put forward the idea that he would create an NTJP Blog using the Premium version of Disqus software, which cost up to $99 a month. As Bill is a successful business man he agreed to pay for it as I was unwilling to pay for both a web hosting service & monthly software lic. fees.

            We agreed that the new NTJP blog would follow the same open forum discussion format of the NTJP channel & use its exact same Rules. We naturally reversed roles with Bill now being in charge of the new blog with me as his number 2, a reversal of roles from the NTJP channel. Unlike on the NTJP channel with a limitation of 10 moderators including the owner, there is no limits on the number of moderators on blogs & Bill now decided alone on all moderator appointments unlike previously Bill & myself agreeing by mail on mod appointments & later consulting with Filter, AA, Sarita, Elena in Jerusalem & Ozrieli (all founding Mods on NTJP) .Had I created a dedicated NTJP blog I would have never made you, Weary or HP a mod although I had made HP a mod on several of my channels at the recommendation of Sarita and he proved to be a disappointment. Bill is an easy going guy & over the years he allowed extremists like you & Weary to dominate the conversation on NTJP, bully off decent posters like Sue (Reya loves Israel ) & as a result you two brought NTJP down to the level of a Freak Circus and thus Bill has decided to close it and stop wasting good money on giving bad people a platform to rant & rage!

          13. Weary Traveler

            “Woulda, woulda woulda”. And for the kabillionth time, you DIDN’T, and all your copying and pasting here of the same drivel wont ever change that, so you may as well just save your energy and shut the fuck up, and move on already.

            We were all having a really nice time exchanging farewells until YOU decided to carpet bomb the page with your petty bitterness. If anyone is destroying the legacy of NtJP is YOU by acting like the stumbling drunk that crashed the party.

            And while you are suggesting others get their memories tested, perhaps you should have your hormone balance tested to see if you are low on testosterone. Perhaps that might explain why you, with the help of your little Padawan, continue to insist on wasting pixels and bandwidth with your little e-Bitch Fest here.

            Here’s a complaint form for ya’. Someone may review it and get back to you never. ROTFLMAO


          14. Weary Traveler

            The more smack you talk, the deeper you dig your own hole, exposing yourself to be the angry bitter old drunk crashing a funeral.

            What’s the matter, fruity pebbles? HP decline your invitation to your circle-jerk? Now you are mad at him again?


          15. mahatmacoatmabag

            HP is well aware that I consider him a heavy drinker & I rarely drink alcohol (nor do I smoke, take drugs or have tattoos), but don’t let me stop you, after all you couldn’t possibly damage your non-functioning micro-brain. Bye bye for now as I have more important real life things to than trade insults on the web with a Fruit Fly

          16. Weary Traveler

            Oh, gee… A grown adult who consumes alcohol. *gasp*. What a scandal!! I’m, shocked I tell ya’!! Just shocked!!


        1. mahatmacoatmabag

          Shavua Tov Tony, I thought you knew why I quit NTJP some 2 years ago when it became the Rivka-Weary Circus & ceased being NTJP, even Hebrew Prophet quit a year ago for the same reason. Come & join us ( AA, Juli, Chief Mac, Arye and other sane folk) on the Coconut. If you do go with Rivka & Weary to their new Anti-Vax hideaway you will be like a fish out of water on there.

          1. Tony

            Yep. I am just tring to get my head round how Cocoanuts works. For the moment, I’m watching the circus!

          2. mahatmacoatmabag

            The Coconut works because it is soundly run, fairly moderated, posts interesting stuff, has lots of humour & what it says is on the lid is what is in the box!

            THECOCONUTWHISPERER. General News, Conservative Politics, Recipes & Features. Strictly no Anti-Semitism, Nazism, Communism, Racism, Conspiracy Theories including Anti-Vax & 911 conspiracies. Email : [email protected]

          3. aonghais

            And there is always something interesting to comment on and discuss. @anthonyquest:disqus – I think you would enjoy yourself on the Coconut. It’s a warm and friendly place [apart from the very unfortunate incident of a banned member being unbanned by someone who had no right to do so.]

      1. mahatmacoatmabag

        You claim that there is a Torah injunction against wishing non-Jews Shabbat Shalom yet are wishing non-Jews a Shavua Tov?

        That is a contradiction especially as the Christian week starts on Monday not today Sunday like our new week starts on a Saturday Night, or didn’t you know that?

        1. aonghais

          There actually is no Torah injunction against doing so, because it is meaningless to non-Jews. Just as we Jews do not wish non-Jews Shana Tova
          on Rosh Hashana. There is no Torah injunction against it – we just don’t do it because, as I just said, it is absolutely meaningless.

          It’s just another thing to make someone appear to be more knowledgeable than they are, playing on the fact that in their eyes they are the only one
          who knows Torah.

        2. aonghais

          There actually is no Torah injunction against doing so, because it is meaningless to non-Jews. Just as we Jews do not wish non-Jews Shana Tova
          on Rosh Hashana. There is no Torah injunction against it – we just don’t do it because, as I just said, it is absolutely meaningless.

          It’s just another thing to make someone appear to be more knowledgeable than they are, playing on the fact that in their eyes they are the only one
          who knows Torah.

        3. The Ultimate Fangirl

          Can you please quit harassing her? She’s a good person who’s recovering from a health injury at this moment, and she doesn’t need to be attacked when this site is about to shut down. She’s a good person, and I don’t mind her differences with me on a few opinions.

          1. The Ultimate Fangirl

            I don’t see any proof of her ever stalking and harassing her. You’re always dealing with health issues, why are you acting like this today? I’ve already had to deal with 1 friend I know of harassing another friend of mine in the last week, seeing 2 more individuals I thought were my friends harassing another 1 of my friends makes me quite sad, and wondering if there’s something more severe going on given what is going on the world recently.

            I advise eithern working out your issues, or just letting it go. Because this is IMO, ridiculous

          2. aonghais

            And I would advise you to learn some manners, young lady, and not make insinuations about people old enough to be your grandparents.

          3. aonghais

            Telling Pud “I advise either working out your issues, or just letting it go” is NOT merely asking a simple question. It is being extremely rude, implying that he has “issues”.

          4. The Ultimate Fangirl

            IMO, that’s actually 1 of the best ways to work out an argument if you don’t want a huge fight to completely take over the thread. (I work on a debate site, and believe me, fights or disagreements like this tend to take up whole threads because 1 of the fighters don’t know when to just let it go).

            It’s very displeasing to see a few adults who are all conservatives going at each other like this. I merely made a simple suggestion to try and prevent certain words from being said that can’t be taken back for the good of preserving friendships. It’s not rude at all

          5. mahatmacoatmabag

            TUF I have 2 issues right now. One is an unknown untrustworthy member of the Mod team on the Coconut who went behind my back and lifted Juli’s Ban of PCM in Jan 2022 without my permission. I don’t thinks its you but it is a veteran mod who knows PCM well and posts on other forums with PCM & is in email contact with her. It is really bothering me that I cant trust a member of the Mod team as they may have done it before & I did not pick up on it.

            The 2nd issue I have is with you TUF for taking PCM’s side first against Juli who she has harassed & for taking PCM’s side against me. If you are unhappy being a Mod & posting on the Coconut & TGIOF please tell me & if you wish to resign as a Mod to spend more time with your new best buddies PCM & Weary on whatever crackpot website they are on I wont stop you. I thank you for the fine articles you have posted on my blogs but I really don’t appreciate disloyalty, I have stood by you & shown you respect but now find you have not shown me the same respect & support.

          6. The Ultimate Fangirl

            I don’t know who went behind your back.

            I don’t wish to resign, but it might be a while before I decide to post another article on either of your sites. I find your behavior towards a longtime friend of mine to be inmature and a bit petty, and it disheartens me to see 2 individuals who have treated me nicely go after someone else who has also treated me nicely for a long time.

            I hope you eventually work out your tensions like mature adults so I don’t have to keep playing peacemaker

          7. mahatmacoatmabag

            TUF I thank you for the good articles you posted on my 2 blogs but I am not going to play around and am immediately removing you as a Mod & Page poster on my 2 blogs. You made your choice & I wish you good luck in your future endeavors, all the best Pud.

          8. Weary Traveler

            And you’ve call others paranoid?

            I have encountered inner city gang-bangers who were more reasonable than you are being right now.

            TUF never attacked you. If anything, she was letting you know that she considers you a friend, and hates seeing a friend = YOU, attack others she considers friends and creating bad blood among them.

            If anything, you did her a favor in the long run by burning a bridge with her. All because you, who is supposed to be a grown man, is so obsessed with the internet, you act like a 16 year old girl getting worked up over pixels on a screen.

            TUF is a very loyal friend, and you just burned a bridge with her for no good reason. No wonder you are so miserable, and will continue to be.

            So go ahead, and keep talking more smack. It’s all on you.

          9. Weary Traveler

            You’re the dipshit who decided to air the dirty laundry on a public forum for everyone to see.

            If you didn’t want anyone else to give their 2¢ regarding your petty BS, you should have kept it private in emails.

            You started this one, cowboy.

          10. Weary Traveler

            Yup. And they proven that themselves beyond any reasonable doubt for all to see with their own behavior here over the weekend.

          11. Weary Traveler

            Atone? More like after dealing with scum like you, and your little padawan, she feels the need to be deloused.

          12. Weary Traveler

            If he wants to raise his blood pressure over mere pixels on a screen, rather than deal with his own issues, then that is on him. Meanwhile, I’ll just have fun playing Whack-A-Troll every time he wants to frantically pound on his keyboard. LOL

          13. Proud Conservative Mom

            That’s such an accurate way of putting it!

            Please feel free to scroll down where Juli wanted to know how such a nice Frummer became so very evil (according to her).

            She left such loving postings for me.

          14. Weary Traveler

            I suppose every religion would have “those” types of individuals in it who would try to use it as a weapon against anyone that doesn’t do what they want.

          15. Weary Traveler

            Speaking of sessions, you and your little padawan, Juli, sure got triggered when TUF used the word “issues” with you.

            Given your reaction, both you and Juli best avoid sharp objects. ROTFLMAO

          16. Weary Traveler

            I judge folks by their character, and you have shown yourself to be someone worth defending. I’m glad to be your friend.

          17. The Ultimate Fangirl

            Thank you. I would hope that this kind of wisdom would actually for once work with adults who want to actually resolve their issues like adults instead of acting like stubborn children. I see it every day on 1 site, and it especially hurts when 1 of my friends ends up getting harassed by other individuals who I thought were also good friends.

          18. Proud Conservative Mom

            You’re very welcome always!

            Incidentally, don’t let them pull the age factor on you.
            You very bravely spoke the truth.
            Just because someone is older than you, doesn’t mean that they’re right.

            Everything that Pudding and Juli wrote, are all vicious lies.

          19. Proud Conservative Mom

            I never stalked anyone.
            I would never do such a thing.

            I appreciate that you recognize that about me.
            The others do as well.

            @nicetomeetyou2:disqus made it very clear that I was not at fault for the blog ending.

          20. The Ultimate Fangirl

            I know that. And from what I could see just from looking at the previous thread, most of the regulars are either too busy to post, aren’t healthy enough to post, or just don’t want to. Seems pretty normal to me.

  26. The Ultimate Fangirl

    This site is shutting down soon, can we not resort to childish insult tactics with people we disagree with? PCM is a good friend, and seeing the petty and quite frankly childish behavior from those who left this site over disagreements on those jabs is very sad indeed. Act like grown ups for once

    1. mahatmacoatmabag

      I did not leave over disagreements over jabs, but over the derailing of NTJP by Weary, PCM & friends, from an Israel focused blog to a US political one. Disqus is overloaded with US political channels both left wing & right wing ones (I own one myself on which you post) but the deliberate taking over of the blog by a small group to force their agenda on everybody else.

  27. IMSarahAnn

    Good afternoon, everyone. My ongoing prayers and my ongoing wishes are that we’re each graced with a good life full of peace, joy and good health.
    It seems like 2 or 3 lifetimes ago, when I was 6 years old and older and l I read newspapers, magazine, listened to the radio and heard family members discuss the horrific and systematic segregation, torture, and murder visited upon my brothers and my sisters, the Jewish people. That occurred way before and during WW1 and WW2. Some of my family did not return from their tours of duty during those wars. The others who came back were never the same. I was young but I’ll never forget any of those atrocities as they were shared in many ways by my family and that I read about.
    I’m 86 and sometime this year, I’ll be 87. During those 80 something years, I’ve seen our enemies use all kinds of infernal strategies and tactics for our destruction. They’ve always used their most destructive weapons. They still use them. One of the most if not the best was and is their often successful attempts to divide us so they could and can destroy us. Part of their shtick in dividing us was and still is using the blame game. I suspect we’re each guilty, more or less. I know I am from time to time, especially when my husband I “lock horns.”
    The use of those tools comes with me/our being human. Imperfect humans. And my/our allowing such mind sets to continue is an exercise in self destruction and the destruction of others, in all kinds of ways. Those tools, which I mention here, belong to the world’s tyrants. They’ve got quite a tool box full of their deadly tools., which they’re ready, willing and able to share with the unwary. And if we allow ourselves, we will destroy ourselves, and our homelands, including Israel and the entire world.
    You might remember my mentioning my hero, Anne Frank, who wrote a diary, before she was murdered at Bergan-Belson. She was 16 years old. She said: :The sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.” Anne, when I grow up, I want to live those words and their sentiments. G-d bless you, Anne. G-d bless all those who’ve come here and who’re here now. G-d bless Israel and G-d bless America. And I pray that He keeps us as one and united under His Providence, Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding so that we don’t negate our wondrous and common heritage.
    I do and I will always admire and treasure each of you, where ever you are. And I’m thankful to G-d for getting to know you. Each of you is precious to He who caused us to be here. I hope that none of you are annoyed with me for taking up so much space and for asking you to accompany me to 75 years back. I think back to those times daily in the face of what’s happening now here and all over the world, including the gem of the middle east, Israel.

      1. IMSarahAnn

        Thank you Rebecca. G-d love you. G-d love each of us here and everywhere and God love America and that eternal land, Israel. She is, after all, more than a piece of land surrounded by her enemies and the desert, She is, in one way or another our mutual homeland.

    1. Tony

      A great posting and may it put the petty infighting in perspective. I am 86 in August and think the same way as you do. All the best for the future.

          1. Proud Conservative Mom

            It says everything on this board.
            Surely you saw that I was attacked this morning.

            @nicetomeetyou2:disqus will gladly attest to the fact that this forum didn’t fail because of me, nor did I sabotage it intentionally as Pudding claimed.
            In fact, it’s failure had nothing to do with me.

            People unfortunately passed away, some left, etc.

            On another note, the new blog is very prestigious and has received recognition.
            It’s centered around Israel.
            If you want to join us (no pressure whatsoever), please send whatever email address you want to use to WT’s email address highlighted in the gray box.

            @nicetomeetyou2:disqus, I am so very grateful for all that you did, and all that you are.

          2. Tony

            Thank you. I have no reason to blame anyone, and as i said earlier, I am not joining in the battle. I want friends not enemies. I’ll just sit back on where to join for the moment, and I will e-mail you if/when I need help.

          3. Proud Conservative Mom

            You’re very welcome Tony!

            Exactly. 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯
            No one is to blame.
            Life changes and gets complicated at times.
            It’s just the way it is.

            Askjrsk and Agustin didn’t want to die.
            DW didn’t want to get trolled.
            Sarita didn’t want her sister to die from cancer.
            TG didn’t ask to get sick.
            I never asked for my complex health situation, etc., etc.
            We all did the best we could.

            I’ll always be tremendously grateful to all of our members for their gift of friendship and for sharing their lives with me.

            It’s just such a pity that there was trolling on our last thread.
            Who asked for it or wanted it?

            I just wanted to peacefully enjoy the final thread 🧵 on this blog.
            I didn’t know what hit me this morning.

            On another note, how is your daughter doing?

          4. Proud Conservative Mom

            That’s the presumption because no one heard from him again and he never responded to my emails which isn’t like him.

            I knew that he was in very bad shape with heart failure.

            I cannot say that with complete certainty, but based on the evidence it would point to that.

            I’ll continue to scour the internet for his name. I know his real identity.
            I can keep you posted, please G-d.

          5. Tony

            “On another note”- yes, a daughter like we have, everybody should have. She looks after us and comes up from London so see how we are (which hasn’t be so good lately). She has a good life down there.
            Thanking you for asking.

          6. Proud Conservative Mom

            That’s a tremendous blessing to have such a wonderful daughter.
            I’m very grateful to hear that.

            With all of the earlier craziness, I inadvertently forgot to ask you how you and your wife are feeling.
            I know that you were ill.

          7. Tony

            I’ve been very off colour, but eating too much from eating the wrong stuff (I am diabetic) but getting it under control now.Wife has a few minor things but no big deal.

      1. IMSarahAnn

        The best to you too, Tony. And yes. Life is getting shorter by the minute !! The old girl is not what she use ter be ! LOL! And I hope i’ll be seeing you and the others as we wend our ways through cyberspace.

  28. John Gillis

    Good evening all, I wanted to say that I’m sorry to see the end of this blog. As a supporter of Israel, I don’t like to see this community go their separate ways. However, with the recent “dust-up”, I feel that I should speak my peace.

    @maha@mahatmacoatmabag:disqus : Pud, I’m enormously grateful to you for welcoming me to NtJP all those years ago. I loved your site’s back story, and the original members of Not the Jerusalem Post in their Purim costumes (at least that was what I was told). It was almost like seeing an introduction of “Super Friends”. HP, you, Ozraeli and the bunch inspired me to tag along and I was pleasantly surprised when I was made a moderator. And honored! All things considered; I’ve always considered you a dynamite guy. I still do.

    I must say, that in Rivka’s and Weary Traveler’s defense, that I do not agree that they ruined the blog. Was there a shift away from the original purpose of the blog? I agree that there has been more focus recently on US politics, particularly with regards to the SOB who is in the White House. Personally, I could have done more myself to introduce more meaningful Israel news items and comment on those stories. I own that. If there was a shift, we all had a stake in the direction of the conversation. And often, Rivka has made many Israel-related posts, more so than I have. WT too. Truthfully, we all could have possibly done more in that direction. However, I have to disagree with the idea that the blog was ruined. Rivka has kept my interest going, and WT as well. They have become my close friends.

    To be even more frank, Weary Traveler and Rivka have talked me through a dark period in my life. They had no idea how dark it was, but for about 18 months, I had been struggling financially and professionally. Their conversations made my day at times when I wanted to “throw in the towel”, walk away from my life and start over. They inspired me to soldier on. In private emails, Rivka, Weary Traveler and Bill Smith gave me strong encouragement. In these times, it seemed my only realizable goal was to get my health back on track, after 10 years of poor health and poor mobility. Today, I’m healthy and back to being gainfully employed. I don’t know if I would have gotten where I have without their moral support. For this reason, I can say that they are good people and deserve my support.

    Pud, with this said, I think accusing Weary Traveler and Rivka of ruining NtJP is off-base. I understand, its purpose was an alternative to the left-wing Jerusalem Post. But being human, conversations do shift. Like topics at the dinner table, anything is up for discussion. As long as I can remember, NtJP encouraged us to talk about anything, as long as it wasn’t racist, leftist or anti-Semitic. I believed that was acceptable and I believed all of us at NtJP agreed upon it. Anyway, it appeared we all did our best to keep this blog going. I do regret that there is animosity at present, but I do hope we can all reconcile and be friends.

    Again, I’m saddened by the announcement of this blog’s termination. I’ve made so many friends, particularly Sarita, Rivka, WT, Ultimate FanGirl, Juli and you. It is for this reason I speak for Rivka and Weary Traveler and will not engage in an argument with you. I say this out of respect for all of my NtJP friends, especially you, Weary Traveler and Rivka.

    May Hashem’s blessings be upon you and us all!

    1. Tony

      And. a point that has not been mentioned. is that the blog went down when the incredible Sarita left. It must have been coincidental when PCM arrived to take her place!
      A great posting, John.

      1. John Gillis

        Thank you, Tony. I initially wanted to include that point, but I forgot to mention it. My apologies. Sarita had her other concerns and Rivka became a very welcome addition.

          1. John Gillis

            OMG, thank YOU, Rivka! I felt like I didn’t contribute much in the last couple of months, but I did feel the need to post in this thread before it is closed. You are wonderful!

          2. Proud Conservative Mom

            You were doing what you needed to do to live your best life possible.
            That’s what counts.

            I cannot thank you enough for all of your kind words. 🥹🥹🥹
            It was really a balm to my heart and soul.

            I really tried to do my part to contribute the best that I could.

            I am so very grateful that you helped to set the record straight.
            It means alot.

          3. John Gillis

            This means a lot to me, Rivka! And you have been the life of this blog. I will continue to post wherever you do and keep in touch with you, Bill and Weary Traveler!

          4. Proud Conservative Mom

            Of course!

            I’m so very grateful that you’ll be joining us. 💞
            It wouldn’t be the same without you all.

            I cannot believe that this is the final page.
            I’m a bit melancholic.

      2. Proud Conservative Mom

        Sarah really lit up the blog.
        No question about it.
        It was never the same without her.

        Judaism teaches that there is no such thing as coincidences. 😊😊😊
        TYMK for your posting.

        I will really miss this place.

    2. IMSarahAnn

      Hello, John ! Beautifully and courageously said, my friend. I pray for you daily and if and when I see you, I affirm your comments.

      1. John Gillis

        Thank you, Sarah. You are truly a beautiful soul, like Fangirl said. I’m fortunate to count you as a friend!

      1. John Gillis

        I saw a license plate with Lchayim on it, on an Audi a couple months ago. It made me think of you! 😀

        1. Sapper 9

          I have no idea why discus keeps doing that to me, it switches to an alternate profile, but, it only contains my comments. Lol

          1. Sapper 9

            I have a conference in Prague four days later, so, we will go visit her family on her father’s side afterwards.

          2. Sapper 9

            Neither of her parents speak English; her mother is Brazilian and also speaks Portuguese. Lol

            The weird thing is a friend here in Missouri invited me on a local hog hunt in 2007, one of the other people on the hunt is her cousin; I have only known her for five years, how weird is that?

            Her cousin lives in Brazil; however, he travels a lot for work and my friend was doing business with him.

          3. Proud Conservative Mom

            It’s so very fascinating how over the years I have heard many stories such as this.

            My mother’s first cousins (one of the couples) and the parents of one of my oldest and best friends went to the same bungalow colony as my husband’s family during the summer.

            When my second cousin who was like the older brother that I never had (still is) suggested my husband go out with me, my in-laws checked me out with these people.

            They were kicking themselves that they didn’t think of the match themselves. 😅😅😅

          4. Sapper 9

            Everything must come at the appropriate time, in example, I had a puppy show up at one of the lowest points in my life, as if sent.

            I met my soon to be wife after she had a problem with her kayak and we fished her out of the lake; our lake houses sit across from each other and we had never met.

          5. Sapper 9

            I have had a strange circle of business deals in a one block area and it just got real strange. Lol

          6. Sapper 9

            I must tell the back story:

            This started over a year ago when I was working on a big medical clinic; i was offered a job demolishing an old restaurant on the same exit, for our efforts I recieved the small plot of land that it sat on and zero taxes on it for 5 years.

            Since I took over ownership, i have rented it to a farmers market making enough to pay insurance for liability reasons.

            Next door is an eye sore hotel that needs to see a bull dozers blade and is beyond being salvagable .
            Across the street there is another hotel that a corporatuon remodeled, ran poorly and abandoned.

            There is also a nice restaurant , which needs work on the outside.

            Continued on next post.

          7. Sapper 9

            My real estate partner invited me to breakfast at this restaurant and pitched the idea of buying the three hotel buildings next door and converting them into apartments

            We spent the entire day in and out of the motel and restaurant, I came up with a real low ball number to offer; over that weekend a body was found in a burning car across the street, so our offer was reduced by 20% and submitted.

            My daughter was part of a team that Supervised a small special Olympics type competition and the owner of that restaurant donated the food for the event and has done so for many years.

            I closed on the motel and found out at Closing that the restaurant was part of the deal , my partner thought that I knew, what an oversight on my part.

          8. Proud Conservative Mom

            Good morning Sapper9!
            I also wish you a wonderful trip with incredible weather.
            May you both be safe.

            Having good weather when on vacation is a gift from Hashem, as is every single day of life.

          9. Proud Conservative Mom

            You’re very welcome always!

            I want to thank you for all of your wisdom that you shared as well.
            I love the pictures of your grandchildren that you posted.

            Your grandchildren are very beautiful.
            May you all be blessed with beautiful lives in every single manner.

    3. Weary Traveler

      John, I want to say to you that it was my pleasure to encourage you and help you along the best I could. You have always been a good guy, and my philosophy is that good guys need a helping hand. From my understanding as well, this was an open forum, with an Israel theme.

      This place was very unique, and had a lot of smart people, even if we all didn’t see eye to eye on every issue, Ukraine being the most recent.

      For the most part, we are mature adults, and don’t have to hate each other to disagree. And the conversation here has always been rather interesting with so many very smart people from various walks of life who all had their own unique perspective to add to any discussion.

      1. John Gillis

        Thank you, Weary Traveler! I agree that we don’t have to agree on all points to remain friends. That’s where acceptance and maturity come into play. Sometimes, what is most important is recognizing the good and smart people and forgoing those who are not. Ripping on leftist trolls like Gus is an exception to this rule, only because it’s so much fun and you and I both know those trolls richly deserve it, LOLOLOLOL!!!

        Your encouragement is highly valued. Always.

    4. mahatmacoatmabag

      John I had not previously read your comment, I did so this morning (Tues 13th June) The problem with ‘Thinking’ is when you put it to paper, it often turns out that you thought wrongly so I would advise in future keeping your thoughts to yourself.

      1. Weary Traveler

        Wow…. So this is how you treat your friends, eh?

        I am so glad that you and I are enemies. Because with you, it doesn’t matter = friend or enemy, it is always the same outcome with you. At least as your enemy = a situation YOU created, the other person can see it coming.

All you have doing for nearly the past week now, is helping everyone else here figure that out about both you, and your little Padawan, as you continually show your ass here because you cannot help yourself but to be a caustic prick.

        Now that you have shown your true colors, and made your petty feelings with regards to your bruised little ego known to everyone, you can now finally just fuck off, and go eat a bag of dicks.

        Correction, make that a whole shopping cart full of dicks. That way, you will at least have some left over to share with your little Padawan. ROTFLMAO

        1. John Gillis

          Thank you, Weary Traveler. It is unfortunate he felt the need to lash out. This board could have ended on a more positive note and Pudding’s attacks on Rivka, you and Fangirl were uncalled for.

          On a positive note, I went through this entire thread and upvote stalked all the NtJP members who made this board worthwhile!

          1. Weary Traveler

            Don’t be too hard on yourself. You had no way of knowing, and none of us have crystal balls.

            I remember when he was cool, and I don’t regret treating him accordingly then. You have nothing to regret, neither do I, and neither does PCM. This is for him and him alone to carry on his conscience. And if he doesn’t care, then…. PFFFT!! Oh well.

          2. John Gillis

            Thank you, Weary Traveler! I do hope he reflects on his recent tantrum, but despite what he says about anyone on NtJP, this was a great blog with fantastic contributors.

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